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Wednesday, December 2. 2015Wednesday morning links Last owner razed it because he was so annoyed with his property taxes Why do so many people hate US airports? $410,000 higher ed loans Made mistakes "The American Dream? I thought so, until I had a baby and no maternity leave.." Work & Employment Down, Sleep & Socializing Up: Obamacare’s “Slacker Mandate” Pope Francis Says Fundamentalism Is a Disease of ‘All Religions’ Yahoo Board to Weigh Sale of Internet Business I think that means they will sell it “Climate change” is about the money. It’s always about the money- and look who’s going to profit. Developing Countries: We want a Trillion Dollars to Sign your Climate Agreement Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies - In Paris, it’s easier to battle a climate crisis than confront jihadists on the streets. Collapse of NY’s largest Obamacare co-op has doctors refusing new patients A second prominent WaPo liberal columnist bails on Obama Obama Claims Mass Shootings Only Occur in USA — While in Paris 46 Times President Obama Told Americans ‘That’s Not Who We Are’ Obama Claims Mass Shootings Only Occur in USA — While in Paris - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=65891#sthash.WYfDqk5J.dpuf The blindingly obvious political attack that every 2016 candidate should use against Hillary Senator Rand Paul: CNN ‘Has Taken Their Clinton Sycophancy to a New Low’ Paradigms Lost: The EU - What are Europeans willing to fight for? They will fight for pensions and freebies Walter E. Williams: Europe's Existence In Doubt As Muslim No-Go Zones Spread How Israel became a water superpower - Seth M. Siegel, author of ‘Let There Be Water,’ hopes Israel’s world-class water practices create a ripple effect of peace Anonymous publishes details of 'ISIS recruiters' and takes down 5,500 Twitter accounts Trackbacks
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"Pope Francis Says Fundamentalism Is a Disease of 'All Religions'"
Alas, the Pope probably means "extremists" not "fundamentalists". I encounter this sort of muddled terminological inexactitude quite routinely. As pointed out in the article, being fundamentalist does not equate to being extremist, and certainly not being a violent extremist. No one would accuse the Amish of being extremists, yet they're pretty fundamentalist in their Christian beliefs. Ditto quite a number of Orthodox Jewish sects. What's more, there are fundamentalist Muslim sects too who don't make violence their business. This is how I sort fundamentalists from extremists: a fundamentalist believes I'm going to hell; an extremist wants to send me there. "Developing Countries: We want a Trillion Dollars to Sign your Climate Agreement"
They may be developing countries, but stupid they ain't. "Obama Claims Mass Shootings Only Occur in USA - While in Paris"
415 days left in office. And only 284 of these are workdays. He's out of time. Gates of Vienna has a devastating essay on the coming world war.
http://gatesofvienna.net/2015/11/tet-take-two-islams-2016-european-offensive/ I found this to be the interesting passage:
"Right now, approximately a million new Muslim migrants are engaged in a struggle to find a warm place to sleep in a continent with nothing approaching the capacity to adequately house them. At least 75% of the migrant invaders are Muslim men of fighting age. Native-born ethnic Germans, Swedes and others are being thrown onto the street to provide emergency housing for Muslim “refugees.” Tens of thousands of migrants are currently living in tents, and in temporary shelters like school gymnasiums and underused warehouses. There will be no means of finding or creating permanent quarters for them before the Central European blizzards come. When the snow is deep in Germany and across Europe, these men are going to enter local houses, demanding to be taken in as boarders — or else. Where it is useful, small migrant children will be held up in front as human shields for their emotional blackmail value, elsewise they will be discarded. One way or the other, Muslim migrants will be attempting to move inside of German homes and apartments seeking heat and food, and the young Muslim men will be seeking undefended infidel or kafir women to slake their lust, (which is their right, under Islamic Sharia law). In disarmed Europe, any group of a dozen or more cold, hungry and angry Muslim men armed with clubs and knives will be able to enter any German house or business that they like. Worse, there are now reports of vast quantities of firearms being smuggled into Europe by the muhajirun, with cowed European authorities afraid to search the migrants or their baggage, lest they provoke riots. And weapons are not only smuggled in “refugee” baggage: eight hundred assault-style shotguns were just seized in a single truck in northern Italy, bound from Turkey to Belgium. How many truckloads of weapons and explosives have not been stopped? In Germany, even before the winter snows, the migrants are flash-mobbing and looting shops and stores. Seeking to forestall a social eruption, police do not respond until the mobs have safely departed. For now, the German government is paying these store owners for their lost merchandise, but this cannot continue forever. Businesses are closing and Germans are retreating in fear, as the muhajirun learn that they can invade private property and rob Germans without repercussions, convincing them even further of the docile passivity of their hosts, and the inevitability of their ultimate hijra invasion success." It will interesting to see if his scenario unfolds. While coming conflict can often be predicted, forecasting the precise date is much trickier. A black activist was the hoax source of threats against blacks at the college!? Whoa! Who could have seen that coming. I am shocked. Surely this can't be common or wide spread that black and LGBT activists use hoax attacks to cause a crisis that then allows them to have their demands met. Say it isn't true. Where is the SPLC with their list of white supremacists?
The pope might just have a point. I certainly know many Christians with fundamentalists tendencies. I know many who contribute/tithe 10% of their income to the church. I know some who went to Haiti after the quake to help the people there. Another friend and his family go to Mexico every year for a month to help the people in Chiapas where they have built a school and a medical facility. This kind of fundamentalism seems quite common among Christians. The difference between Christians and Muslims is that the Islamic religion demands their adherents kill and conquer all who are not Muslims while the Christian religion commands their adherents to do good things and help people. Maybe we need a different definition of fundamentalism.
Mark Levin:
Republicans have essentially telegraphed the message to Obama that they will not stand in his way to fundamentally transform America on a single policy issue… The congressional Republicans, led by House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, are once again proving that it would be better to have no Republican Party than one controlled by enemies within. https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2015/12/mark-levin-dec-1 That part caught my eye too. Wouldn't work in most of the U.S. - too many armed civilians, but entirely possible in Western Europe. Will be keeping my eyes open the next couple of months to see if that perdition plays out and what the reaction is.
Over Thanksgiving, a fellow was at our in-laws talking about his college loans. He bragged that he had over $160,000 in student loans.
For a degree in...something. I forget, but it wasn't even useful. He's working in the mortgage business now. But the weird thing is that his loans covered 4 years - 2 at a community college and 2 at St. John's (a commuter school which he attended while living at home). How in God's name do you build up $160,000 over 4 years at a community college and a commuter school? I think he must have had some mistakes in his life or he spent the money on vacations or something else..... I'm paying for my boys, and we have loans for both of them, but we won't be anywhere near $160,000. When I worked at a college it was common knowledge that students would request the maximum loan and they would buy cars, rent upscale apartments and party and vacation with the money. Also some students would stay in school taking classes after graduation to keep the money flowing. Most students had some vague notion that they could delay repayment forever or have the debt forgiven somehow.
"I'm paying for my boys, and we have loans for both of them, but we won't be anywhere near $160,000."
Face it: you're just not trying! |