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Monday, August 14. 2017Monday morning links
Vanderleun: I’m a believer because… well because I’ve really got Nothing. Better. To. Do.
Grand Central Terminal’s Swankiest Bar Reopens As the Campbell FAR-LEFT FASHION AT VOGUE Yes, Left=Fashion 47 Hospitals Slashed Their Use Of 2 Key Heart Drugs After Huge Price Hikes Dumb move When it's OK to mock bums NYT: Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism "It is likely that from a strictly environmental point of view, practices like buying local and subsidizing renewable energy have adverse effects." It's just a virtue fad CA sued for not offering assisted suicide The Atlanitc: This author is certain that only he is "reality-based"
DC hasn’t come to grips with Trump’s presidency Washington Post Decides To Write What Trump Should Have Said About Charlottesville Is Charlottesville What's Really Going On in the USA? Of course not What is Kim’s Strategy? Trackbacks
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"NYT: Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism"
Rape fantasies? With the gulag guards, holders of important offices, the secret police, there are a near unlimited font of opportunities for a woman to really live out her rape fantasies under socialism. Off-patent drugs rising that much? Tell me why, tell me why? Where's the competition if they are so critical?
"NYT: Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism"
So I wonder why the author didn't expand this to Germany in the 30s. It was ruled under National Socialism. And if Socialist sex is better than Capitalist sex, then I would expect National Socialist sex was WAY better, right? After all, if central planning, government daycare and more vacation time off for women = better sex, then those Nazis had ya covered...so to speak. Could it be that the women who had survived Communism in East Germany just lied about their sex lives? Could it be that the ones she personally talked to just remembered the "good old days" being better than now? But the other question she ignored is "should we take away your rights to vote, free speech and economic freedom so that you have more of the Big O?" Apparently yes, if this article is to be believed. The NYT used to be respected. "Is Charlottesville What's Really Going On in the USA?"
Well yes and no. What happened in Charlottesville should have been a simple demonstration against the removal of Confederate monuments. The far left and the Democrat governor and mayor encouraged the far left hate groups to make the event a riot. The mayor called off the police with the intent of allowing the far left hate groups to beat the right wing demonstrators. This was intentional and engineered to create exactly what we say on TV so that they could once again use racism to divide the nation and shore up their base. The Democrat politicians appeared in front of microphones within minutes of the Charlottesville disaster speaking from prepared talking points with the intent of dividing the nation for fun and profit. We have been duped, again. These far left hate groups are all organized and supported by communist/socialist organizations who consistently work hand in hand with the Democrats to create a hateful environment and drum up attention. The MSM happily colludes with these far left hate groups and the Democrats to achieve the goals of divide and conquer. The Charlottesville disaster didn't just happen it was engineered. The left may not have driven the car that killed one and injured 30 but they drove the events that lead up to it and in their mind the death and injuries were just frosting on the cake of their hateful political agenda. This is just the beginning. The left will continue the violence and hateful rhetoric and they will drum up hate amongst the various special interest groups that make up the Democrat party. Make no mistake far left wing meetings are taking place right now trying to figure out how they can include LBGTQ groups in the fun and violence. And somehow they will bring in abortion activists too to join in their fascist hatefest. The bigger story is ethnic cleansing of American history. Do you think it's going to stop with statues of Lee and Jackson? Lee in particular they have to remove from history, because he opposed slavery and only determined to fight for the South when Mr. Lincoln announced he was forcibly invading Southern states with federal troops. So he gives the lie to the leftist rationale that the Civil War was all about slavery, rather than defending your homes from federal government invasion.
Once this accepted, then it will be Washington and Jefferson that must be removed from U.S. history. They were slave holders too, remember? And the other Founders were White Men, were they not, and thus exercised forceful control over everyone else because of their White Privilege? That's really "triggering" for people, and thus they need to be removed so there won't be oppression. For those of you who are New Englanders, I would bet you know where the Civil War Soldier Monument is in your town, usually on the town common or green in front of the court house. Always with a couple of small U.S. flags planted in front and maybe a couple of old cannons around it. Often a common private standing at parade rest with his musket in front of him. Gets decorated with new flags and bunting on Independence Day and Memorial Day. Did you know that the Confederate Soldier Monuments in Southern towns were all cast at the same factories, often using the same stylized model and even the same uniforms with small changes to indicate the side? Do you know that they put those monuments up for the very same reason that your town did, to honor those from the town who fought and died in that war? How would you feel if someday someone came in and said they were going to remove the Civil War Memorial from your town? That the memories you honored of those boys from your town who went and died are no longer valid and have to be sanitized from memory. Jim: So he gives the lie to the leftist rationale that the Civil War was all about slavery
The problem with your position is that the governments of the rebelling states were explicit concerning their "Declaration of Causes of Secession". QUOTE: Mississippi: Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery QUOTE: Georgia: For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. QUOTE: Texas: We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable. Especially note the syntax of the Texas Declaration of Causes, a strange, racist perversion of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.
2017-08-15 11:29
"Is Charlottesville What's Really Going On in the USA?"
Far more than you realize. I'm very suspicious of the event in Charlottesville. Why? Because the KKK types are a very very very small subset of America. Nobody in their right mind 'joins' such a group. It's mostly full of former felons (IMHO) and lunatics.
But for some reason, the left and the media descended on this nothing rally with a legal permit and decided to go Ralphie on it. Ignoring it would've been the best solution. Give them ZERO coverage. Ignore their stupidity. Move on with your life. Instead, certain left-wing organizers and agitators decided to gin up the violence and reaction to such a level that a woman was killed and 2 police died as well. If these people had ignored the dumb rally that nobody cared about, these people would be alive. Period. There was no need to show up with baseball bats, signs and rocks (and whatever else they brought with them) to have a 'counter protest.' NOBODY but a small small small subset of loonies agree with the KKK. You don't need to marginalize them further. They are already marginalized and despised by a huge majority of our country (including the President). I am suspicious of the result, because of the timing with political events happening that favored Trump and his presidency. I am also heartbroken that this woman died who probably thought she was doing something 'good.' She was not, sadly. She was just a cog in the wheel that now the left will 'martyr.' She should've been at home with her family, enjoying life, and doing her job as a paralegal...and IGNORING dumb crazy loonies. The police were ordered to stand down. Why? Is there a group who would stand to gain from violence in Charlottesville? The mayor of Charlottesville as well as the Governor of Virginia are both Democrats. McAuliffe is said to be considering running for President.
The Nazi and Confederate flags I've seen pictures of look like they are brand new (sharp creases are obvious implying they were just recently unpacked). What self respecting Nazi needs a new flag? We saw similar tactics when "racists" were in the crowd at Tea Party rallies. This smells more than a little. This violence from the left continues and accelerates because of Kafka trapping. No one on the right dare call out the left wing commie/anarchist/fascists on their actions because they will be accused of being soft on racism/bigotry. Just as Trump was criticized for not being forceful enough in his condemnation of the nutty right wing driver of the car that killed the girl. It was a foregone conclusion that no matter what Trump said the left would criticize him on it.
This also goes hand in hand with the left accusing Sessions of being a racist when he was being nominated. So as Attorney General Sessions has already been Kafka trapped and now has to vigorously use his office against this crazy driver or face the wrath of the left and the MSM. IMHO because of this car driver cannot get a fair trial and if anyone innocently even knew he was going to attend this rally they too will be sacrificed to the Kafka trapping racist on the left. https://stiltonsplace.blogspot.com/ About half-way down is a letter from a Charlottesville person, as he saw it.
I think Dershowitz is often partisan and imputes to Republicans motives they do not demonstrably have and predicts their actions accordingly. But I'll give him this: he genuinely tries to be evenhanded, and sometimes succeeds. We need more partisan Emocrats to listen to him at the moment.
"Emocrats" was a typo. It has some accuracy, though.
Note to Miss T: those moves are intentional on the part of the counterprotestors. It has been pointed out many times that interfering with a granted right to assemble with proper permit is a crime in and of itself, and they should be applying for their own permit. They don't, knowing that this will infuriate the group that took the trouble to get permission. They hope to bait the legal group into doing something stupid, and often succeed. The journalists gloss over the difference, treating both groups as equal in standing, knowing that their audience will not notice this distinction. It's calculated, and at the moment, it works. I don't think it worked this time. Sessions said DOJ/FBI will be investigating 'the violence.' The left just opened up the door to a big investigation into who escalated the violence in the first place. This will not end well for many left-wing groups who were there with bricks, tear gas, etc.
Only time will tell. Driver was on anti-psych meds so now it takes on a whole new level of intrigue. Can he plead insanity? hm. You have to read this:
http://www.commonsenseevaluation.com/2017/08/13/was-unite-the-right-a-staged-media-event/#sthash.ZnM3sXaK.5XEiCxeG.dpbs More suspicious circumstances than could possibly be coincidental. |