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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, July 19. 2019Friday morning links
BERKELEY BANS "MANHOLES" AND NATURAL GASBerkeley Emasculates The City Municipal Code, Bans Gendered Language Colorado State University Says The Word "America" Is "Not Inclusive" Gadsden Flag Denounced as Thought Crime Liberal's Tweet Goes Viral: 'White People Love Dogs Because They Miss Owning Slaves' Progressive Immediately Shouts 'White Supremacy!' At Every Image In Rorschach Test Planned Parenthood just exposed its own phony face Graph: Global deaths from climate/weather catastrophes British MP Demands an End to Affordable Food, to Combat Obesity and Climate Change “[W]e have a system that preferences students who want to attend a four-year college over Americans who want to learn a skill...” Epstein and double jeopardy Jeffrey Epstein Case Document Dump: ‘It’s Going To Be Staggering, The Amount Of Names’ House Dems Grumble To CNN: We’re Frustrated That The Squad Keeps Making Trouble For Us When rulers despise the ruled: Glenn Reynolds New Asylum Rule Aims to Eliminate Bogus Claims - Rule will prevent unqualified claims from bogging down the system and help truly qualified asylum seekers, says expert Comments
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Planned Parenthood just exposed its own phony face
I suspect the stories about her not using trans-language are just clickbait to obscure the real reasons behind her firing. Re: BERKELEY BANS "MANHOLES"
I remember when Woonsocket proposed this back in the early-'80s. A local woman wrote to them, with a copy to the local paper, suggesting something along the lines of painting the southbound end of a northbound jackass on each of the manhole covers, and renaming them accordingly in honor of those who made the proposal. I don't remember her exact wording, except that she stated herself a bit more plainly. Manholes, math, gender pronouns, air conditioning, and other arbitrary bat shit crazy. Honestly I think they have 2 random word generators - one picks a word for the label (racist, sexist, etc ) and one picks the word to be labeled. I read this story about life in the USSR and the reaction of the uncle and I believe this is where the left is already having success taking us with electronic surveillance making it all the more efficient. This is why send her back is such a touch stone. If you are heritage American you know full well "America love her or leave her" Even the left knows re: their recent (during Obama) petition to send P Morgan back and attempt to get DOJ to strip and deport Groka. As an independent I watch and wonder how the left fails to look in the mirror - rear view as well as vanity. JP is spot on. https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/274304/banned-facebook-mentioning-t-r-danusha-goska
For years the left has used the race card for fun and profit. Now they have gone full racist and insist whites and anything they like be declared racist. Seriously, dogs! Flags! Statues! It is a new wrinkle for the fascist book burners.
The Epstein story probably got started to warn the Clintons off any 2020 plans and as a long-shot to get at Trump. Now it's becoming the next major vein to be mined by a hungry media. We can already see the advance edge of the parade of fools with Alan Dershowitz hotly denying any wrongful behavior; but it's just the start of the denouement. I doubt Epstein faces any big legal problems, thanks to the sweetheart deal he got, maybe just the revelation that he's a small-minded, sordid pedophiliac blackmailer whose actual circumstances aren't nearly as glamorous as his front tried to suggest. He deserves the worst of medieval ministrations for what he has done.
The really juicy stuff will be the antics of the rich and famous that get past the fixers and make it out into general circulation. But I don't think much of this will happen; the Ooh, La, La moment has passed with the Weinstein mess. Disgusting as it is, and it is truly vile, there won't be much buy-in from The Powers to breathe life into the Epstein saga. I'd like to think that the timing of this coming out into the open is all part of Trump's plan to eviscerate his opponents behind enemy lines, but I think that's too much to hope for. re BERKELEY BANS NATURAL GAS
Because who needs natural gas when your state has such an abundant supply of emission free electricity? Oh wait . . . The Enviros loved natural gas as long as it was expensive.
But now it's not. (Thank you, frackers! I'd give you a decent manly hug, but you're too far away.) So now it must be stopped, lest the proles get comfortable in their energy use and think that everything's okay. I am still looking for another country that has America in its name. Mexico of America? Honduras of America? I live in the United States of America. I am an American.
Colorado State University Says The Word "America" Is "Not Inclusive": Colorado is even LESS inclusive...
Gadsden Flag Denounced as Thought Crime: Bummer. Heh, heh, heh. Planned Parenthood just exposed its own phony face: Not that it wasn't already. British MP Demands an End to Affordable Food, to Combat Obesity and Climate Change: I thought British food was already bad enough to combat obesity and the Brits' climate NEEDED change. re Gadsden Flag Denounced as Thought Crime
First it was the Stars and Bars, then the Betsy Ross flag, now the Gadsden flag. So how long before the Stars and Stripes is declared to be a thought crime? You don't remember how, not too long after 9/11, people began complaining on college campuses when some students hung American flags out of their dorm windows? It made the non-Americans on campus uncomfortable, it wasn't inclusive.
re British MP Demands an End to Affordable Food, to Combat Obesity and Climate Change
True cost of cheap food is health and climate crises, says commission They want to ration food. The only way to do that is to cut the supply and make food scarce. To save the Earth of course. Rationing food is the ultimate power trip. You get to decide who eats and who doesn't, as well as, who eats well and who doesn't. At that point we should have gone "This is our country. If you don't realize that, then you probably need to go elsewhere." And we should have been doing that for the last 20 years.
But we've been SO very concerned that someone, somewhere, might be UNCOMFORTABLE or take OFFENSE that we basically censored out any sort of display that this was anything other than a neutral country. No more Red, White and Blue - it was a boring beige. It's time to start showing the colors again. It's a hobby for those who have nothing better to do and certainly nothing productive.
Air conditioning would be nice in the hay mow this weekend with 112 degree heat index while putting straw away. The sponsor of the Berkeley de-gendering ordinance is "Rigel Robins*n," who has an impermissible gendered last name. What should he/she/it/they/zer change it to?
At first I thought, how about "Rigel Robinpers*n," but then I realized the word "pers*n" is also gendered and so probably he/she/it/they/zer couldn't use that either. How about "Rigel Robinhum*n"? No, that doesn't work either. This is a problem only the Knights Who Say Ni could appreciate. That was when I parted ways with the ACLU. I was on an online chat group that kept wanting to apologize for the root causes of 911, figure out whom we'd mortally offended and how. I began thinking, these people are all insane. I had sort of turned into a Republican by about 1996, but I wasn't yet sure of myself. That just about did it.
We could say "per-offspring," but perhaps that over-privileges the breeders.
Tracked: Jul 21, 08:43