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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, April 16. 2018Monday morning links GMO people is good, GMO food is bad? Is This Tomato Engineered? Inside the Coming Battle Over Gene-Edited Food Viking warrior was a woman NYC: Chikin Derangement Syndrome What’s A "Your city"? THE AL GORE EFFECT COMES TO MINNESOTA Feds To Audit CA High-Speed Rail Project As Funding Flounders In Ireland, a Leftist Reluctantly Comes to Terms with Nationalism FACEBOOK Censors and Bans European News Website for Criticizing Unlimited Migration The NSA Wants a Skeleton Key to Everyone's Encrypted Data That is evil Dear Mr. Chancellor, please stop the grade-fixing in NYC schools Why? Elite colleges give everybody an A The Decline and Fall of Brown University Vilifying Israel, Corrupting the University Social Justice: When Good Becomes Evil? We must ask ourselves how we can live and promote the good without causing even greater damage. Magazine editors turn blind eye to Melania Not attractive enough? 10 Key Insights From Today's Deep State Coup News Dem Rep: People Who “Besmirch” Comey And Mueller Will “Rot In Hell” There now THREE separate OIG investigations Trackbacks
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There now THREE separate OIG investigations If his analysis is correct, that will be VERY nice. Unfortunately, the record of the DoJ and FBI "investigating" themselves does NOT corroborate his optimism. Deep State
What's fascinating is the lack of self awareness. Despite Trump being vexing, he isn't any sleazier than the "Deep State" and "Government/Media complex" actors that decry him. Yet they keep banging on not realizing just how much they have revealed about themselves and all their machinations. I am not sure if their actions rise to a criminal level, but the behind the scenes sneakiness and underhandedness demonstrates bad faith, at the very least. I agree. It all feels like too little too late. Statements like "there may be grand juries" or that big revelations are coming soon or at some unknown time in the future, seem more hopeful than helpful. The DOJ and FBI has had months and months to do this investigation. All the suspects will be dead from old age before the investigation is ever finished or the facts are released. Even then, there seems little real promise that there will actually be a trial or a punishment. It all seems, at best, to be an attempt by those responsible for justice to be able to say "I tried" rather than to actually accomplish something. Meanwhile the clock ticks and the statue of limitations is running out. And I cannot get over the feeling that delay and obfuscate is in fact the plan all along.
If anyone wants to stop eating GMO food, I'm afraid you'll have to stop eating!
Almost all of the foods we eat are genetically modified. The only differences between what our ancestors did to modify wild species for consumption and and what we do now, are: 1) the speed with which modifications are made; and 2) the ability to cross the species barriers! Look at the primary ag food crops: wheat, corn and rice! The ancient wild forbears of these crops bear little resemblance to today's food crops; corn in particular. My favrite:
Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said... Sebastian:" Of course, I am a pretty cynical conservative, but the fact that this character could rise to the positions he did, and be treated as a man of "integrity," is still a sad commentary on the quality of our overlords." That's another interesting thing about the Trump phenomenon - however low an opinion a "cynical conservative" - or anyone else - already had of DC apparatchiks, the true depth and glory of their sub-mediocre weasel-osity wasn't clearly visible until held up against, not a paragon of virtue, but the shameless huckstering P.T. Barnum of the age. 4/16/18, 8:30 AM Once the NSA has an encryption skeleton key for all everyone will have the skeleton key and encryption will no longer be worthwhile and warranted.
Are there no Christians left in New York City? One can only imagine the backlash from the secular leftist, perpetually offended crowd, if this would have been said of a gay business. A Muslim business. Businesses feel free to discriminate against Christians, NRA members, and the right in general. When the Supreme Court rules against the Christian baker, for refusing to decorate a stupid cake, I hope the lawsuits begin. If it wasn’t for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.
re What’s A Christian Traditionalist Business Like Chick-Fil-A Doing Infiltrating Our City?
“Normal” New Yorkers don’t seem to have a problem with Chik-fil-A. The restaurants seem to be flourishing there. That in itself must burn the author's butt to no end. LOL! I love it! I'll write it again. It's disingenuous to compare hybridization and selective breeding w/ modern genetic modifications.
In fact, I'll call it dishonest since people persist in repeating that assertion. It's not just going across species barriers, in fact they did that too in the past, wh/ is why some hybrids are sterile, so mentioning that as an issue is a fallacy. Real issues include: It's the addition of genes that don't exist naturally in edible foods, including some that are designed to generate toxins or resistance to toxins. It's the overt denial of pleiotropy, that genes can influence more than one seemingly unrelated trait, and what that might ultimately lead to. It's the overt denial that, since consuming a GMO food usually does not cause an immediate harmful consequence, that allergies, sensitivities and other consequences to humans don't exist. In fact such studies are purposely avoided by Big-Agriculture, all while denying any such issues can exist b/c we don't drop dead after taking a bite. Chik-Fil-A in NYC??????? The HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The horror.................... Sodom & Gomorrah on the Hudson.
So the article headline said "The NSA Wants a Skeleton Key to Everyone's Encrypted Data."
The actual article was about how the National Association of Scholars (NAS) recommended a third party encryption approach in which a copy of the keys used be held in a central repository for easy government access. I didn't see anything about an NSA position there. It's possible I missed it, and that my math is bad, but as far as I know, NAS =\= NSA. Unless either NAS is the encrypted word for NSA, or I missed something sinister about the Dartmouth history faculty. Just sayin'. The studies exist, in fact they are perfect studies. If GMO food suddenly caused a specific cancer than there would be an increase in that specific cancer. The same would be true for any other human malady. It's kinda like how we figured out that smoking cause lung cancer. It is indeed possible that eating, drinking, smoking or rolling in some plant or animal material could cause a disease. Poison Ivy for example. If it does it will show itself. It may not be the study we would like but it is probably the only honest study. Most studies of this sort or undertaken to prop up someone or some groups pre-conceived ideas and biases. So if someday High fructose corn syrup actually causes some health problems, we will know it.
Who has been held up against Elon Musk? Or was that not the shameless huckstering P.T. Barnum of the age of which you were speaking? After all, Mr. Musk is nothing more than the reincarnation of Mr. Barnum but with more money and less ethics...