Readers know how much I like outdoor gear, and how I need to remind myself that when I wear a few layers, I need to get trousers a full size larger in the waist or I will be miserable in the woods and fields.
It was a balmy 13 degrees F this morning here, with snow. Beautiful.
Well, I need to remind myself of the same thing with boots. I tried out some new snow/winter boots early this morning to plow and sand and shovel the driveway and walks before going to work in Hartford, and I had not figured for liner socks and heavy socks. It just hurt.
Remind me, readers. I have trouble remembering this: Except for base layers, winter gear needs to be bigger than one's usual.
With the global cooling crisis, even those in the southern reaches will need to learn these details. Here's Dr. Merc's boat this morning in the Florida Keys (cannot find our friend's site right now, and I doubt he can find his snow shovel either):
