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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, May 29. 2009Obama Thanks You For All The Free Advertising
I honestly thought all the pearl clutching paranoids pulled the lever with the D next to it, but I guess I was mistaken. You ran the least attractive candidate possible for President and lost by a little and you're ready to commit suicide in your Ayn Rand bunker after you're finished homeschooling your kids. It's tiresome stuff. I'm going to try to explain it to you one more time. Obama, and all his accomplices in his co-prosperity sphere, are not "secret" anythings. Not secret muslims, socialists, communists, antichrists or Illuminati. He'd adore it if you spent the next eight years looking for his birth certificate, because he knows it's a colossal waste of his enemies' time, and that's a natural born fact. It's a straight plunder economy. Why are you so confused and surprised about this? You keep talking about all sorts of ill effects that are going to appear in decades and verify your wild hypothesis about the guy. But the effects are always immediate and visible. He's not playing a deep game here.I take that back. Maybe he is. He's confused a lot of people into thinking he's confusing. Poor Rich Moran. He's all shocked that maybe car dealership closings under the watchful eye of Democrat mandarins are going to fall along party lines, and figures it's earthshaking.
Very Drudgey, that. Kinda goofy too. It's goofy because if the car dealer thing is true, you're just wearing a sandwich board advertising for Obama by harping on it if you're not in a position to do anything about it. It's unwise to wound a tyrant. Drudge didn't get famous by noticing fat interns wear dresses. It was a particular dress that had to be produced.
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Yup...Obama has a slick operating machine. Unfortunately, He will drive the country into economic chaos by this time next year. Even CNN won't be able to cover that up.
Obama is seeking yet more taxpayer money as he has now learned that the Chinese and Saudis aren't going to buy any more US debt notes without some serious concessions. (for some of the stranger taxation ideas being floated, you can visit: http://firstconservative.com/blog/political-humor/political-humor-creative-taxation ) This will only weaken the economy further and drive remaining manufacturing jobs to China. Olbermann and the rest of the Obama-butt-sniffers won't be able to cover for him. After reading this I am sure of only one thing.
If it comes to a fight, this de Hauteville pussy is NOT someone I want on my side. .......then I defer to you on this one.
But his "you're doing it wrong" sounds an awful lot like " screw it we're beat....... lets just give up" What I heard was, this is not a game for points. Draw blood or don't bother.
Drat. Here all along, I thought there was a body of solid evidence that could be used against Obama, and none of it was just ordinary "reward friends, punish enemies" greedy Chicago-style politics. You know, how higher capital gains taxes are in the interests of "fairness," and other neo-Marxist Class Warrior stuff. Individualism versus collectivism, that sort of thing. But here we have The One as Huey Long....
I wonder how the Israelis feel about de H's trivialization of the Obama agenda. All that's needed is one connecting piece of evidence that would tie the White House Automotive Task Force to some political arm of the Democratic party.
This is not difficult to process. Car dealers are businessmen. Businessmen favor ... which party? The low-volume dealers getting the ax live in small towns. People in small towns tend to favor ... which party? It's demographics, not a conspiracy. But one thing that government ownership of GM will bring out are conspiracy nuts. Business can't ignore politics. But mixing politics in business is never a good idea. I have re-thought this since yesterday's post on this LaRaza judge persyn. (what ever "La Raza" means- "the rice"? or something..) Anyway, I think moderation is the key, extremism is the bugaboo.
So I got out my copy of Great Moderates In History and sure enough it's right there on page 27, in the Simple Rules for Moderates section, chapter 1. Rule #1, First do no Harm, by doing nothing. Rule #2, If conflict arises, do nothing. Rule #3, When in doubt- do nothing. Rule #4, No matter what, don't believe the hype and do nothing. and finally Rule #5 for Moderates- When confronted with massive deceit, corruption, unlawful behavior, and threats of Preventative Detention - DO NOTHING. That way nobody can ever accuse you of being narrow minded hate mongers or paranoiacs. Committed moderation is political dry-humping.
I made that up. What I want to know is what made those Moderates in History Phil mentions great? ` Phil, " La Raza" means the race.
I don't think Ray Nagin is a moderate, but he sure used those rules when Katrina came a calling. Another nail in the Chrysler / GM coffin.
Who buys these cars? Not liberals - they buy fancy imports. Yet one more reason for their core customers to never, ever buy one of their crappy cars again. Speaking of moderation... BD, why are comments on Levon's statutory rape and coercion of his honey to give a cop a blow job moderated? I mean, you got a kick out of that filth. The song is worth a comment, for sure.
It's getting creepy around here with all the extremely young and made-to-look-adolescent picture girls, and now your chuckling about Levon and censoring comments? What is up with that? Interesting you mention that Meta... I had the same question, oddly defered. Seems a bit much for a family centered blog.
"Creepy"? How does that response emerge from viewing a photo of a pretty, cheerful girl? And "family-centered" means no cuties in short skirts allowed? So what about the occasional references to killing innocent wildlife, smoking cee-gars, and enjoying a dram of a fine single malt? Will there be a "Clean up the Farm" campaign? .... Have I fled political correctness, only to find it doing its fell work here, too? Horrors!
The "girls in pigtails" pictures can go either way, imo. However the Levon Helm story did give me the creeps. Grown men taking advantage of 16 year old girls (and worse, posing as 14 year old girls) is just plain wrong. And if someone posted to say as much (can't be sure since apparently the posts have been squashed), than what has happened is precisely "correctness" in an incorrect manner.
Also, don't see raising this sort of point as being PC. It's an open discussion. Pictures of attractive young [u]women[/] in various stages of undress are generally accepted by the regulars here, its the marginal suggestion-of-pedophilia that is being objected to. Not to mention that the ladies' requests for reciprocation generally go unfulfilled...not that I'm complaining, mind you... Chill thyself, Benson. I won't repeat anything KRW said because he covered it except for the hypocrisy rampant on this site. We're all pretty raunchy so it's far from a 'family-centered' site. That's bogus. The several hosts of the blog are profoundly religious and frequently post religious items to which some commenters respond and some do not. The occasional turtle pleases all. It's a nicely mixed bag of acceptance all around until Foghorn Leghorn lets loose with a bludgeoning of the serfs, but lucky for us, that happens infrequently. It is another thing entirely to express pleasure at illicit sexual acts and then prohibit commentary. That does not happen often, and in this case, it does deserve some outrage on a number of levels.
It's not political correctness by a long shot. It's hypocrisy and sanctimony. Praise the Lord, Ben. ` Foghorn Leghorn is the person who North Country refers to. I think it apt as NC puts it - It's a bullhorn blast that rambles off as ever decreasing sound waves, signifying nothing we retards don't already know. I don't think he's a homo or a lesbian. How the hell did that come up? We were having a tea partay about perverts doncha know. THAR HE BLOWS - that scurrilous member of the law.
But don't be talkin' 'bout it, now. shhh... ` Murder is wrong, talking about it is not. Let's not let the actual deed disqualify the mention of it. And if marginal suggestions set off alarm bells, then the alarm system is hypersensitive to the point of being dysfunctional. When political correctness has become so ingrained that it can no longer be detected in the tut-tutting of overenthusiastic prudes, it has won -- and free speech is mocked.
Lighten up, Comstockers. Sanitizing the Farm is not going to change one thing in the wide world out there, where the real evils are. Besides, once you get started on your cleanup, how will you know when and where to stop? Better to let a perfectly decent and harmless community tell dirty jokes and snicker at the foibles of the unwashed. You're either missing or evading the point, Benson. See Meta just above you and read again what KRW said about 16 year olds. It's wrong, how Levon and the boys took advantage of that young woman. And to 'get a kick' out of the story says much about the man who admits to such. No PC to it.
I attempted to comment on the 'Big Pink' post to voice my opinion but my comment did not make it through 'moderation'. "But his "you're doing it wrong" sounds an awful lot like
" screw it we're beat....... lets just give up"" Oh, puhleaze. Get your "smart game face" on not just the growling and the shouting. The whole POINT of this excellent series of observations by Roger is that about "1. Hole -- in one. 2. Stop digging." To get where you want to go you have to admit where you are. Or as that memorable commie Joe Hill said, "Don't mourn. Organize." I don't think you understood my comment.
I am well aware of the point Roger was making; I referred to it directly when I said his "you're doing it wrong" Is that not his point? Is he not saying to those folks, Rick Moran in particular, are "doing it wrong" when it comes to opposing the current administration's agenda? MY POINT was that in telling these folks that they are doing it wrong, I felt Mr. de Hauteville was coming across as defeatist. He offered no alternative strategy, simply tore down the efforts of others. I can't help but notice that you aren't offering alternatives either, save a few tired cliches. You'll forgive me if, in the face of the last 5 months or so, I'd like something with a bit more heft. Is Mr. de Hauteville right? are these folks "doing it wrong"? I don't know, but at least they are doing. I'm still having trouble believing you actually typed Oh, puhleaze. How's this for alternative, read Peggy Noonan's column in today's WSJ. The GOP needs to start acting like grown-ups. She presents a strategy to take regarding the upcoming SCOTUS confirmation. I won't repeat it here, but it's in line with Roger's points.
It's easy to stake out an extreme position on things in spite of the reality of the day. Either the strategy fails and the proponents can point to any single deviation from the strategy (and even within those who agree, any strategy has numerous options when conditions change) or the strategy is so out of line with reality that it isn't taken, more triumph for the armchair quarterbacks. Since I protested the protesting of the protest, let me now commit the ultimate (so far) hypocrisy by making protest of the protested protesting of the protest! Why this is downright silly. The more we post the more post-post-postmodernist we get.
Me thinks, yall have it piquined and tightly. Mudboy is a blind for the slight whom the real men of the the left will not miss for a minute because they have another in the wings. Blast the masthead along with the lesbian pirates then put hard astern. Hussein has no birth certificate and that is enough to disqualify democrats command and keep shelling at every fault leaving none unattended. hear, hear - insert fingers into ears & let her rip with both barrels, then pray a righteous force will direct each into a keg of boom while exterminating the treasonous mutineers
Methinks you need a blow job, matey. It might give you some insight. Prolly not. Avast! T'is time, t'is time... prepare to flog the jackass 'round the fleet!
` Avast! Tie that scurvy dog to the yardarm and hoist the Jolly Roger, maties! Let's all play pirates! Sheesh. Peggy was right.
I tried to explain how the fun new plunder economy works to my friends the Republicans. Not interested, I guess. I'll try once more. The only people listening to you, when you put on your tinfoil helmet and yelled as loudly as you cou
Tracked: Jun 07, 09:10