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Monday, February 20. 2017Monday morning links
Humans Aren't Monogamous by Nature Duh. By nature, we are apes. Oil – Where did it come from? Book publishers now hiring ‘sensitivity readers’ to look for ‘offensive’ material A History of the Jewish War, AD 66–74 A history professor delves into the world of Jewish counterfactual history – like what if Israel had been established in East Africa? Internet-Regulating FEC Commissioner to Resign Goodbye, fascist Jon Haidt Hopes Libertarians Can Save Us From Coddled Campus Culture - The social psychologist openly admits he wants to create a schism in academia. "I propose that we teach death ed in all of our high schools. I see this curriculum as a civic responsibility." Put it in with Health Sciences Military wife mourning fallen Green Beret in viral video is hailed as 'patriot' Fake News Rap Sheet: Last Week the MSM Was Caught Telling FORTY Lies THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE OF THE WAR FOR PUBLIC OPINION Are Climate Alarmists Glassy-Eyed Cultists? Democrats’ Real Global Warming Fraud Revealed Scott Pruitt’s Back-to-Basics Agenda for the EPA - The new administrator plans to follow his statutory mandate—clean air and water—and to respect states’ rights Musings Of An Average Joe: The Left's Selective Love For The Constitution, Law, And Historical Precedent BLUMENTHAL SHOULD CUT AND RUN WHENEVER ANY VETERANS APPEAR He self-identifies as a Vietnam Vet Trump Is a Lot Like the LBJ Whom Liberals Still Idolize McCain Drives Into the Ditch Every Republican is "the most extreme ever" Whiny Liberals: New York City Moms Kill Skating Party Because Trump Renovated The Rink People who feel sad when they can't find racism 'SNL' should test Trump, but how about challenging a Dem for once? Althouse on Trump's Florida rally Poll: Americans want Democrats to work with Trump After 8 Years of Campaigner-in-Chief Obama, NPR Accuses Trump of ‘Permanent Campaign’ Angela Merkel says Europe must take MORE refugees and Islam 'isn't source of terror' Why the lie? Pope Francis: 'Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist' Why the lie? There Is No Solution in Afghanistan Trackbacks
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Humans Aren't Monogamous by Nature
Duh. By nature, we are apes. 1. Apes are intellectual? They idealize abstracts? They compose poems and sonnets? (For all we know, maybe they do. There are at least two monogamous species of monkey, BTW.) 2. But I'm reliably informed that we're virtual tigers and wolfeses where QuadRuppleFattBurgerz with eXtraBakunCheez go. With their flat teefs and long, human-like digestive tracts apes eat plants. It seemeth we hath deconstructed the human animal contradictorily according to our needs. Monogamy? Maybe it depends on how evolved the person is, assuming that the presence and protection of both parents is an evolutionary advantage for a long gestation and a prolonged period of dependency. It is hard to conceive of this not being the case except very recently.
"Only about 3 per cent of mammal species are monogamous and it has been a puzzle as to why it evolved in some monkeys and apes but not others. Gibbons, for instance, are strictly monogamous but other great apes, such as polygamous gorillas and promiscuous chimpanzees, are not." Sounds to me like Scarlett is trying to rationalize her failed marriages. I've been married 40 years to the same woman and haven't run into any problems with fidelity yet. Not to say the opportunity and temptation haven't been there, I just chose not to partake. I assume my wife has had the same issues.
Deep State
Althouse has a good running dialog covering who and what the Deep State represents and means. You are mistaken parents not staying together as being polygamy.
Great apes, lions, wolves, bison, elephants, reindeer, and a lot of other animals are polygamous yet stay together. They form herds or prides, what in human terms would be group marriages. They do so because it gives distinct advantages for raising the young. The group is stronger than any pair, especially in the case one of them is slowed down by pregnancy or suckling youg, or when one of them is (temporarilly) disabled due to injury or disease. Birds aren't strictly polygamous either, they just tend to divorce when the caring for this year's hatchlings is over. "...Islam isn't source of terror"
You have to understand that these are not stupid people. So why do the left elite in Europe and the U.S. keep saying things like this? What is their goal, what is the end game? Paris is burning, riots in the street. Germany and England aren't there yet but it is unsafe for women to walk around alone. The left wing elite politicians know this, arguably they are actively preventing the media from telling their constituents about this so why are they continuing to make these incredibly stupid statements and even insist that they should increase immigration and refugee acceptance? I think that there is a conspiracy to permanently remake the West, to cripple it and remove it's power from the world. The reasons vary, that is not all the conspirators have the same agenda. Some want to punish the hoi polloi and put them back in their place. Some want to loot the countries and take the power and wealth themselves. Others are colluding with opposing powers; Russia and China. Some of them hope to benefit from chaos and others are secretly working for Russia or China. This may be the biggest political conspiracy in history. What will Germany and France look like when their muslim immigrant population reaches a tipping point? Will open civil war break out? Will the violence and chaos become so bad that Russia needs to step in and bring "peace". Think about it; flooding a country with immigrants and refugees whose political philosophy is 180 degrees opposite from the citizens of that country can only result in chaos. And chaos requires a police/military force and suspension of rights to "save" the country. It is very unlikely that Europe will look the same in 10-20 years I would expect to see a divided Germany, East European countries once again under Russian control and France and England ungovernable. Italy, Greece and possibly Spain will become Muslim controlled and we will see a slow purge of Christians. I think this is the end game. Ditto only it's for 62 years. For some inexplicable reason, fidelity becomes much easier after the first 50 years.
The east European countries are least likely to fold but they may be isolated as the west folds.
I think leftists, here and in Europe, consider Muslims to be "brown people" who are in need of the very intelligent leftist whites to run their lives for them. It's more of the "soft bigotry of low expectations." After 8 Years of Campaigner-in-Chief Obama, NPR Accuses Trump of ‘Permanent Campaign: "Forget it Jake, it's NPRtown."
RE Book publishers now hiring ‘sensitivity readers’ to look for ‘offensive’ material
I want snowflakes and normal people to be triggered over books like The theory and practice of hell by Eugen Kogon and I don't care if they are by books like George MacDonald Fraser's Flashman. God built us for monogamy. When one cheats on a spouse, the emotional hurt is almost irreparable. Sleeping around as a single person (male or female) has inherent risks: unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional consequences.
These are the things that should encourage us as humans to be monogamous. Ignoring the facts and being 'like an ape' is not the way we were meant to be. I can't reconcile Christian verse on Sunday and Darwinian deconstructionism from the same source on Monday.
Maybe it was sarcasm. Could have been. The Left and the Muslims have made their own version of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. When they have destroyed the normals, they'll turn on each other like Hitler and Stalin.
from the In From the Cold blog:
QUOTE: An Air Force WC-135 Constant Phoenix aircraft, like the one currently deployed to a U.S. base in Great Britian. The jet's arrival last Friday--coupled with a spike in Iodine 131 levels in Europe--has touched off speculation about a possible Russian nuclear test or reactor mishap Over the past month, there have been indications that Moscow may conducted some sort of small-scale nuclear test, probably in the Arctic Region, or suffered a reactor mishap in the same area. Iodine-131 (131I), a radionuclide of anthropogenic origin, has recently been detected in tiny amounts in the ground-level atmosphere in Europe. The preliminary report states it was first found during week 2 of January 2017 in northern Norway. Iodine-131 was also detected in Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France and Spain, until the end of January. Iodine-131 is a radionuclide with a short half-life (T1/2 = 8.04 day). The detection of this radionuclide is proof of a rather recent release. http://formerspook.blogspot.com/2017/02/the-next-nuclear-incident.html Ted Turner in typical fashion was trying to make the Confederates look stupid and backwards, but the debate was valid then, valid today:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFc3DDTPXXo Thirty-three years here. Having experienced in an earlier relationship the unbelievable pain caused by infidelity (and it is physical as well as emotional), I would never do that to my wife, or my kids. If I even had thoughts of straying, that feeling of pain would come right back in me. So I guess in a way God has protected my present marriage by what I went through previously.
It is for situations like this that I feel the Democrats stonewalling the presidents cabinet for the sole purpose of harming his administration is a disservice to our country and Americans. While the Democrats actions are not illegal or technically contrary to their constitutional duties it is their actions that created the term "useful idiots". I think Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi set the stage and perfected the Democrat "useful idiot" model over the last 16 years or so. I truly believe that at this point the Democrats would welcome a terrorist attack so that they could use it as propaganda. I simply do not think that the Democrats are capable of putting America first.
what part of that debate is valid today? evolution does not state that man descended from apes.
Pruitt wants to keep the EPA within its statutory mandate? Why, the man's a bomb-throwing anarchist.
It has been maybe decades since I have read anything on this topic. If memory serves, I thought they there was a hypothesis that "Hunter Gatherers" tended to be monogamous. Supposedly, they were more egalitarian due to less specialization, and most males had access to a mate. I don't find it a stretch to believe that monogamy could be an antidote to sexual jealousy. I would expect that sexual jealousy would be very detrimental to social cohesion, which I assume would be a survival imperative.
In addition, there have been suggestions that monogamy reduced the incidence of STDs. I am not suggesting that Hunter Gatherers anticipated germ theory, more that this would work by attrition. Syphilis was a holocaust, after all, its patterns can sometimes be detected by Genealogists. . QUOTE: Pope Francis: 'Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist' ... “Christian terrorism does not exist, Jewish terrorism does not exist, and Muslim terrorism does not exist." Bird Dog: Why the lie? QUOTE: What he apparently meant is that not all Christians are terrorists and not all Muslims are terrorists What he presumably means is that those who commit terrorism are not True™ Christians, Jews, or Muslims. In other words, he drew a distinction, not a deception. I just wish that someone would have posted an audible recording of this because I have never heard someone make a speech while their head was buried in the sand. I do wonder if sand gets in their mouth???
QUOTE: Fake News Rap Sheet: Last Week the MSM Was Caught Telling FORTY Lies Let's start with the first and work our way down the list, shall we? Let's begin ... QUOTE: CNN's Jake Tapper Lies About Trump Not Offering Sympathy to Canada After Mosque Attack ... the left-wing anchor asked. "President Trump hasn't tweeted one thing about this. Why hasn't he offered sympathy to the neighbors in the north?" Well, if you're going to point to lies, it behooves you to quote someone accurately. QUOTE: President Trump has not said or tweeted one public word about this. You want to talk about ignoring terrorism, why hasn't the president offered his sympathy to our neighbors in the north? The reporter is clearly asking about publicly expressed sympathy, which Trump has yet to provide. So not a lie. We didn't get very far down the list, did we? OneGuy: I just wish that someone would have posted ...
Here's the full text of the Pope's message from Vatican Radio. |