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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, June 19. 2021Saturday morning links
Lego Introduces New Sharper Bricks That Instantly Kill You When You Step On Them What Ever Happened to Flirting? By assuming that any approach is malign unless proven otherwise, we lose something potentially risky—but also potentially wonderful. My Mother Came to America the Right Way. Here’s How Biden’s Policies Devalue Legal Immigration. Who trusts the US Federal govt to do what is right? Jeff Bezos-Backed Company To Build Fusion Plant In UK World Report Card: The Inexorable March Toward Zero Carbon Emissions (Not!) When Sons Become Daughters: It’s Time to Admit That Reflexive ‘Affirmation’ Has Been a Mistake Could there be anything more gross than the masks your kids are wearing? The CDC Says Vaccinated People Can Safely Travel, But Please Don't - More mixed messages from CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. Scientist Admits: We Concealed Our Knowledge That a Lab Leak Was Likely Because We Didn't Want to be "Associated With Trump" Wuhan, Weapons, & Burned Spies: CCP Defector Identified, Gave 'Terabytes' Of Dirt To US Govt. Minneapolis police investigating bags of human body parts found on the street Welcome to Wokespeak: Its Logic-Defying Rhetoric Is Making Heads Spin Parent Destroys CRT At Illinois School Board Meeting: ‘How Do I Have Two Medical Degrees If I’m Sitting Here Oppressed?’… Don't Ban CRT. Expose It. There's a liberal way to fight illiberalism. And it's beginning to work. So It Begins: Lori Lightfoot Declares Racism a 'Public Health Crisis' to Justify New Policy Chicago mayor: Racism is a public health crisis, It is "literally killing us" Army Long Range Strike Gives China A Taste of Its Own Medicine Comments
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Re: Minneapolis police find body parts in bags. It is clear that 'Minnesota Nice' is now dead. It's a shame. I used to like business trips to Minneapolis when I was working.
It's gratifying to at least see some sensible steps being taken to develop nuclear energy, the only viable technology that pretty much has support across the social and political spectrum, with the exception of the lunatics that want to return us to caves. Maybe now that we're launching rockets and landing them just like Flash Gordon did, we're beginning to have more faith in technology's problem-solving skills.
Here in Texas it's been a mild spring. Temperatures are only now starting to seem like summer is coming. And yet, ERCOT is moaning that this heat has the grid tottering and about to keel over. People with Smart Thermostats are finding that their provider is accessing their thermostat remotely and dialing their home temperatures up, to take the strain off the grid. How the hell did this happen? One guess, and it involves replacing gas-fired power-gen with you-guessed-it. Them California ways, finding their way in. We'll have rolling blackouts and traffic jams in Austin, before ya know it. What happened to flirting? Feminism happened, that's what, in its modern, socially-popular, uncompromising, strident form. "Don't Ban CRT. Expose It."
Reverse it! If it isn't racists then just reverse the races. Teach CRT that way or if being taught/preached to reverse it right back at them. Slavery was a way of life for Africans for milleniums. 100% of African slaves that were captured and transported to the new world were captured and traded by black tribes. Whites didn't go in and snatch them. More white slaves were taken from Europe to Northern Africa than black slaves taken to America. Cleary this is a African problem foisted on us by them. Juneteenth!! Whoop Whoop!
The day we celebrate the Republicans beating the Democrats and freeing their slaves. This is just awful. From back when 'the science was settled' on radioactivity.
In the 1920s, People Thought Radioactive Water Was Good for the Health https://www.vintag.es/2021/06/Radithor.html And this: The Radium Girls: The Living Dead Women in the 1920s https://www.vintag.es/2021/06/radium-girls.html Lego Introduces New Sharper Bricks That Instantly Kill You When You Step On Them: The BEE STINGS!! And always hits its targets dead center.
Who trusts the US Federal govt to do what is right? Not I! Could there be anything more gross than the masks your kids are wearing? (And it's not even CLOSE to Halloween!) Woke Speak: Lies, Damned Lies, and Damnder Lies. Racism is a public health crisis, It is "literally killing us". Bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmer, lady. You need to get your head on straight. Structural racism is tossed around a lot, but those using that phrase don't really know what it is. Most blacks distrust, resent and dislike whites because of perceived racism. THAT is itself "structural racism". They are racist based on perceived and actual experience with an entire race. Whites too are prone to structural racism. They perceive or know that black people commit 80% of violent crimes and murders and that black people should be avoided. This is what structural racism is. Think of it like the way you decide which dogs are safe to pet; Labs are almost always safe while German Shepherds should be avoided. THAT is structural "dog" racism. BUT if you fail to have that racism it is likely that you will get bitten.
Who trusts the US Federal government to do what is right? Not me. Just who are the 15-20 percent that do?
Here is an alphabetical list of all the federal agencies and departments. How many of these do you know? Did you know there is an Indian Arts and Crafts commission? I wonder what its annual budget is? Wonder through the list, and ask yourself why it is so difficult to reduce the size and scope of the federal government. Maybe we, for the sake of Liberty, we should raze it and start from scratch. When in the course of human events…. B. Hammer: Did you know there is an Indian Arts and Crafts commission? I wonder what its annual budget is?
About $1.25 million. An additional $3.5 million is allocated to the Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement to help with enforcement of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, which prevents the trafficking of counterfeit arts and crafts. They also run a few museums and provides business advice to Indian artists, craftspeople, and cultural organizations. https://www.doi.gov/iacb/ Anon: Think of it like the way you decide which dogs are safe to pet; Labs are almost always safe while German Shepherds should be avoided. ]
No. That's plain old racism. Structural racism is replacing election workers with only Republicans, reducing the number of minorities acting as election workers. https://newsbinding.com/politics/how-republican-states-are-expanding-their-power-over-elections/ Chicago mayor on racism actually killing us. Racism isn't killing blacks. Black culture as lived in the blue cities is what is killing them.
So you are saying that the blacks distrusting and whites is plain old racism?
AND you are saying that since most electoral cheating happens in cities where blacks dominate the vote counting that THAT is structural racism? AND that not wanting to be friendly with a German Shepherd dog because they are 8 times more likely to bite you (and conversely not wanting to be friendly with inner city blacks because they are 8 times more likely to assault you) is good common sense? That is a really good thing, right? And the Indians pay for this through their federal taxes on profits they make selling their arts and crafts, right??? Oh! Wait! Indians are exempt from federal income taxes!!!
Anon: AND that not wanting to be friendly with a German Shepherd dog because they are 8 times more likely to bite you (and conversely not wanting to be friendly with inner city blacks because they are 8 times more likely to assault you) is good common sense?
The vast majority of Blacks are not violent criminals. Anon: That is a really good thing, right?
Yes. It's a good thing to enforce laws against counterfeit products. Anon: Indians are exempt from federal income taxes!!! Tribes are exempt, similar to states; however, Indians are subject to individual income tax on their earnings, or on any profit distributed by the tribal government. Thanks for finding the budget. My intent was not to pick on the natives, just found that one at random: What the heck is that?
How about the Denali Commission? I see there is a Women’s Bureau but no Men’s Bureau, why is that? Do we really need a Japan-United States Friendship Commission? The list and questions go on. How about the FBI? As corrupt as those rascals have shown themselves to be, we could live without them, and the CIA. Is the collective known as Zachriel part of the 15-20 percent that trusts the federal government to do the right thing? "The vast majority of Blacks are not violent criminals."
Of course! I agree 100% but by comparison; 8 times the vast majority of whites are not violent criminals. If you look at the statistics of all crimes in the U.S. and only count the rates for whites the U.S. is safer than Canada or any European country and only beat out for safety by Japan. AND if you eliminate criminal activity by drug users there is almost zero crime committed by whites, even less crime than in Japan. These are true facts and stunning facts but unheralded. Why? Because it would destroy the propaganda of the left AND kinda highlight where the problem really is. You are dead wrong!!! Indians, living on the reservation, are exempt from federal taxes. AND 100% of them regardless of income get various forms of federal welfare.
However, IF you are an Indian NOT living on or associated with a reservation you are simply another American citizen who pays taxes. B. Hammer: How about the Denali Commission?
We leave that as an exercise for the reader. In any case, about half of everything is wasted — assuming good governance. B. Hammer: Maybe we, for the sake of Liberty, we should raze it and start from scratch. That isn't necessary. Just pass a law. But keep in mind G. K. Chesterton's conservative admonition: QUOTE: There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it. Anon: Indians, living on the reservation, are exempt from federal taxes.
IRS: Members of a federally recognized Indian tribe are subject to federal income and employment tax and the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), like other United States citizens. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p5424.pdf I have never been a fan of conspiracy theories, most of them seem rediculous. I do believe that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, that Flight 800 didn't shoot itself down, that Timothy McVeigh didn't bomb OK City all by himself and Epstein didn't kill himself. But most conspiracy theories, especially those associated with the CIA or the federal government seemed to wild to believe.
But it seems that carelessness or uncaring has allowed considerable evidence to leak out that indeed our CIA, DOJ, IRS and FBI are conspiring against our citizens and our constitutional republic. I didn't want to believe it. I've made excuses in the past for it. But the evidence is overwhelming. My fervent hope is that it is nothing more then simple corruption and fraud and not collusion with our communist enemies. But even there the evidence seems to be telling us that our government is indeed being controlled to some extent by China and Russia. What troubles me is that if true, and I believe it is, this cannot end well. There will have to be either revolution in the streets OR war OR both. Oh, one other possibility is that we simply continue to acquise until we are slaves to a far left government with no chance to save ourselves. Am I wrong? Do others not see it yet or not believe it yet? I'm traveling and I visited an ex brother in law in Connecticut. He has a neighbor who dropped over one evening and in casual talk he revealed he is a screenwriter for TV detective shows and this season he and his associates were told to stop creating black criminal that in the future the criminal must be white or most of them white. Interesting. As a guest I refrained from commenting or arguing with him or the in-law but I really had to bite my tongue.
George Soros said "Destroying America will be the culmination of my life's work."
It's not that simple or clear:
As a Native American (or Alaskan Native), you are eligible for the following: Federal income taxes are not levied on income from trust lands held for Native Americans by the U.S. State income taxes are not paid on income earned on a federal Indian reservation. State sales taxes are not paid by Indians on transactions made on a federal Indian reservation. Local property taxes are not paid on reservation or trust land. Here are the instructions on how to report the State Income Tax wage exemption in TurboTax: When you finish the Federal Taxes section, click State Taxes in the TurboTax header. Begin the state tax return interview. Continue to the page titled "Here's the income that XXXX handles differently" Click Start/Revisit beside "Tribal Income" Choose your Tribe Name and enter the amount of tribal income to exclude. See the blue link "nonbusiness tribal income" for help. If your tribe is NOT on the drop-down list, it may not have a tax agreement with your State. Contact your local tribe representative for more info. Complete the state interview to save your entries. Anon: State income taxes are not paid on income earned on a federal Indian reservation.
No, because the reservation acts much like a state government and levies their own taxes. Anon: It's not that simple or clear: U.S. taxes never are, for instance, unrealized capital gains are not subject to income tax. None of this salvages your false claim that "Indians are exempt from federal income taxes!!!" Anon: 8 times the vast majority of whites are not violent criminals.
Maths is apparently not your strong suit. Uh, no.
https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/apr/26/facebook-posts/no-george-soros-never-said-he-made-it-his-lifes-mi/ It's no longer Mary Tyler Moore's Minneapolis. Couldn't figure out whether her statute still exists or has been vandalized and pulled down. Today's Minneapolis is more like Blackhawk Down II. But nobody's coming to rescue the good guys.
Who trusts the US Federal govt to do what is right?
Only a slobbering fool. If by "math" you mean "lies damned lies and statistics" well I think THAT is your strong Suite.
Wow! I guess I have to concede you are right. With a source like factchecks obviously I must be wrong. LOL
But tell me this oh wise one: If Soros DID believe that, what would he be doing different from what he does today??? And yet I know Indians who live on the reservation who have jobs and pay zero income tax and they are not required to even file federal taxes. I married an Indian and half my relatives are Indian.
You can, but the amount of radioactivity you can get is minimal. Also, because the pools are a "Parks Canada" facility, they are not fun to visit being very sterile with seriously uncaring attendants.
Anon: 8 times the vast majority of whites are not violent criminals.
99% * 8 = 7920% Blacks commit murder at 8 times the rate of whites.
Blacks commit rape at 12 times the rate of whites. Blacks commit violent assault at 10 times the rate of whites. And yet the vast majority of Blacks are not violent criminals, while the majority of violent crimes are intraracial.
(Your ratio is wrong. https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/revcoa18.pdf ) "Your ratio is wrong".
It may well be wrong for certain years. The stats are generally released every year and the source I had was not for the last two or three years (don't remember the date). Like any statistics that is for a single year it varies and you can ALWAYS say it is wrong by simply choosing a different year to compare it too. "the vast majority of Blacks are not violent criminals" So, we are back to that are we. Of course I agree 100%. But 8 times the majority of whites are not violent criminals. (I only say it that way because it triggers you, LOL.) I live 5 months a year in the South West in a 55+ park. 99.9% of the people who live here are white. The closest thing to a crime in the past 20 years is someone put too much trash in one of the dumpsters and it pissed of an 80 YO Karen. You can sleep in a recliner in your driveway. You can leave your stuff laying around unwatched. NO CRIME ever. I'll make you a bet that I can sleep outside my park model trailer in my recliner more nights in a row here than YOU can in a random driveway in East St. Louis or Ferguson. Give it a try, what have you got to lose? I am talking about razing the progressive - actually regressive - policies of the last hundred years; representing hardly a single growth ring in the old tree of civilization. But policies so definitely destructive, so well catalogued, that only the insane or malignantly evil, still pursue. If I believed in outlawing thought, speech, burning books, as the progressive\marxist does, it would be all human knowledge of Marx and his evil philosophies. However, inevitably, some other crack pot would soon think it up a knew.
"Just pass a law." Yeah, how has that been working out for us? The Denali Commission was established in 1998! The US government spent the first 150 years without getting much involved in the economy; not trying to fix things; build new fences. The last 60 years, as progressive policies have been implemented, we see more and more dysfunction, lawlessness and the coarsening of society. Progressive policies inevitably pit people against each other through envy, and racial animus. The root of all marxist dogma is pitting people against each other. Good governance? Where the heck is that taking place? Florida, Texas - in some spots - and several other Red States. The place's sane Blue State residents, and unfortunately, progressives, are fleeing too. Nice try on the Chesterton quote. You should read the entire essay, in which you will discover that he was defending fences and gates of the sort that the progressives were attempting to destroy. The kind of policies, moralities, and law that had shaped western civilization. Anon: The stats are generally released every year and the source I had was not for the last two or three years (don't remember the date).
You forgot the citation. Anon: Of course I agree 100%. Then you grant your original comment was a gross mischaracterization. B. Hammer: If I believed in outlawing thought, speech, burning books, as the progressive\marxist does, it would be all human knowledge of Marx and his evil philosophies.
You seem to be using some "special" definition of progressive. B. Hammer: Nice try on the Chesterton quote. You should read the entire essay, in which you will discover that he was defending fences and gates of the sort that the progressives were attempting to destroy. You advocated tearing down a fence with no notion why the fence was put up in the first place. Of course not because you did a bait a switch. If someone shot 8 bullets at you and one killed you but the others missed it would still be true that the vast majority of the bullets missed. Therefore while it can be true that you are 8 times more likely to be assaulted or killed by a black person the vast majority of blacks do not assault or kill.
The very fact that you have to wordsmith and prevaricate to make your point proves my point. Anon: If someone shot 8 bullets at you and one killed you but the others missed it would still be true that the vast majority of the bullets missed.
Except none of the bullets being aimed at you are innocent. The vast majority of Blacks are not violent criminals, so when you said, "Think of it like the way you decide which dogs people are safe to pet meet; Labs Whites are almost always safe while German Shepherds Blacks should be avoided," that, as noted above, would be plain old racism. An an example of systemic racism was then provided to show the difference. By golly I think you finally got it!!!
"Think of it like the way you decide which dogs people are safe to pet meet; Labs Whites are almost always safe while German Shepherds Blacks should be avoided," That's it. Blacks are 8 times more likely to kill you or assault you so they should be avoided. You figured it out!!! That is the basis of the "talk" all white people have to have with their children. But then you said "that, as noted above, would be plain old racism." I'm not sure you know what racism is. So... would it be racist for a Jew in 1939 avoiding a SS soldier in Germany or Poland??? Hmmmm!!! OR would it be simply common sense like not trying to pet a German Shepherd dog? Would denying attendance at a university because your are white or Asian be racism? Would giving unqualified blacks admittance to a university be racism? Would giving blacks reparations be racism? Here is a great example:
https://donsurber.blogspot.com/2021/06/biden-to-tackle-crime-like-he-did-border.html Anon: By golly I think you finally got it!!! Whites are almost always safe while Blacks should be avoided
That's what we thought you said. "That's what we thought you said."
Glad that's clear. Damned statistics! |
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