MICKEY KAUS: Smug self-styled wonks will kill health care yet. “WaPo’s Ezra Klein decrees ‘rules’ for those who would use the CBO’s damning analysis ‘against the existing health-care reform proposals’–they ‘must,’ he says, endorse some combination of cost-cutting proposals from a list he provides. Huh? Even as mock hubris (and it’s hard to tell) this makes no sense. Who said opponents have to be for more cost-cutting? Why can’t Republicans say to Dems a) You said your plans would bend the cost curve down. Instead they increase costs. The status quo would be better than your plans. Vote no. b) You said your plans would bend the cost curve down. Instead they increase costs. Why should we believe anything else you say? … That isn’t what I would say, but it’s not an illogical or inappropriate response.” Plus, “Klein goes on, of course, to re-endorse the very treatment-restricting form of cost-cutting that is scaring people away from the Dem plans.”
Woops. I thought this was about my Vet bills, which far exceed my medical bills with the dogs, the wife's horses, etc. When will the government care about the health of my animals? I cannot get insurance for any of them.
We will tolerate no rationing of medical care for our beloved animals.
Amazingly, I hear Bob Beckel on Sean saying that nobody can afford their kids' regular medical check ups. WTH?Why should I take care of Bob Beckel's kids?
I will take care of his kids when he takes care of my cars.