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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, June 21. 2013Friday morning links Mead: Dr. Helen Smith on Where the Good Men Are, and Why They Left Beijing Drivers Vent Their Anger Princess Leia's Daddy Issues Caffeine levels vary by coffee brand Union boss Karen Lewis blames ‘rich white people’ for Chicago school district woes When it comes to climate change, we have to trust our scientists, because they know lots of big scary words The Insanity Of U.S. Farm Policies The Devastating Impact of 30 Years of Sprawl, As Seen From Space Democrats are trying to destroy IRS investigation Boehner: Obama’s Climate Change Proposal ‘Absolutely Crazy’ Obama's Agenda: Big Government Solutions in Search of Crises Crime and Non-Punishment in Sweden Via Carpe, There is Significant Gender Inequity Among the College Gender Equity Enforcers (83% of Title IX Coordinators are Female). Randall Munroe graphically describes why I worry more about global cooling than Comments
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Dear Magical Webmaster: What is the title of the Steam Paddleboat painting on the upper left hand corner of your esteemed home page? I find myself staring at it and thinking of Mr. Twain and times gone by.
My Google-fu was of little use to me in finding it out in the ether. :) Regards, Ron Our top images, which vary occasionally, are all old Currier and Ives prints. I am sentimentally fond of them.
using currier and ives steamboat in a google image search leads to this large jpg entitled Champions of the Mississippi Race for the Buckhorns at Steam Boat times, several prints at ebay, etc.
QUOTE: Mary Elizabeth Williams: Guys worry about sex on the first date too h/t Insty Of course they do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFgo9J_MRng There are so many variables that affect the caffeine level in a cup of coffee that make that chart of somewhat less value than it might appear. Amongst the Starbucks/McDonald/Dunkin folks mentioned I can guarantee that if you took their coffee home and brewed it yourself using the same amount of coffee in each then the caffeine levels would be exactly the same. The variance is solely a result of the brew strengths that vary from chain to chain.
--fill your tin coffeepot with ice-cold water from the tumbling snowmelt stream just downhill from the tent. Lightly pour in, so they'll float all on top, your coffee grounds. Drag some glowing embers to the side of the campfire, and nestle your coffeepot down in amongst them, taking care to not jostle the floating, yet to seat it well so it won't tip, and as a nicety keep the pouring spout rotated to the cool side of the placement. Drag more embers around as needed to bring the water to the edge of (but not to) a rolling boil. Remove heat from pot or pot from heat, let steep a couple minutes, and if you dislike a few grounds in your cup, add a dash of cold water to settle them all the way to the bottom. Now, THAT's a cup o coffee. Of course, since it's Spring and you're just below timberline somewhere along the continental divide way back up in the High Rockies, it could be a broth of moose turd as long as it were hot.
and the moose turd is completely organic.
and probably loaded with fiber, too. Followed the link on sprawl. Unless I missed it, they did not explain why sprawl is "devastating".
Perhaps they were speaking of the impact on big city Progressive politics as people escape those regimes for leafier and more sedate climes outside the city. In that respect, sprawl has been devastating.
--make fun if you wish, Bingley, but fiber is very important.
--tax base. Search 'regional tax base sharing' --it has a fancier name, which i do not recall at the mo, in its section of the UN Agenda 21 plan.
Nice story buddy.
Campin' Joe use to brew that sort of campin' joe before headin' out to chute black squirrel for breakfast. There was a moose appeared once upon a time along Monument Creek but he was just prankin'; www.csindy.com › Columns › Ranger Rich I would like to formally complain to TC Canuck that Randall Munroe has given Canada way more of the pretty blue color than he did the USA. I don't think that's fair. TC has some 'splainin' to do, i'd say.
Proper link;
http://www.csindy.com/coloradosprings/moose-in-my-world/Content?oid=2577620 For "Ben David". In yesterday's conversation you posted a description of how Jewish boys are educated in a Jewish school system. I want to thank you so much for that post. I have always know the system was better, but I never had any insight as to how/why it works so well. Thank you.
Devastating to the city I guess.
Big city progressive politics while an issue and probably not economically sustainable are not the real issue of flight from the city. Flight from the city is a direct result of a critical mass of black migration to the city and all the social dysfunction that ALWAYS brings. Now it is probably big city progressive policies that made it attractive to black migration and in some cases openly recruiting black migration with subsidized housing and project housing that is the root cause. But it is that black population that is final nail in a city's coffin. Everyone is dancing around this issue with Detroit. Detroit was just fine when it was 90+% white. The black migration that when hit critical mass triggered the '67 riots coupled with black political corruption that caused the white flight is what killed Detroit. Basically Detroit now = Haiti. It is about the only way the Detroiters of the world will survive. Also the Baltimorians or Memphians. Everyone but a progressive knows what drives people out of cities and then out of first tier suburbs, but its the word that can't be spoken. This is a political problem and in the "can't we all just get along" world it is not going to be solved.
83% of Title IX Coordinators are Female. And, I suspect, close to 100% of them hold [fill in the blank] studies degrees, and I further suspect, these are the vast majority of employed [fill in the blank] studies degree holders.
A Møøse once bit my sister ...
No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink". You should read Edward Glaeser and Andrei Shleifer's "The Curley Effect". The paper is online. In Boston in the '20s it was the Irish not the blacks. What is required is an exploitable base not a particular race. They do highlight Coleman as using the same techniques to drive people out of Detroit to shore up his power base. Key is, though, the base constituents don't fare to well but do end up trapped.
That is the rub and why they fight so hard for the blue state model. Should it fall, unemployment among the useless majors will skyrocket.
There are two types of students. Those learning to do something useful for others....and Social Science/Liberal Arts majors. Guess which group supports "sharing the wealth"? QUOTE: John Lott: Democrats are trying to destroy IRS investigation It was Republican Issa who originally released excerpts from the testimony. From personal experience, I can tell you that obeying traffic lights in Beijing is considered "optional" by drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians alike. As, IIRC, an old post here at MF once demonstrated, such a laissez-faire approach to the rules of the road might work very well in a small village in Britain, but in China it creates enormous chaos.
MR. Bingly, me thinks yall have better story, dank yall. compet
Buddy, it's alright, me thinks his sister tried carving into me hide but missed. "Basically Detroit now = Haiti."
Isn't that what I posted two days ago, on Wednesday? "It appears to me that historically Detroit was in excellent financial shape until it elected Coleman Young mayor in 1974, the first in an unbroken line of Democratic black mayors, too many of whom proved to be incompetent and corrupt. As phil g noted, this seems to be a pattern with black-run cities throughout the US. I'd add it's no different globally. When you look at different countries around the globe, which ones are serious basket cases? Detroit = New Orleans = Haiti is too strong a pattern to ignore." For some people the "city" is the new "plantation." I don't dispute your premise and it being a primary cause, however, my experience living in Atlanta and having lived in Chattanooga is race does matter unfortunately. I'd much rather live with the issues of an Irish lower class population than a black underclass. The violent crime stats are quite clear on this issue. Vast areas of the Chicago South Side where my in laws grew up in the 40 and 50's are now basically no go war zones. My in laws might not have always liked the Poles, Italians, Irish and Jews they lived around, but they were able to live around them. But no one can live with or around these underclass blacks and survive. Even blacks with the capability to live somewhere else don't want to live anywhere near this problem.
Boston has survived quite well with their Irish dependents, Detroit has not and other cities with large black populations are under great stress. I missed your comment. Great points! It is the elephant in the room that everyone wants to ignore until it puts a gun to their head.
The blue state model has also been a primary source of employment for the black middle class. A collapse of the blue state model will be tragic for that segment.
When I was first dating, first date sex was a no way, no how, not ever, never gonna happen event.
It's where the black middle class came from. When it goes, the black middle class goes.
leag, it müst have been the grøg, affecteeng her aim agin!
When discussing great cities that have failed as a result of a black take over, you should examine Johannesburg--now in a state of total collapse. Only it is much worse that Detroit, because they have the bomb! Which may be why we have waited so long to confront the black leadership in this country? y'a think?
Convening the FCC (Formal Complaints Council) as I type. We'll be 'chipping' away at this for a while and will get back with any conclusion(s). No effort will be spared so as to ensure you're not "left out in the cold". TC SA is a whole country taken over by black rule as was Rhodesia. I can't think of a single example where a city or country taken over by black rule as improved much less just stay constant. It is the beginning of certain ruin. As much as some would like, racist accusations simply do not hold up in the face of all this evidence.
In what way?
South Africa has democratic elections, minority protections, and GDP has tripled over a decade. South Africa has many challenges, but by most measures has improved. Not being female I could be totally wrong but here goes: If I was raped (really raped not sobered up the next day and wished I hadn't been so stupid) and the law wouldn't punish the rapist I would. Simple as that. I would probably use a gun and attempt to shot them away from witnesses. But even if a gun wasn't available I would use a kitchen knife. Might even be more satisfying. And if caught I would fall back on the tried and tested defense of being a battered woman. I don't know if it would stop rapes or decrease rapes but it would sure as hell stop that rapist from ever doing it again. As an after thought I think I would try not to kill them but settle for a life changing maiming. Some would say revenge is a bad thing and we cannot all take the law into our own hands. I agree with that sentiment but in order for people to accept the law and order concept there actually has to be law and order. The Swedish government has let their people down and when and if social disorder results the government will be responsible for what happens. While I cannot agree with what Anders Breivik did I think his reasons may have some justification.
Tracked: Jun 23, 09:03