Re Bruce's post below, I'd like to point out that the government-designed medical insurance is not really insurance at all. It's just payment for medical services, at government-determined rates.
In fact, it's insurance only in the same sense that Social Security is insurance - you are forced to pay into it, and you are forced to take it.
I like to have freedom of choice in selecting my coverage, just as with my auto insurance. I have a relatively high-deductible ($10,000 over 2 years - 100% thereafter) Major Medical insurance. What I save in premiums with this comes close to my deductible - plus I have a Medical Savings Plan. It's all quite inexpensive. It does not cover aromatherapy, massage therapy, chiropractors, homeopathy, addiction treatment, experimental treatments, abortions and other elective procedures like sex-change operations, routine check-ups, and tons of other things that politicians, under pressure from interest groups, will squeeze into the government-designed plan.
The insurance I have today, which is designed to keep you out of financial catastrophe if you get really sick, would not be permitted under the Baucus plan.
After my morning prayers, and thanks for Republican victories in yesterday�s elections that may help stop the ObamaCare obomination in its tracks, I picked up my morning newspaper and on page 3 read the article, �Move to put spiritual care in health bill.
Tracked: Nov 04, 10:12