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Saturday, April 28. 2012The HolodomorTrackbacks
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Even myronic's video has events all fouled up.
Starting with the agitprop line that the Kulaks were destroying their own crops. That's pure bunkum. What they tried to do was HIDE their food -- because ANYTHING the KGB found they hauled away -- leaving the locals to starve. Further, while only a minority within the USSR, Jews made up a staggering percentage of the KGB/ Red Guards -- even 40% in some outfits. (!) The Jews hated the Tsars -- no wonder -- and so many jumped entirely on board with the Soviet Revolution. ( c.f. Fiddler on the Roof ) What they never anticipated was that Stalin was an anti-Semite of the first water -- and spent great energies destroying Jewry right along with Slavs, Tartars and whatnot. ( No one was saved from his scourge. ) The Jewish connection to the Holomodor is EXACTLY why the SD employed Ukrainian youths to man the watch towers at their extermination camps. They exclusively used young lads orphaned during the Holomodor consequent to Jewish-KGB death squad operations. This made them entirely pitiless enforcers of the SD/SS Kamp Rules. Should you view Escape from Sobibor you'll note how the plot entirely focuses away from the Ukrainian guards. Yet they out numbered the SD/SS at least ten to one at every Death Kamp. ===== For those willing to pursue it: read Bloodlands. ISBN 978-0-465-00239-9 In this account the statistics are clear and crisp: starvation, Holomodor-style was by far the dominant mechanism of murder. ======= All of which is to say: blot out of your mind any propaganda WRT the Kulaks burning their crops... that's what the KGB did. ======= It's a shocking surprise, but most of the Soviet rail system was unballasted. ( Railroad speak for having the ties/ sleepers resting directly on the dirt/ mud ) Hence, when the rains came, the railroad had to stop running or vastly reduce loadings per axle. Normally, the system just shut down. The one exception that proved the rule: the Moscow to Karkov ( food express ) run was Double Tracked AND Ballasted. In that, it was unique. The run to Leningrad was ballasted. Other than that, most of the system just did without crushed gravel. The massive upgrade to the Moscow-Kharkov run occurred exactly at the same time Stalin was pulling the food out of Ukraine. He wanted the harvest out of Ukraine before the locals could possibly steal it back. (!) One aspect of this gambit was the construction of Russia's largest food warehouses at the Kharkov terminus. When the Germans arrived, these structures proved magnetic. ( They were fire proof, duh, and still standing in 1941. The next two years of southern fighting pivoted around them. Not surprisingly, Stalin was haunted by the prospect that Hitler could shoot north along this link -- all the way to the Kremlin. This demonstrates why leftists want to get rid of Americans' Second Amendment.
I knew a couple from Ukraine who would have been children during the Holodomor. For over a year I worked at a small hospital where the husband ran the kitchen. I had also known him and his wife from their family connections at a restaurant where I worked. Because others had told me he didn't want to discuss his time in Ukraine, I didn't ask him. He was rather subdued in his demeanor, a demeanor which I found similar to a woman I knew who as a child had survived both Stalin and the Nazis in her native Estonia.
I wonder what stories about the Holodomor the couple had. Or what tales the woman from Estonia had. She also didn't want to discuss. Accidents along those unballasted train lines were the waiting 'terrorism' pretext for Stalin to pass laws against movement of people from their own homes that during the eighteen months of the great dying prevented the starving from hitting the road for somewhere there was food.
Just for fun, search [ S510 codex alimentarius ], and note the buried provisions in S510, sponsored in the senate by Dick Durbin of Illinois and in the house by Rosa Delauro of Connecticut, whose husband ina Monsanto lobbyist. Oh, of course S510 is not a Holodomor enabling act --though if ever the powers that be did by some freakish circumstance desire to control Americans by weaponizing food, well, those PTB would not need a further enabnling act, the one they already have would do just fine. I call BS on the claim that the KGB was top-heavy with Jews.
Aside from the obvious fact that were weren't enough Jews to hit that 40-percent staffing - Jews were already being purged from the intelligentsia and universities. Jews never had significant numbers in the military, nor were they allowed to occupy positions of power in the KGB. It's amazing to see the virulent anti-Semitism of Eastern Europe persist and pop up in the middle of this discussion. ... besides, why cart off wheat when you can fall back on the Jewish traditions of poisoning wells and drinking children's blood? --i enjoy and learn from both you guys and to come to impasse on a matter of the facts is --at least is --perfect confirmation of what the hell is wrong witht the Durantys of this world, past, present, and future.
Another thing that's odd on the topic is found in reading the net's offerings on Lenin. Nearly iuniversally critical, it's instructive that most make no mention of ethnic bias in the Lenin-to-Stalin -era secret police (Cheka onward), but once in awhile you'll come upon a voice saying the Bolsheviks did recruit Jews in effort to build an educated, urbane anti-tsarist organization. One might find an analogy in the percentage of black federal employees in Washington DC --the stacking builds on itself. In the end, the Bolshevik-Jewish link broke down pretty quickly and comprehensively once the mask began coming off Marx's word-realities and began to reveal the power-imperative structure beneath the pretty pictures brought to mind by Communism's social-justice text. The fair-minded will grasp quickly the dynamics of that little chunk of history, and in a time and place where there is little complimentary about any ethnic treatment of any other ethnic identity, the Jews come off as well as any group could --and in a whole nuther world than what was happening secretly hidden (that is, being Duranty-ized, though ostensibly from the other direction) behind a Nazi-Catholic banner. And to continue the masquerade to the logical end, that association was itself agitpropped up by the two thousand year custom, the post-Constantine European custom, of blaming the Roman Army's execution of a subversive Jewish rabbi from Bethlehem --on the only other possible perp besides the actual perp, that is to say, the eternal scapegoat --the Jews. http://statsaholic.blogspot.com/2010/02/extent-and-results-of-jewish-power-in.html
Mr. David, Some sobering statistics for you to study. They shred your thesis. While focused at the top the top players are buttressed by the rank and file tucked under their wings. As for the Number One advocate of the Holobodor, Trotsky, his repudiation of Judaism, personally, did not stop the policy with the ethnicity. Unjust, to be sure, but he was but one of many ethnic Jews who joined the cause, Faustian style: body and soul. As for available Jewish talent, Kiev was massively Jewish. Something like 20 to 40 percent depending on who you believe. As for motivation: the Fiddler on the Roof embodied one character who fulsomely displayed anti-Tsar idealism: Perchik. ( Michael Glaser ) This was done so as to create three outcomes for Topal's family diaspora, in miniature. It's a very dark close when they all part ways. "did not stop the association of the policy with the ethnicity."
--an awful lot of the logic fallacy taxonomy is in this apparent linkage of policy to ethnicity, tho --you gotcher fallacy of accident, yer fallacy of converse accident, of consequent affirmation, of antecedent denial, of Petitio Principii and Circulus in Probando, for starters.
The key to the fallaciousness is in the fact of the NEP program. Lenin's outlawing private property had accomplished urban famine within a few years, and the introduction of forced labor had not rallied the food supply. NEP was the ideologically humiliating reintroduction of enough free market (and the necessary private property rights) to feed the cities. Feeding the cities --mainly Moscow, where the Party would make it or break it, but aso all the major cities --such as Kiev --was what began the Holomodor. The crops cpould have been purchased in the normal way, exceppt for the exceptional, which was the Communism --which deemed no markets where intimidation and collectivization could be used in stead. Kiev to this day is Blue and Russian-speaking, while most of the rest of Ukraine is Orange and speaks Ukrainian. The Jewish peoples in the cities were supporting the feeding of the cities --just as the federal workers in DC in supporting the Democrats in the upcoming election are supporting the feeding of the cities --but/and it could be said to be that "the blacks are attacking the Mormons". 1) This same website posts about the "Jew Jitsu" promotion of abortion - so we're back to poisoning wells and drinking Christian blood:
http://statsaholic.blogspot.com/2009/12/for-jews-promoting-abortion-is-higher.html 2) The website comes up with 10 high-ranking Jewish leftists - ALL of whom were involved in labor unions and other spheres unrelated to the army or KGB. ALL of whom were in the process of being purged by the mid-1930s - I think Litvinov was one of the last in 1939. 3) The attempt to cast the entire Jewish population of Kiev as KGB agents is laughable - and revealing of just how unhinged you are about Jews. Soviet revolutionaries cultivated Jewish labor-socialist movements when it suited them - but remained virulently committed to "ethnic purity" and deeply antisemitic. The attempt to cast responsibility for the Holodomor on the Jews reveals just how deep the dark seam of antisemitism runs in Eastern Europe. --i've been reading blert's commentary over at the Belmont site for several years --it's consistently of the highest quality --but this here is a blooper, and shows signs of insufficient think-through. Why, because it's transparently obvious that on the premise of the east European Jews having already commited a Holomodor genocide of their own, then there can't have been that much wrong with a tit-for-tat pan-European Holocaust.
That's what's wrong with Duranty News --and what's evil at the heart of the NYTimes. It's serious enough to have been one of the Jewish Ten Commandments (don't bear false witness) by which the human species has the chance to survive its own self, and to have made the theme of the Apostle John's 'story of Christ' Book in the Christian Gospels (John 1:1 'in the beginning was the word...'). The word made flesh ('incarnation') is how John --an inner-circle disciple --saw Jesus. Philo the Jewish Hellene had first written of 'Logos' being the angel --the intercession of the sacred into the material world --"...the word was with God, and the word was God" as John put it. No, not saying that journalists are forced angels or demons depending on whether or not they righteously use their gateway position between the event and the story, between the thing and the idea of the thing. Or maybe someone should say it --that things like genocide are enabled when humans find themselves lied to enough that the only truth they can trust is their own personal and quite possibly murderous feelings at those embodiments of threat, danger, and dread --the people in the countryside, or in the city, or of the next river valley over. |