From a commenter on our abortion post yesterday:
That we live in a land in which one can go to prison for harming the egg of a piping plover yet enjoy a Constitutionally protected right to exterminate their unborn human child speaks only the unspeakable about our national legacy.
Plover eggs: Yum. (Kidding aside, I am all in favor of protecting the endangered Piping Plover.)
Via Protein:
Mr Gore admitted that it was difficult to persuade the public that the threat from climate change was as urgent as that from Hitler.
And via Tim Blair re Al Gore:
He’s getting rich from environmentalism, not just by being paid a whopping $US175,000 ($217,500) a speech but by using political pressure to force government policy in a direction that benefits his business interests.
Via Wilkinson:
I worry that today’s equivalent of Robert McNamara is Peter Orszag, who I fear is poised to do for our health care system what McNamara did for Vietnam.
Michael Jackson still dead, etc, at Outside the Beltway:
Ah . . . the public’s unquenchable thirst for knowledge. It never ceases to amaze.
Via Wiz re the Repubs:
It is looking more so everyday that the Republican congressional leadership (pardon the oxymoron) is going to stand by and watch the place burn down.
It's the Rope-a-Dope strategery.
Via Ace:
"I sure hope [Sarah Palin's] family recovers from what she has done to them."
- Andrew Sullivan, independent roving ad-hoc obstetrician-at-large to Sarah Palin, and unofficial "gonzo geneologist" of Trig Palin
Via Marginal Rev:
The economy of sub-Saharan Africa—including Nigeria and South Africa—is smaller than the economy of New York City.