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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, October 11. 2016Tuesday morning links
Leaked Emails Expose Tight Link Between CNBC And Clinton Campaign Duh O'Reilly: At Least 3 Media Orgs Have 'Ordered Employees to Destroy Trump' Hacked: Clinton campaign worked with NYT reporter behind scenes Even Democrats think Hillary’s a serial liar Betsy: "And the Democrats clutching their pearls in distress are the same people It's called politics Trump bounces back, but back to where? Welcome to the Republican civil war:
Also, Democrats. That's the only difference.
WikiLeaks Bombshell: Clinton Relied on Trump Primary Win, GOP Obliged More Coverage in 48 hrs. on Trump ‘Sex Tape’ Than In 17 yrs. on Juanita Broaddrick Clinton’s vow to push Supreme Court left galvanizes conservatives wary of Trump Euroland: Article 50 "Perfectly Timed" For Turmoil French Police Officers Set Afire in Attack by Migrant Mob Amid Syrian chaos, Iran’s game plan emerges: a path to the Mediterranean
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wildswan said...................
"The Republican party member situation reminds me of the Army of the Potomac, dedicated soldiers led into disaster after disaster by generals who were incompetent for various reasons. Amazing how many reasons there were. Or else the general let victory slip away. When Lincoln found a general at last he was bombarded with criticism "Grant drinks" to which Lincoln responded "Get me his brand; my other generals need to have some." And when casualties rose in Grant's 1864 campaign, Lincoln simply refused to dismiss Grant "He fights." Lincoln finds a General is a story with a happy ending. But will America find a President who likes us? who wants to be an American? There's so much money to be picked up and dropped in one's pocket by going along with globalization. Globalization is more than free trade; it's ruling by decree and by regulation, not legislation; it's contemptuous, not representative; it's social engineering, not landing on the moon. It's jargon, obfuscation, lying. It's sex tapes, sex, legalizing drugs, banning salt, studying Big Mac making - not good jobs. It's aristocracy back again and it does not work for the American people any more than it did the first time we got rid of it. " https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6329595&postID=2290324301670192808 10/10/16, 8:57 PM I don't doubt for a second that the Globalist/ Financial Complex along with their minions in media, academia, foundations, NGOs and all the other hangers on, are willing to sell the birthright of regular every day Americans down the river to feather their own nests and for their own self aggrandizement.
Did you have the dream to expand NAFTA to Chile and have one big "Western Hemisphere" super state? Me neither. Correction: one big "Westerm Superstate" with open borders.
What's making me crazy about these calls for the logistic impossibility of replacing Trump at this hour is that all this was pretty much known, at least in broad strokes, while the GOPe was welcoming him onto the stage. Apparently their idea was that he would grease the skids for !Jeb to be coronated, err, win the nomination with about 40% of the primary vote, roughly the 'Open Borders' percentage, with the other 60% being divided ultimately between Trump and Cruz as well as inoculate !Jeb against Trump running third-party (the other great unfounded GOPe fear). Because running a Bush against a Clinton worked out so well the first time in 1992.
I'm almost enjoying watching the GOPe be shown up as the DNC with an extra helping of incompetence. Zach, wake up and get out of your mother's basement and get to your job !!I know you will be here. What do you have to say about this?
"A significant portion of online support for Hillary Clinton is manufactured by paid “astroturf” trolls: a large team of supporters who spends long hours responding to negative news on the internet about her. The Clinton SuperPAC Correct the Record, which is affiliated with her campaign, acknowledged in an April press release that it was spending $1 million on project “Breaking Barriers” to pay people to respond to negative information about Clinton on social media sites like Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and Twitter. That amount has since increased to over $6 million. The trolls create a false impression that Clinton has more support than she really does, because one supporter will frequently create multiple anonymous accounts." add an https to this and read the rest: stream.org/astroturf-outrage-machine-of-paid-trolls-floods-social-media-to-counteract-negative-news-about-hillary-clinton/ When informed that (then) Brigadier General James Wolfe wasn't right in the head, George II apparently replied, "Mad is he? Then I wish he would bite some of my other generals."
QUOTE: Hacked: Clinton campaign worked with NYT reporter behind scenes Welcome to the world! For a more dangerous example, look at the Cheney-Libby-Miller connection. Scooter Libby fed false information about Iraq, aluminum tubes, and nuclear weapons to Judith Miller at the New York Times. The Times printed the stories. Then Dick Cheney went on Meet the Press, trumpeting the Times stories as evidence about Iraq, aluminum tubes, and nuclear weapons. The difference is that this was part of a propaganda effort to justify a ill-thought war. QUOTE: Leaked Emails Expose Tight Link Between CNBC And Clinton Campaign Welcome to the world! QUOTE: In email after email, Harwood has been exposed constantly lavishing praise upon Hillary like a subservient puppy seeking his master's love and affection. The example provided doesn't support the claim. From a cursory look at the emails, it seems to be standard schmoozing, along with requests for interviews. The problem is when journalists lose sight of their objectivity and purpose, and become too cozy with those they are supposed to be covering. It's hard to develop connections at a high level, so there is a tendency to sycophancy. The only defense is for the press to coordinate to protect access. However, that is a weak mechanism, and when Trump has banned certain reporters, the rest have rushed to fill the gaps. Zack....you're brainwashed...is what some people might say. I would never say anything like that though.
Zach, glad you are awake !! Hillary mess in aisle #3 - Zach bleachbit needed !!
What do you think about this? (I think it was Comey who cleared hillary of Whitewater crimes, so he has experience for the job) from the American Thinker today: "October 10, 2016 Only One Way for the FBI to Regain Its Lost Reputation By Bruce Walker James Comey, the crooked political operative running the FBI for the left, has clearly lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and fixed the criminal investigative process to protect Hillary Clinton and her creepy aides from justice. Conservatives have gotten used to the Department of Justice under Obama as simply another organ of leftist activism. Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch have both been abominable heads of the Department of Justice, and several federal judges have indicated as much. Using federal agencies as tools of political oppression or leftist activism is the best case yet simply abolishing the Department of Justice completely and devolving the enforcement of all federal laws to the fifty state attorney general offices. In the same vein, one might think we should leave the FBI only for the purpose of supporting state law enforcement efforts with technical support, but that was before the incredible stream of new revelations, never volunteered by Comey and discovered only by insistent probing, that show intimate collusion between the Clinton campaign and the FBI, with sleazy actions so blatantly bad that no serious person can doubt the wrongness of it all. Physical evidence is destroyed before anyone can see it, though subpoenaed by Congress and possibly containing classified information. Computer systems with classified documents scrubbed clean by private vendors before federal officers know what has been scrubbed. Suspects sit in on the questioning of other suspects, and suspects are given immunity, it appears, for no good reasons at all. If this presidential election is fixed by an utterly politicized FBI, then the reputation of that agency will never recover. No serious American, in that case, should ever believe anything the FBI tells us about anything at all. If we cannot trust the FBI when powerful politicians are being investigated, then when can we trust it? If the FBI can be influenced by politicians, then it can be influenced by drug lords or crime bosses or crooked billionaires. There is only one thing, at this point, that can rehabilitate the reputation of a once honorable organization now up to its neck in the muck of influenced investigations and tampered justice. A number of current FBI agents must publicly condemn Director Comey and deplore the deeply disturbing, very unusual actions taken by the FBI in these investigations. This may cost the agents involved their careers, but agents who care about the agency more than their careers will take that risk. These agents ought to explain exactly how this investigation was utterly wrong and how it deviated from normal practices. Director Comey compelled twenty-five agents to sign nondisclosure agreements, but these agreements cannot prevent these agents from publicly criticizing how politicized the investigation appeared to them. In fact, this might even be more telling: "We have been ordered by Director Comey to sign nondisclosure agreements, so until he releases us from those agreements, we cannot provide details, but we can say this: the whole thing stinks from top to bottom. Everything about this investigation fails the smell test. If Director Comey will release us from the nondisclosure agreements, we will be happy to say more." If FBI agents need a model, they might look to the National Border Control Council, which, frustrated by politically correct border enforcement, took the Obama administration to task. These border control agents cared more about America than their careers and used their private association as a vehicle. There is an FBI Agents Association that represents 12,000 current and retired agents and advocates criminal justice issues to Congress. Members of this private association have 55 different field office representatives in as many cities of the nation. Nothing prevents these field office representatives from signing a letter on behalf of the members in their region condemning the whole structure of this putrid conspiracy against honorable and serious investigation. Indeed, if this association ever expects Congress or the American people to listen to it, then it is vitally important that it act before the election. The FBI Agents Association, of course, should not endorse any candidate or party, but if it urges funding increases to Congress or changes in criminal laws, it must have credibility. And if it ignores the swollen carbuncle of this scandal within the agency, no one ought to listen to it anymore. There is this one chance for the FBI to redeem the damage done by Comey. There will be no second chance if Hillary wins because of the cowardice of the Bureau's agents. Dale, I'm not one to say Zach is brainwashed either - have some pity. He needs a job to get out of his mother's basement. He, like most Americans, has talent. But the Dems have destroyed US jobs, and he has enough character that he doesn't want to go completely on welfare. So he works at the only job left to Americans who want to work - temporary part-time Hillary troll. It is disgusting, soul-wrenching work, but he does it because be wants to work.
anonymous - an example of your "willing to sell the birthright of regular every day Americans down the river to feather their own nests and for their own self aggrandizement."
I didn't know that FBI Dictator Comey was put in a Lockheed job for big bucks, did you? If everyone who didn't get a multimillion/billion special job, law. favor, or fat contract from Obama/Hillary did not vote for her, she would get only about 1000 votes total: willing to sell the birthright of regular every day Americans down the river to feather their own nests and for their own self aggrandizement. From Spengler at PJMedia https://pjmedia.com/spengler/2016/10/09/trump-will-win-the-national-battle-for-legitimacy/ "The referee should have stopped it in the tenth. Punching at will, Donald Trump said, "Hillary used the power of her office to make $250 million. Why not put some money in? You made a lot of it while you were secretary of State? Why aren't you putting money into your own campaign? Just curious." Reeling and against the ropes, Clinton gasped that she supported ... the Second Amendment. It was a brilliant rhetorical device: under the rubric of campaign financing, Trump slipped in an allegation that Clinton corruptly enriched herself by using the power of her office for personal gain--and Clinton didn't even respond. That's a win by a knockout. That's the decisive issue of the campaign: the corrupt machinations of a ruling elite that considers itself above the law, and the rage of the American people against the oligarchical ruling class that has pulled the ladder up behind it. Trump's bombshell below Clinton's waterline came at the end of the debate, well prepared by jabs at Clinton's erased emails and Bill's rapes. Trump used the "J" word--that is, jail. That was perhaps the evening's most important moment. This is not an election fought over competing policies but a struggle for legitimacy. A very large portion of the electorate (how large a portion we will discover next month) believes that its government is no longer legitimate, and that it has become the instrument of an entrenched rent-seeking oligarchy. By and large, I agree with this reading. "America's economy is corrupt, cartelized and anti-competitive," I wrote in August. It is typical of rent-seeking that Lockheed Martin's stock price has tripled during the past three years, and payment to its top management team has risen from $12 million a year to over $60 million a year, while Lockheed Martin's F-35 languishes in cost overruns and deployment delays. Produce a lemon and get rich: that's Washington. It is not a trivial matter, or unrepresentative of our national condition, that the FBI director who declined to prosecute Mrs. Clinton for mishandling of classified material just returned to government from a stint at Lockheed Martin, where he was paid $6 million for a single year's service. I don't know whether FBI Director Comey is corrupt. But it looks and smells terrible. That's why it was so important for Trump to talk about jail time for his opponent. If things had not gotten to the point where former top officials well might belong in jail, Trump wouldn't be there in the first place. The Republican voters chose a reckless, independently wealthy, vulgar, rough-edged outsider precisely because they believe that the system is corrupt. They are right to so believe; if the voters knew a tenth of what I know about it, they would march on Washington with pitchforks. jaybird: A significant portion of online support for Hillary Clinton is manufactured by paid “astroturf” trolls: a large team of supporters who spends long hours responding to negative news on the internet about her.
It would be unethical to not disclose being a paid operative when posting on-line, but that doesn't appear to be supported by the article. The campaign effort is primarily designed to push content to existing supporters, sort of like how Clinton keeps sending people to her website for fact-checks. jaybird: The Clinton SuperPAC Correct the Record, which is affiliated with her campaign, acknowledged in an April press release that it was spending $1 million on project “Breaking Barriers” to pay people to respond to negative information about Clinton on social media sites like Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and Twitter. While the press release indicates that they have engaged 5,000 individuals on Twitter, that doesn't mean they have done so without proper attribution. The press release also says it provides resources for supporters. jaybird: James Comey, the crooked political operative running the FBI for the left, has clearly lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and fixed the criminal investigative process to protect Hillary Clinton and her creepy aides from justice.
Then a team of career FBI investigators also lied. But if it feels true ... (By the way, it is not appropriate to cut-and-paste an entire copyrighted article. You might just provide an excerpt and a link next time.) QUOTE: VDH: Why did his decade-old locker-room talk matter? Imagine, VDH, if you will, that Trump came up to you, and, without any warning, stuck his tongue in your mouth while grabbing your, er, package. What would you think? What if he were a powerful person in an industry where any wrong move could result in you losing your career? You failed to point out that the Democrats had picked out THREE candidates that they wanted b/c they thought their views were 'extreme' and, therefore, would not win over many independents or democrats. Those 3?
Trump (as mentioned) Cruz Carson So any Cruz supporter out there, realize they thought your candidate was a kooky extremist, and they would've been blasting him just as badly. Probably more from the religious nutjob angle. The thing they did not count on is that Trump would appeal to many Democrat and Independents and even people who had never voted. Whoops! jaybird, why did you "plunk your magic twanger, froggie" to encourage Zachie-baby to comment. I thought this might be one of those few days where he doesn't show.
Now I'm bummed out, especially by his expanding on what we actually know about Trump's behavior. I guess that's what the Zachie-baby does when he's not trolling-for-dollars. Mr. Trump will be in Panama CIty, FL at 7:30 pm EST tonight and Ocala tomorrow at noon EST. Additional stops can be found at donaldjtrump(dot)com/schedule. If you are interested in watching these and/or previous appearances on your computer: rsbn(dot)tv Zach, I'm quite sure that Mr Walker and the AmericanThinker don't mind at all.
I didn't think you had an answer. A "specially-hand-selected very small Team" sworn to avoid standard practices and keep absolute secrecy , even from Congress. Riiiiiight.... very persuasive. Look in your Troll cut-and-paste answer book under Comey" - there must be something else there for you, other than the advce that if we don't have an answer, just cou-and-paste our Troll-trademark "if it seems true..." jaybird: I'm quite sure that Mr Walker and the AmericanThinker don't mind at all.
Well, if you have permission then... Consider it a minor point of etiquette. The polite thing to do is to provide an excerpt and a link. jaybird: I didn't think you had an answer. jaybird: What do you think about this? The answer was provided. The article provides a series of unsubstantiated claims. HA ! But Zach is too nice, and too smart. zach is working at a job and doing his best. Give him a break! Zach likely doesn't get minimum wage, but he is trying really hard, and seems to have some remnants of decent character despite what he is forced to cut-and paste. Chelsea on the other hand is reported to not be very nice, and to be somewhat "spoiled". She gets $750,000 per year special journalist-type jobs based solely on her talent, and no different than any other recent graduate applying for a job to the mass media. Zach will forced to assure you this has nothing to do whatsoever with bribing her parents for favors. Poor Zach - his career in journalism isn't going as well as Chelsea's.
sorry, jma, my apologies. Paid trolls drive me nuts (but you might not notice the difference) Though you set me up to point out that Zach is like our beloved Froggy the gremlin, who'se schtick was to interrupt and cause trouble. (I loved the jungle book stories)
At your request, I'll go live in a Buster Brown shoe with Tige for a while, and let you read Zach to your heart's content. Have fun ! Glad you got the reference. It was my Dad's favorite saying every time we kids expected something magical to occur, such as new cars, preferably convertibles, when we reached 16! Sure. Earn it.
I forget to comment on your post covering the FBI. Very well done and a good suggestion about using their association. A very dear friend who died about the time Obama entered office is probably rolling over in his grave thanks to recent events. He was one of the most moral people I have ever met. Truly, you can get out of the shoe. virtue signaling. It's all I see now. Maybe I missed this discussed somewhere?
Let's ask Juanita Broaddrick that question?
"Better put some ice on that..." - Bill Clinton mudbug: Let's ask Juanita Broaddrick that question?
Jane Doe No. 5 is Juanita Broaddrick (sworn affidavit): "During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family." You mean like Bill Clinton did here in groping a stewardess?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1loRkVW0fys I personally don't want a rapist and sexual predator back in the White House. Looks consensual. Without more context, it's hard to tell. Has the woman complained?
LOL. "Looks consensual."
Seems to fit to a T your hypothetical about sexual assault. Well, we know the Hillary trolls don't have a response to this one. Jim: Seems to fit to a T your hypothetical about sexual assault.
You're the one making the claim about sexual assault, so consent is pertinent. Her hand appears to be holding Clinton's arm, not pushing it away. When asked for evidence beyond an ambiguous video clip, you have nothing to offer. But if it feels true ... jma, thanks for letting me out of the shoe. Tige has dog breath.
I, too remember when the FBI, even under Hoover, had a good reputation and good people with ethical responsibility and courage. Ah, the 16-year-old belief that somewhere there are others with Kool parents, who come to breakfast on their 16th birthday, and find car keys at their silver placemat. Most likely a corvette convertible. Alas, a year later "the car" materialized as a way-underpowered junker that had to have its tiny engine rebuilt (with my dad - what a great experience!). For Zach's contemplation about his journalism career not going as well as Chelsea's, even though he is smarter and a nicer person, Chelsea finds things like a $10 million condo with an in-home emergency medical annex at her breakfast table. Zach, why can't you get your dream journalism job at $750,000 per year? You are smarter and nicer than Chelsea? Maybe the whole country is now "fixed", and you don't own any Congresscritters (they can be surprisingly affordable if you have the right connections) "Imagine . . . if you will, that [Bill Clinton] came up to you, and, without any warning, . . . [started] grabbing your, er, package [aka "pussy"]. What would you think? What if he were a powerful person . . . where any wrong move could result in you losing your career?" (Paraphrase of the Z-Borg.)
That was taken on 1/2/98. On 2/24/99 her description of the event was broadcast on NBC.
Subsequently, Elizabeth Ward Gracen said that Clinton bit her lip during a consensual encounter that became rough which Juanita's story was supported by the fact that after the event, she told her friend Norma Rogers about it and she helped ice her lip. Juanita's husband also noticed her injured lip that evening. When Paula Jones' investigators tried to get her to testify... (from Wikipedia): QUOTE: In the fall of 1997, Paula Jones’s private investigators tried to talk to Broaddrick at her home, also secretly taping the conversation.[12] Broaddrick refused to discuss the incident, saying “it was just a horrible horrible thing,” and that she “wouldn’t relive it for anything.”[13] The investigators told her she would likely be subpoenaed if she would not talk to them. Broaddrick said she would deny everything, saying “you can’t get to him, and I’m not going to ruin my good name to do it… there’s just absolutely no way anyone can get to him, he’s just too vicious. That Jane Doe Affidavit isn't nearly the whole story. Zachriel:
We Hillary shills have little to be ashamed of. But please do not stray off script. mudbug: That Jane Doe Affidavit isn't nearly the whole story.
Quite possibly not, but it forestalled pursuing the case any further. The Reflexive Liberal: But please do not stray off script.
Our comments are our own, and freely given. It's from Andy's Show, with Andy Devine, and I watched a number of them before I grew out of it.
Bingo, Sam! I get all the animules mixed up. Andy's Gang, right? Then there's Kukla, Fran and Ollie; Jim Henson's Kraml Milk commercials with his early renditions of the Sesame Street characters; Howdy Dowdy's Flub-a-Dub. Those were the days!
How could I forget Devine's raspy voice????? Zachriel:
yeah, ok. We're getting paid more than you, is that it? Wrong. It definitely isn't the whole story and her affidavit didn't forestall anything. She wasn't going to bring charges against him when the issue was fresh because he could crush her business since he was the Attorney General and he regulated her business. When he became governor, he still had power over her. She, like many rape victims, apparently didn't want to relive her rape in court (I know directly of this) and when it's against a powerful person, it's even harder. When she finally came forward with her story, she didn't have any physical evidence - only a strong circumstantial case.
But while we're on the subject of double standards, after you've checked out the long history of crude sexual behavior by Bill Clinton (which Dame Hillary did yeoman work defending and obfuscating - they were "bimbo eruptions", after all), google "waitress sandwich." It was a game Ted Kennedy and Chis Dodd (both Democrats of course) played in the good old days. Here's the text from one link: QUOTE: In 1985, Dodd and fellow Senator Ted Kennedy were out (with dates) for a night on the town at La Brasserie. Much liquor was consumed--that will come as a shock to those of us familiar with Ted Kennedy--and the two Senators were at one point unaccompanied by their dates. The Senators made a "Waitress Sandwich" out of some poor, unsuspecting waitress. The press didn't show much interest, of course. Lyndon Johnson was known for his potty mouth and crude behavior - including holding staff meetings in the bathroom while he was using it (and he wasn't brushing his teeth). The press covered for him, of course. Jack Kennedy was a famous womanizer. The press covered for him, of course. Then there is the story of Democratic Congressman Gary Studds from Mass. He was caught diddling a 17 year old page and was censored by the house. That didn't hurt his political career though because he was re-elected several times subsequently. But it gets better! In 2006, Republican Congressman Mark Foley from Florida was accused of sending sexually suggestive emails to a 16 year old page. There was no evidence that he actually did anything but he was hounded out of office anyway. About the same time, the aforementioned Gary Studds died so the same Democratic Congress critters who did much of the hounding went to Studds' funeral where they lavished him with praise. I guess it really does matter what party you belong to. This whole act of Hillary and the Democrats being offended and aghast at Trump's crude behavior is just that - an act. It would be funny if it weren't so sickening. mudbug: her affidavit didn't forestall anything.
Or course it did. Ken Starr's team was investigating the incident. The affidavit stopped that investigation. mudbug: many rape victims, apparently didn't want to relive her rape in court (I know directly of this) and when it's against a powerful person, it's even harder. Sure. mudbug: When she finally came forward with her story, she didn't have any physical evidence - only a strong circumstantial case. She signed the affidavit denying the attack 20 years after the supposed incident, not in the immediate aftermath. She lacks credibility in the matter. |