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Wednesday, February 10. 2016Trump and SandersHeard Trump via radio today. "We're gonna kick the crap out of Isis." "We're gonna close the border and eliminate the drugs." The guy knows nothing and does not want to bother to. Why should he? He's The Donald. Heard a black guy endorsing Sanders too. Guy said "Bernie has been consistent with his views since he was a teenager." That's a compliment?
Posted by The News Junkie
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We Canadians are strictly peanut-gallery voyeurs of course and I for one openly admit that The Donald and Comrade Bernie are the two guys making the otherwise tedious snail-race to your Oval Office so fascinating to watch.
Remove these two and the whole thing becomes a bore of epic proportions featuring lookalike politicians and no great substance (which is probably why Don and Bern are so popular in the first place). On the other hand, we did just vote in a pretty-faced high school drama teacher for PM up here, so I suppose we're hardly the ones to talk about substance... "Bernie has been consistent with his views since he was a teenager." That's a compliment?
My thought also. Which reminds me of the old saw that if you are a teenager and not a socialist you have no heart, but if you are 40 and a socialist, you have no brain. "Bernie has been consistent with his views since he was a teenager"
"That's a compliment?" Agreed, Not only is that not a compliment; I actually find it to be a bit scary. It says the guy has learned NOTHING since he was a know-it-all teenager. "That's a compliment?"
Yes, if your world view is driven by your emotions as an adult like it was when you were a teenager. You say that the guy knows nothing. That may be true but Trump has a vision for America and an attitude of success that we simply are not seeing from the technocrats that "know something". At this point Americans are tired of politicians who know something and are looking for non-politicians that will do something. Trump is something akin to a Brooklyn-born Reagan.
C'mon, knows nothing? Right, he got where he is because he's stupid. How about a post that has been given some thought.
People who have worked with The Donald, and I know several, think he's a master of orchestrating complex problems. Given the pool of non-talent over the last decades, he might be the best chance we have to stabilize our economy and unite our country behind a common goal -- making America great again. The Elites of both political parties have failed at benefiting anyone but themselves and their cronies.
Same song repeatedly from the Trump supporters: the other guys suck; he's made money and is famous on TV; the other gujys suck; you other guys just don't like him because he shakes things up and threatens the establishment; the other guys suck; we know he loves America because he says American-y things. And the other guys suck.
I am only repeated what I read on a half-dozen right-leaning sites, including this one. I don't think I am unfairly representing what is actually being written. If you have better arguments, bring them out. I dislike Trump because he has said some amazingly stupid things; because he is gratuitously insulting; because his successes are not the same skills as a president needs; but mostly, because his positions change dramatically. Telling me yet again that you have lumped all the other Republicans together in your mind and are blaming them because the country still isn't right, and therefore they suck, is not going to move the dial. I agree totally. If you look at where Trump is now and where he started from, the guy's obviously got a lot of talent. But if you look at where Hillary is now and where she started from, she's obviously even smarter than Trump. I mean, she got rich wheeling and dealing with crooked politicians and crony capitalists just like Trump but Trump was the one dumb enough to write checks to Hillary and you didn't see her giving any money to Trump, did you? That's why I'm voting for Hillary this time. I'm sick and tired of always choosing the lesser of two evils, this time I'm going for the greater.
"When you find yourself in a snake pit, you don't care who hands you a stick".
I think that sums up a lot of Trump's appeal. Probably Sanders's as well. One thing that is not present in the daily political dialogue is the long list of people who have worked with or worked for Trump and have been screwed in one way or another. So far I have not seen one person come forward and I think that says a lot about his character. In fairness I have not seen this with other candidates either (except as related to Hillary's husband) but because Trump is so controversial, many would think that he might have skeletons in his closet.
People who don't inderstand the attraction of Trump are themselves the problem.
You "conservative" "pundits" still don't get it: Trump isn't our candidate. He's our murder weapon.And the GOP is our victim.
I am also confused by the 'no nothing' comment regarding Trump. What? He is a super successful businessman who has made a bunch of deals. He is also a graduate of the Wharton School of Business. I'm sorry, but Trump does know a lot.
I agree with most everything he says on immigration and think it can be achieved 100%. It just takes force of will. We need a president who can plow through the lobbyists and the press and not care one whit about what people think when he does things he talked about. Trump has proven he is that man. Trump says bomb ISIS, close the border. So what? LBJ was going to end poverty by declaring war on it. Various candidates were going to end high drop out rates in schools and/or guarantee a living wage by raising the minimum wage. Etc. and etc.
And here's what's about to die: A political Party that assumes a guy with a Dad and brother as former U.S. Presidents, can just stroll off a Florida golf course 16 months ago, nine years from his last election, and simply carry that Big Money Donor banner right into the White House.
Horeshit. For killing that and forcing these phony political lifers to have to deal with the Illegal Immigration, if nothing else comes of his campaign, I salute Donald Trump. I think Trump's child was correct when they said that he set the agenda for the election. Without Trump we'd have a much more civilized dialogue on the finer points of China trade or Iranian relations at a time when we can't really afford civility.
Pollster Pat Caddell has been shocked by the outrage of the American electorate this time around and Caddell is a mature old timer. If people are wondering about Trump's popularity or Berne's surge, they aren't paying attention. Tell the people what they want to hear.
Goals are whats important. Plans and rules are for nerds. This article explains why some people like Trump.
http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/2015/November/39/11/magazine/article/10829676/ If by stabilize you mean control, then I guess he's your man. The economy doesn't need to be stabilized. It needs to be liberated. We tried stabilizing the economy in the 20s, 30s, and 40s. To say it doesn't work is an gross understatement.
As a VT resident, let me show you Sanders America fashioned after VT. Tax the rich, tax business, environmental regs to stop all development, no private low income homes. Commit a
crime get a "oh you poor person" If your a female, get pregnant in high school and the STATE takes care of you for life. Drugs, are good, VT has a heroin epidemic! VT under Sanders and Leahy found socialism works, create hundreds of social programs and let Washington pay for them, Washington being the U.S. tax payers. VT ski resorts are subsidized by the state of VT. VT's biggest business is selling foreign investors U.S. citizen ship for $500,000.00. VT single payer health care never came about because the needed TWO BILLION to fund it. President Trump will assemble a brain trust and he will direct them to Restore America.
By the way: sounds like Bernie has been a dead beat from early on, then he found a government "job". http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/225162/ I agree, immigration and open borders is about to hurt us big time and our current politicians seem unwilling or unable to do anything to stop it.
That is not what has been said - even on this very thread.
The guy went to Wharton, and yes - his business success is very germane to the tasks of the Presidency - there's a reason it's called the Executive branch of government. And yes - the ability to fight your way out of the paper bag of mau-mauing leftie media is definitely part of the qualifications for a conservative candidate. So far only Trump and Cruz pass that bar - and Cruz largely followed The Donald. Not sure we'd be discussing immigration if Trump had not blown a hole in the media wall of PC containment. Trump and Sanders are the flip side of the same coin, no matter how ironic or paradoxical. Whether it is realistic or not, they came to represent Main St vrs K Street. Even though, I voted for the candidate that I thought would be the best CIC, I understand and empathize with the Trump/Sanders supporters. The global mega corps and industries, along with their minions, would sell American values, sovereignty, the Bill of Rights, domestic economic well being , and jobs down the river as long as they are the beneficiaries. They would subject us all to International Technocracies without our consent, consider TPP. Anyone of the other candidates could have seized on this message and run with it. Granted, some tried but never got traction.
Bad choice of words. You are correct. This shadow government of departments and administrators spewing out rules and regulations has to go. Trump has expressed such disdain for the meddlers many times and, from what I hear about his operations departments, lean and mean rules.
Absolutely. I have been watching this run-up over the last six months with glee. Trump has been a slap across the face to the GOP establishment, and while I am not completely sold on his conservative bona fides, anything that causes the GOPe a little sturm und drang makes me happy.
Those of us with more Tea Party leanings have been sold out over and over by the likes of Boehner and McConnell simply because they fear the prospect of being the adult in the room and losing their automatic invite to the Georgetown cocktail parties they certainly relish. We have worked hard to put solid Constitutional conservatives into government only to see them co-opted by the lure of D.C. insider horsetrading. Cripes, you're more apt to get a fair shake from the Vegas mobster than you would from these charlatans. That's sad. |