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Friday, August 5. 2016Friday morning links The Anthropological Argument About Carb Consumption Is God against nuclear energy? So why did He create it? Mr. Sun is a nuke power plant. Why is Bill de Blasio fighting so hard against Uber in NYC? GE: The Competitor Amazon Never Saw Coming Not a joke, from Yale: Committee to Establish Principles on Renaming "Being the breadwinner has been a linchpin of U.S. men’s masculinity for decades, so even the potential of making less than one’s spouse threatens accepted gender roles." Fresh proof that charter schools are the answer for high-need kids I Learned More at McDonald’s Than at College Researcher Says Government Is Racist For Recommending Milk What would we do without Bias Response Teams? The Creepy Consequences of Oppression Chic Welfare discourages middle-class marriages, study finds Feminist @SuzannahWeiss Hates All Men, So Why Would She Ever Date a Man? UN Backs Secret Obama Takeover of Police - International org calls for federalization of U.S. law enforcement to be 'beefed up,' cover all of America The UN???? ... travel a little bit and you soon figure out that there is a limit to Isn’t there something I guess there are good pedophiles and bad pedophiles US poised to hit Obama's target of 10,000 Syrian refugees The Conservative Media Echo Chamber Is Making the Right Intellectually Deaf True Trump: ‘I don’t know why we’re not leading by a lot’ Just ask Mrs. BD. If you are losing her, you are losing bad because nobody likes Hillary Hey Donald, Got Some More Targets for You… Having insulted war heroes, firefighters and Donald Trump is having a spectacular run of face-plants. Here are the ones that actually matter. 95 Theses About Trump and the Election VDH: Donald Trump, Postmodern Candidate Hamas 'infiltrated int'l Gazan aid group,' stole tens of millions of dollars Flaws in the ‘Lone Wolf’ Analysis On August 1, Professor Hasia Diner of NYU and Professor Marjorie Feld of Babson College in Massachusetts took to the pages of Ha’aretz to denounce the world’s only Jewish state for being racist, colonialist, reactionary, aggressive, and – this above all – Jewish. US General in Europe Agrees NATO States Must Pay More for Defense NATO is obsolete anyway Obama’s deadly compromise on terror Comments
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Researcher Says Government Is Racist For Recommending Milk
This coming after the UN says we need to tax meat out of the public's ability to afford it. Wow. No agenda there, since the dairy industry contributes over 50% of the beef to the US market. Not even going to address the ridiculousness of the racist accusation. Everything is racist anymore. I don't think racist is the right word. In modern usage the bar is pretty low, so perhaps forgetting or not noticing that many African-Americans can't digest the stuff comes within hailing distance. But stupid seems more appropriate.
This relates well to the Bloomberg and Sunnstein post. Government people always seem to know what's best for us - and then somehow, things go wrong. Most new regulations pick off the low-hanging fruit of status-quo problems, which only encourages the fools to go back for more. There is a law of diminishing returns. Wasn't a problem with milk digestion part of the reason yogurt and cheese were created (apart from the tact that cheese is a way of preserving milk)?
God IS nuclear energy. He said "Let There Be Light" - and turned on a giant nuclear furnace in the sky.
Everything they say about nuclear energy is ignorant and untrue. Nuclear waste can be recycled in a Breeder reactor. Disposal of the final small amount of nuclear waste can simply be taken into orbit and pushed towards the sun. How oddly unMethodist the United Methodists seem...
John and Charles, come back! Your church needs you. "UN Backs Secret Obama Takeover of Police..."
Gosh, with only 113 US working days left, your president is going to be really challenged to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution and install himself as president-for-life. (I'm amused that, when George W was in his second term, leftie moonbats made the same charges about him as wingnuts on the right are now making about Obama. Always interesting how the fringes of the political spectrum often converge when it comes to fruitcake conspiracy notions.) QUOTE: Obama’s deadly compromise on terror... but while all Moslems are not terrorists, all terrorists are Moslems. Incorrect; e.g., the Dylann Roof attack. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_United_States Almost TOO silly a comment to respond to.
Roof, like his predecessors Richard Speck and Joh Wayne Gacey, did not intend to inflict fear upon any people other than his victims, in the name of religion. Zach, you've hit a new depth of "Stoopid", even after lowering the bar so muc! B48: Roof, like his predecessors Richard Speck and Joh Wayne Gacey, did not intend to inflict fear upon any people other than his victims, in the name of religion.
That is incorrect. Roof's roommate said he wanted to "start a civil war". Roof told police he was on a "mission". A surviving witness reported that Roof said he did it because “You rape our women, and you’re taking over our country, and you have to go.” Roof even published a racist manifesto on his website. It was clearly a terrorist act. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_United_States I agree that Z's comparison is stupid, but I don't think Islamic "terrorism" is primarily meant to engender fear. The jihadis that we call terrorist are killing others because they are either infidels or they are not "sufficiently Muslim." I think the fear is a secondary motivation so that the infidels they don't kill will become dhimmis.
While Roof seems to believe that blacks "need killing", I doubt that his feelings would extend to going to Africa - or even Haiti - to kill blacks. Jihadis want to and do kill infidels everywhere. In the US, the Roof types are exceedingly rare. There are no state sponsors of his racism, but there are state sponsors of jihadi murder and Obama can't seem to help funding some of them. mudbug: I agree that Z's comparison is stupid
Roof is a clear case of terrorism, and a direct contradiction (among many) of the claim that all terrorists are Muslims. "Obama’s deadly compromise on terror... but while all Moslems are not terrorists, all terrorists are Moslems."
Such a statement is patently and self-evidently inaccurate: of course not all terrorists are Muslims. A far more accurate statement would be: "Not all Muslims are Islamic terrorists. But all Islamic terrorists are Muslims." With nearly 170 Islamic terrorist attacks in more than 20 countries this past July alone - for a monthly death toll over 1500 - you have to be pretty desperate to avoid reality to try counterbalancing those stats with a Dylan Roof or even an Anders Breivik. JJM: Such a statement is patently and self-evidently inaccurate: of course not all terrorists are Muslims.
Good work. That's what we were pointing out. JJM: "Not all Muslims are Islamic terrorists. But all Islamic terrorists are Muslims."
If you accept that Islamic terrorists are Muslims, then your statement is tautological. Most Muslims reject the Muslim character of Islamic terrorism, just as most Christians disavow the KKK, even though the KKK is avowedly a Christian organization. JJM: With nearly 170 Islamic terrorist attacks in more than 20 countries this past July alone - for a monthly death toll over 1500 With the vast majority of victims being Muslims. There's a war going on, and terrorism is a terrible weapon being wielded in that war. Z: With the vast majority of victims being Muslims.
I'm sure that's very comforting to the families of infidels who were killed by Muslim terrorists.
2016-08-05 12:52
"Is God against nuclear energy?
So why did He create it?" Old school protestants here (and probably in the US it's no different) would have the answer instantly, and it's the same they use for everything that's possible yet in their view of the bible is not allowed: "it's to test us and see if we can resist temptation". IOW god is a sarcastic, sadistic, bastard who's constantly trying to trick you into things that will throw you into eternal damnation and only the most pure of heart (meaning us ourselves) will ever see the pearly gates of heaven. Hearken, yeh sinners, see the light and send us your souls and your money for we will take good care of them. I am assuming that your post was tongue in cheek?
How do Protestants answer James 1:13-15: "Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself tempts no one; but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire" I live in fear, that Ten will show up and run me through the mill, but I have to ask and point this out. No, that really is how the more conservative Christian groups here reason.
God creates and enables everything, including everything you're not allowed to do, as a test of your faith in Him. If you fail the test (iow do anything not explicitly allowed by the Church) you face eternal damnation in hell. Hey Donald, Got Some More Targets for You… Having insulted war heroes, firefighters and
babies, Trump may be running out of people to offend. _________________________________ I'm curious. Which war hero did Trump insult? McCain is no hero. He crashed a couple of planes without consequence because his Daddy was an admiral. He should not even have been allowed in the cockpit of the one in which he was carelessly shot down. Idiocy does not make you a war hero. Particularly, when you return to legislate in favor of stripping Americans of their constitutional rights under the guise of "security, as McCain did in favoring the reprehensible Patriot Act. Benedict Arnold accomplished far more for the American cause than John McCain ever did! Old Codger: McCain is no hero.
Early release from captivity could be used for propaganda by the North Vietnamese, so the American officers agreed that release should be in order of capture. McCain was the son of the U.S. Commander of the Pacific fleet, and the Vietnamese wanted to release him. Having already been tortured, he nonetheless refused, and then was subsequently subjected to severe torture, and years more captivity. As a Congresscritter, McCain (and Senator Kerry) refused to address or take action on the estimated 5000 POWs left behind when a pay-to-play deal went bad. Neither one of them deserve any respect for this alone.
jma: Neither one of them deserve any respect for this alone.
That wasn't the claim, which concerned his service record. It's certainly possible, but there is no evidence that any American remains alive in captivity in Southeast Asia. Early release could be used as propaganda? Why bother with that detail when McCain did propaganda tapes for Hanoi? This is one:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNuNiU-Ip3c#t=27 His actions since Vietnam mean just a much as his self-serving "heroics" as he has voted down bills that would have helped our returning vets who didn't have military-brass daddies to protect them. AND he attacked Trump and his thousands of supporters as "crazies" before Trump responded.
2016-08-05 11:49
jma: Why bother with that detail when McCain did propaganda tapes for Hanoi?
McCain was tortured for years to make confessions, as were most other prisoners. He didn't even have to be there, except as a matter of principle.
2016-08-05 16:53
It's almost as if these writers aren't actually watching the Trump events!
1) McCain has been riding on his Vietnam experience for decades now. He consistently lies to Arizona about his positions when it is convenient for an election year and then he goes back to Congress and does the same wishy washy stuff. I hope he loses his primary. 2) Did anyone see the 'baby' incident? I did. Live. The whole thing. It was humorous. The audience was laughing. The lady eventually came back in with her baby. The whole claim he was 'mean' to a baby is ridiculous on its face. This tells me the press is looking for anything to hammer Trump on, because they can't find much. 3) The press are acting as if Trump in August 2016 is the same as Trump in January of 2016. WATCH HIS RALLIES. He talks about the news, the Obama Administration & its mistakes, Hillary and what a bad candidate she is, and his own plans. That's it. No crazy talk. No insults beyond what any normal candidate would say. Yesterday he read part of an article that discussed the rise in terrorism in the U.S. and Europe. He is pointing out facts and the failures of the Obama Adminstration. I am not sure where the press is getting the idea that he is 'off message.' He is completely ON message. The only time he got 'off message' was in an interview with Stephanapolous who asked him questions that were 'off message.' Clearly, a set up for this week of bashing by the press and the left (and the right). Why insult the heck out of friends and allies?
That is no way to get elected. It's the way to be despised. The last thing we need is the UN in our homes overruling our rights when they have done nothing to protect individual liberty and improve the lot of mankind, but have greatly enriched their elite and ever-expanding leadership. Sounds a bit like the administrations of our last several presidents who have dangerously expanded the role of the executive branch of our government to where its more suggestive of a monarchy surrounded by select cabalists lording over a population of serfs.
"The last thing we need is the UN in our homes overruling our rights..."
The UN has no such power and never has. The only power that can overrule your rights is your own government. (Or, I suppose, a successful foreign invader and occupier.) Maybe Mrs. BD is watching too much CNN "news:"
http://propertyfreedompeace.blogspot.com/2016/08/todays-earth-shattering-controversy.html "The Anthropological Argument About Carb Consumption".
This rational would bring back head hunting and any number of incredibly stupid and destructive behaviors. Ancient people ate anything and everything they could find that would feed them. If they came upon a sugar factory they would have gorged themselves on pure sugar. To proclaim some sort of superior understanding of diet or the belief that because ancient untainted peoples ate paleo diets is absurd. If you had showed up at the campfire with a package of Oreos you would probably be voted to Chieftain. They ate what was available it was only after farming and, wait for it... genetic modification of plants that they could have access to the higher energy available in carbs. Are carbs "bad" for you? The evidence is against it. If they were bad for you we would all be dying young instead of increasing life expectancies every year. Can you overdo carb consumption? I truly don't know. God knows I try. I'm thinking about going to Walmart now that I brought up Oreos and buy a package to eat with my evening ice cream. I would of course eat the entire package for a snack. Do carbs make you fat/obese? I guess so but if you are prone to being fat or obese than anything edible can and will make you fat or obese. I have weighed the same for 50 years and I eat everything and my forth meal of the day is high carb snacks. I weigh 215 and most people who see me would say I'm thin. Is there anything wrong with choosing a Paleo diet? Probably not any more than a vegan or atkins diet or any of the fad diets. You may need to take extra steps to make sure you get your MDRs but otherwise it's just food. Principles on Renaming. So does that mean we get, a few years from now, the ability to rename the buildings, parks, streets, naval ships, and so forth that are named after Social Justice Wussies, knuckleheads, and just plain commies?
Hijacking of aid isn't anything new. International aid organizations operating in Ireland redirected tens of millions of dollars of the donations collected in Boston bars to the murderous, outlawed Irish Republican Army."
Tracked: Aug 07, 10:00