Chart on right borrowed from S,C & A. What's with that DC number?
Soros' ACT fined $775,000 by FEC. The organization doesn't seem to care. Pocket change for George. The NY Sun editorializes "Calling the Founders."
Accusations of corruption in pro tennis. Breibart
Anti-war demonstrators are being paid? Am Thinker
Making some money from Beer Pong. Betsy
Barney Frank speaks up for Larry Craig. h/t, Pajamas. I wondered what he would do.
1200 tigers remain in India. 24,000 in American zoos.
If Jesus makes a difference in your life, don't say it outloud in school.
Be careful about what you say about Islam: Libel Tourism, at Cinnamon. A libel suit can mess up your life, even if you are in the right.
Insty suggests bringing in Randy Barnett to fact-check the NYT. The "newspaper of record" is confused about what is in our Constitution.