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Monday, December 22. 2014Monday morning links I tip my garbage men, the mailman who is kind enuf to deliver stuff to my front porch, and a much bigger tip than normal to the early morning Dunkin gals. I'm not sure who else I have to Christmas tip these days. "Legendary Mad Magazine Illustrator Jack Davis Calls It Quits at 90″ Legendary Mad Magazine Illustrator Jack Davis Calls It Quits at 90″ - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=55758#sthash.NvPcECDG.dpuf Autism Moms Have Stress Similar To Combat Soldiers 2015 GMC Canyon and Chevrolet Colorado Test Drive The United States of Anxiety - Sony brass might be cotton candy, but they are iron men compared with the American college student.
The key to understanding Environmental Economics is understanding unintended consequences Civil Rights Group Outraged at Bowdoin’s ‘Cultural Appropriation’ Outrage UVA Enters Damage Control Mode Over Rolling Stone Rape Story NY to Ban Fracking: Turn out the Upstate Lights To Save Australia From Hotcoldwetdry, We Need To Kill All The Rabbits Eric Holder Dictates That Cross-Dressing on the Job Is a Civil Right On Halloween, or all the time? Time Magazine: Right-Wing Militias Are The Real Threat To Cops Sultan: Saving Comrade Castro President Obama’s ‘betrayal’ of Cuban democrats Funding the Castros’ tyranny Mead via Insty:
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Tipping is an abomination. Set the price in advance so you know what deal you're getting and the provider is happy to provide it. Then both sides come out ahead.
Wrong. It shows gratitude, and in doing so often gets you more committed service.
So if I understand you correctly, you should not give your best service to the customer unless a generous tip is forthcoming?
Even if not doing your best means the customer is not coming back? I am enlightened. Sadly, I think Bird Dog is right for the world as it is. rhhardin is right for the world as it should be. Tipping is a strange custom. Why does anyne deserve a tip? Shouldn't the employer pay the employees and shouldn't the employees look elsewhere if their pay isn't sufficient. Why should I be shamed into subsidizing the employer? Why should I be afraid the waiter will spit in my food if I don't subsidize sufficiently? It is extortion pure and simple. I do tip and my wife will take a dollar or two out of her purse if she thinks I failed to tip 15% or so. But I also prefer to not go out to eat just so I can avoid the extortion.
I would never tip a mail person. They are doing their job with very good benefits and pay. Why tip if they should be giving equal service to everyone they deliver to? Are you saying my mail will get treated differently, if I don't tip?
so you tip someone who does not do a good job in the hope that will get them to try harder next time?
I'm afraid it will have the opposite effect, they'll start considering themselves entitled to the tips and complain when they don't get them. Just look at all the restaurant workers who often just add a massive "tip" to the bill rather than wait for it to be handed to them. Here it's become so bizarre this time of year that you're supposed to tip the boys and girls who come round every day to stuff your mailbox with advertising flyers and other junk mail. I'll tip someone if and only if they provide service above and beyond what they were supposed to provide. And the mailman? We don't have one any longer, due to cutbacks it's a different part timer hired on a day job contract every time almost. Why should I tip the one who happens to have the round on the specific day they're asking for tips? I'll never see him or her again... The garbage collector ditto. City has a team of dozens of them, some good, some bad. I never see them in person, but some weeks my bin is nice and clean when I get it, other weeks they don't even bother to empty it properly. We tip FedEx, UPS, our house-cleaner, and my M-i-L's caregiver. I just consider it a Christmas bonus.
There's tipping and there are Christmas time gifts to the people who cross paths with you on a regular basis.
I went to Dunkin Donuts and got a handful of their gift cards at $10 each. I gave them to my mother and she completely enjoyed the act of handing them to the Home Health Aid who helps her bathe, the lady who delivers her paper, and in truth, anyone lucky enough to cross her path this week. As far as tipping the rest of the year goes, we'll know that AI has arrived when the vending machines become rude to bad tippers. Merry Christmas! Guy in the parking garage pay booth put a quarter in my expired parking meter, saving me a $25 parking ticket from the local gendarmes.
Gave him a $5 tip and wished him "Merry Christmas" ; figured it was fair exchange for service rendered. Sorry, Mr. White above has such an Ebenezar attitude. Oh, and go ask anyone who's been to Europe how great the service is, when the tip is included in the price! I tip $20 each to mailman, garbage man, paper carrier at Christmas. Usually a half-dozen donuts at our local bakery amount to something like $4.01, so I tell them to put change in tip jar, year-round. I also tip service professionals like plumbers, electricians, etc $10-$20 after a job I judge well-done. (Almost always, the immediate response is, "Are you sure?" before a grateful, "Thanks!") I get a kick out of putting $2 bills in tip jars. Really blows some folks' minds, who are unaware that you can still get them if you ask for them at banks. Give the $2 bills to kids who run lemonade stands in summertime, and tell them to ask their parents to explain to them the significance of the event depicted on back of the bill.
What kind of jobs do these people have, where they can freely give away their money for no real reason?
Dog walkers????? obese Rich people Perhaps I should tip my local sheriff and elected officials to show my profound gratitude for the work they are doing on my behalf?
Oh wait. Would that be a bribe? What's the difference? Unintended Consequences: That which is studiously avoided in studies designed to give the desired conclusion, and the possibility of which is vociferously denied, along with the morals, intelligence and parentage of those who suggest there may be some,
Bowdoin: One could get a really bad education there. Holder: I have to ask, why doesn't he cross-dress to show support for cross-dressers and LGBTQRSTUVWXYZs? I mean, why not? Is he ashamed to do so? Doesn't everybody send their doc and dentist a holiday gift of some sort?
It's not a bribe, it's a thank you. My sister is a DVM and owns her own clinic.
I have never heard of her getting a cash tip at Christmas. Ever. Tipping professionals must be an East Coast thing. Having said that, her practice is literally overwhelmed with Christmas cookies, pastries and candy, homemade and store bought, all from happy clients. It is just set out as a buffet and all and sundry can have all they want. They never run out during the holiday season. Somehow that all seems better than a tip, but that's just me. I know someone who sends a case of champagne every year to the neurosurgeon who saved her life, but otherwise I've never heard anyone mention a holiday gift to a doctor or dentist, and I confess it never occurred to me, especially if I don't happen to be seeing them this time of year. That is, it wouldn't occur to me to mail them something, or make a special trip by the office.
If I happened to be getting my teeth cleaned, I might bring along a handmade Christmas ornament. On September 28th 2013 the IPCC intergovernmental Panel of Climate change announced in their report that there has been no global warming in 15 years! James Hanson former head of Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) stated to BBC that the world's average temperature has risen 3/10's of a degree in the past 30 years. That is why most people do not know the worlds average temperature because it is never mentioned in any global warming story or press release. The Arctic is now in it's third year of continuous ice growth from the melt off of 2007 to 2012 which some attribute to back to back el Nina's. Antarctica is at a 35 record high of ice growth. Polar bears are doing very well and are not declining.
see: http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/TV+Shows/The+National/Environment/ID/2505129180/ World temperature is currently 14.45 C up from 14.37 in 1998. Traditional climatologists believe that the sun warms and cools the pacific ocean which in turn warms and cools the earth in 20 to 30 year cycles. A 20 year warming cycle ended in 1998 and a cooling cycle began however, this time the temperate did not cool but remains relatively stagnate. Satellite weather monitoring began in the late 1980's that more accurately measured the earth's temperature. They determine the earth was 1/10th of a degree warmer than previously thought. There has been no increase in drought, floods, tornadoes, or hurricanes according to the National U.S Weather Bureau. The U.N. has a political and economic agenda that they use the theory of Climate Change to advocate. However, the theory has not panned out, so they hope to achieve their agenda before the rest of the world realizes the theory is no longer valid. Most press releases fail to mention studies, or scientist by name and all fail to mention the world's average temperature. Doing so would alert the public to a lack of warming. A Politically Correct Zen Riddle
"One civil rights group is outraged at Bowdoin College’s outrageous punishment of students who dressed up as pilgrims and American Indians for a Thanksgiving party – calling it “cultural appropriation”" "Attorney General Eric Holder has issued an edict, through a memorandum, that cross dressing and transsexualism [are] now protected under federal civil rights laws which were designed to protect women from sex discrimination." So is it punishable, or protected, conduct for a male to dress up as a female Pilgrim or Indian on Thanksgiving? To Save Australia From Hotcoldwetdry, We Need To Kill All The Rabbits
There is no predator that can be imported to Australia that can control the rabbits that won't become a worse problem for the sheep... except one. But Australia dis-armed that predator that can be trusted to restrict themselves to the rabbits and the Roos. Made them turn in their guns they did! Your comment was successfully added.