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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, March 2. 2021Tuesday morning links
Vermont wants sales taxes for groceries Could The Attacks On Dr. Seuss Be The Tipping Point For Cancel Culture? WAKE UP TO WOKE, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE There Is No Such Thing as "White" Math. I naively believed that STEM would be spared from the ideological takeover. I was wrong, says Princeton professor Sergiu Klainerman. Former NY Times Reporter Donald McNeil Slams the Paper in Four-Part Post About His Departure Following Racism Allegations CA Teachers’ Union Head Seen Taking Daughter to In-person Preschool Amid School Closures Byron York's Daily Memo: Reassessing Trump and Covid Biden’s Presidency Seems Ready to End World Economic Forum commits a ‘Kinsley gaffe’ and then deletes Twitter video revealing its real agenda Trackbacks
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Boris Johnson faces calls to bring back WW2 meat rationing to save the planet
In stead of carbon taxing meat, ration it in the name of 'fairness'. Plus a new bureaucracy can be established to administer the program. It's just a matter of time before the scheme is floated here. Having control of another man's diet is the ultimate power trip. QUOTE: “And how did we do it fairly in the Second World War? We didn’t say we were going to put a tax on meat and the rich can afford loads of meat and the poor get none, what we did was rationing. “We have to accept that meat has really high carbon emissions, so the fair way of bringing it down and bringing down consumption is for (someone) to say ‘this is as much meat as you’re allowed each year’ and there’s your ration. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1394822/Boris-Johnson-UK-news-climate-change-WW2-meat-rationing-latest-VN CO2 emissions: I admit I just scanned the article, but did I miss the per capita comparison of CO2 emissions by country. Wouldn't that be a critical metric? I would expect the wealthy West to have lower emissions, especially compared to China, since they have off shored much of their industrial sector. It's kinda disingenuous for the west to pat itself on the back for lower emissions after shunting manufacturing to other countries. So why the handwringing, am I missing something.
Maxine Waters Libeled Navy Vet As ‘Dishonorably Discharged,’ Now She’s Losing In Court
QUOTE: When Joe Collins(R) brought legal action against her, she ignored it as some sort of a campaign stunt, letting it go unanswered. …”And she ignored it. And she went into default. And, you know, after the default was entered, then she started trying to put in paperwork, when she saw that I wasn’t playing games. And, here we are now, Maxine’s trying to get documents filed to the court the last minute even though she’s already defaulted. And it’s been a complete mess. We won in court yesterday … “So she filed an anti-SLAPP motion — a free speech motion to say that what she said was part of her free speech rights, which is ridiculous. This is America, you can say what you want to, but you got to pay if you lie, you know, and that’s where she’s at. But the judge denied [her motion]. The continuation she wanted to file, a judge denied that as well. And the motion to set aside the default, the judge denied that as well, because she was already in default and trying to file all this other paperwork. And even the motion to get a trial, the judge denied that as well. And so now … we have another court date … and on this court date, I get to ask her whatever I want to.” https://lidblog.com/mad-maxine-libeled/#!/back Food bought with food stamps is exempt from sales tax. It is ironic that a person who is poor but does not get food stamps pays the tax while the freeloader does not.
re Vermont wants sales taxes for groceries
So? This is nothing new. Seven states tax groceries. All but Hawaii are red states, ID, SD, KS, OK, MS, AL. https://blog.taxjar.com/states-grocery-items-tax-exempt/ When Joe is on the stage, if he's talking, he's squinting - in order to read the words on the big-screen teleprompter that's always there. And the choice of words is formulated to aid the senescent.
But if Joe is talking live to a reporter, Jill is almost always by his side. Ask a question, Joe answers, Jill 'clarifies'. Not My President, because he's not anybody's President. It's a fine pickle, because nobody wants the alternative, except maybe Republicans licking their chops for 2022. To paraphrase Andy Warhol: Boris, your 15 minutes of fame are up!
NC also taxes groceries. There have been efforts to repeal it from time to time but unfortunately all have been unsuccessful.
Re: World Economic Forum
Communism driven by the elites. Their aim is for no one to have possessions claiming we will be happy. Ok, you first. It used to be “Rise the Proletariat!” Now it’s “Rise the Bourgeoisie!” Good news! March is white history month. We get to make those nauseating ads that claim they are to lift our race up but really are designed to put down people of other races. What! You say that we can't have a "white history month" because that would be racist??? Thank you, point proved!
Vermont wants sales taxes for groceries: Cue the start of the Out-Migration.
Could the attacks on Dr. Seuss be the tipping point for cancel culture? I'm IN!!!! Cancel them cancellers@!! Wake Up to Woke, Before It Is Too Late: I just ignore it. There Is No Such Thing as "White" Math: There is, for idiots... CA Teachers’ Union Head Seen Taking Daughter to In-person Preschool Amid School Closures: She MUST be defenestrated (I love that term.) World Economic Forum commits a ‘Kinsley gaffe’ and then deletes Twitter video revealing its real agenda: They THINK they're smart, and then do DUMB things. Which is why we don't trust them. One of the many flaws of communism: What comes after the rise of the proletariat? The American revolutionaries had a plan, Marx didn’t. Destroy, destroy, destroy is the underlying philosophy of the communist.
Whether or not Dr. Seuss gets canceled for racism, as I recall he had a lot of characters running around with no clothes on so he's suspicious on that account. And don't get me started on the Berenstain bears, they never once suggested that the kids might be transgender, an unforgivable oversight on their part.
I guess I'm old enough to remember when Dr. Seuss was a communist. Now he's not communist enough. Go figure.
Actually, after the rise of the proletariat the party was supposed to step aside, having served its purpose, and the state was to whither away in the new international Utopia. People would govern themselves more justly than any government. This is truly his conception as the "End of History", since history is driven by the conflict between economic classes; without class, no conflict; without conflict, no history.
You’re right of course, but it wasn’t much of a plan; considering the selfishness of human nature, as exemplified by Marx himself.
Ah! Well, that is good news. Apparently, the reason previous communist revolutions failed is because they were led by stupid peasants. The World Economic Forum has solved that problem by proposing that the next communist revolution be run smart elites - people like Bill Gates!
Operation: Warp-Speed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKmuvjL2cVw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG_27cCW5bw The Hot Air link is not clear.
6 Dr. Seuss books won't be published anymore because they portray people in 'hurtful and wrong' ways The titles are: "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" "If I Ran the Zoo" "McElligot's Pool" "On Beyond Zebra!" "Scrambled Eggs Super!" "The Cat's Quizzer" https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/02/us/dr-seuss-books-cease-publication-trnd/index.html For some history worth listening to I want to share this link with the Maggie's readers. I'm enjoying it a lot. It's a podcast from the Claremont Institute.
Each episode is short but pithy and the narrator is very pleasant to listen to. https://theamericanstorypodcast.org/episodes/ Hope you enjoy them as much as I do. RE: Biden/Jill/Kamala et. al
The obvious was there to be seen during their campaign -- yet millions of "liberal"Americans chose to ignore the obvious--one more time. How do we get to a place where good hearted people are smart enough to read the obvious and stand up their union--the Democratic party? Anyone who did not see the strategy to get a female in the WH before the election is to naive to be allowed to vote! We have a Holiday that's similar to Black History Month.
It's called Fathers Day. The purpose of cancel culture is really "replacement culture". These people, things and books don't have to be racist or objectionable they merely have to be assailable. Once they are gone someone, not of your choosing, will replace them with something that you probably won't like but will not be assailable. Kind of like Biden and Kamala. You won't like them, no one (in their right mind) wanted them there, but they are there and you are stuck with them.
Boris is a closet vegan? Or just the personality of a vegan.
Somehow she will have to drag race into the suit. Maybe as reparations?
So the great reset is the "heaven on earth" mandate. Can Joe and Jill expand on this?
>Vermont wants sales taxes for groceries
Some states don't tax groceries?!? Last night I did my finances on Quicken. I'm pretty sure Quicken needs to be banned. It uses white math. The answers were all calculated properly, the methodology intact.
Without anything wrong in the math, it's clear there must be some racist imperative behind it. So I will stop using it. It's evil. This was the crux of Marx' debate with Bakunin, and with the problems the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks had with each other.
Bakunin felt ANY state apparatus was incapable of withering away - and Marx barely (if ever) mentioned "the state" as essential to his lack of plan. He simply tossed out an idea of process to an end, without any idea of how it would come to pass, really. Bakunin called him out on it - though he wasn't much better. These communists all eat their own, because their ideology is backward. They think communism is THE END. In reality, in deeply agrarian and labor intensive periods, it was just THE BEGINNING. It isn't an end point. Complex societies need incentives...hence, Capitalism. The Mensheviks and Bolsheviks kept fighting over the role of the bourgeosie and the proletariat. Was 1905 the Bourgeois Revolution leading to the Proletariat Revolution or just an "event"? Do you need a Bourgeois Revolution or can you leapfrog Capitalism right to Communism? These and other questions were never really answered mainly because they were stupid questions unable to be answered...but stupid ideologies ask stupid questions. The Labor Theory of Value makes literally no sense. It doesn't account for all inputs, it only accounts for the labor input. That other stuff doesn't have any legitimate value in its accounting methods...which, of course, is nuts. If I recall correctly, he's also brown-skinned African American. It warms my heart to see that dope have to face consequences for her shameless hate-baiting.
CO2 emissions. PJ O'Rourke: "There are 1.3 Billion people in China, and they all want a Buick."
OC - we don't up here in the Great White North, though the rules as to what groceries are "basic" and what are taxable are - to say the least - idiosyncratic. A raw chicken in untaxed; that cooked one from the deli attracts tax. A six-pack of buns is okay, but that single bun is not. And so on, and so on.
Tonight I’m reading Maxine Waters collected essays on the Social Graces & Civil discussions.
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