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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, August 21. 2011Sunday morning links
How do they get 40 black government SUVs to the Vineyard? Do they charter a ferry? Or two? And where does this entourage sleep at night? In tents? Space on MV ain't cheap at all. Related: Steyn: The Imperial Presidency - European royals make do with a less lavish lifestyle than the supposed citizen-executive of a so-called republic. Shooting the Kel-Tec KSG AVI on Alms:
Big Academia: Get Out While You Can More AVI, on coveting: The Final Commandment Republican Delusion is Obama's All-Too-Secret Weapon:
He might be right. I don't know. I do know that Palin can't win a national election Re the UK rioting, Norm says:
Yeah - they could start a business and hire some people. That would make a real difference in some lives. And pay themselves the same as they pay their employees... Dept. of Irony: JUSTIFIABLY ANGRY BOYS Obama's Amnesty-Light Is A Bad Dream Racism run wild at the NIH NYT: Krauthammer on Obama’s ‘Hope & Change’: ‘Where the hell has he been the last two-and-a-half years?’ Tatler: Perry Plays Obama, Media Like a Fiddle Wkly Std: Decline and Fall - The arc of the Obama presidency bends towards failure. Nina Totenberg: Obama Can Save Economy With 'A Lot of Very Populist Rhetoric' Tiger: The presumption of male guilt Social Security Disability Payments on the Rise Reversing the Decay of London Undone - Britain's chief rabbi on the moral disintegration since the 1960s and how to rebuild:
Surprise! HHS still granting ObamaCare waivers White House Faces Political Dilemma on Health Law Challenge Comments
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Big Academia...
Well they could and should start picking all the low hanging fruit: - eliminate all 'studies' related departments...you could keep a couple of politically required 'studies' courses in the general lib arts program but some existing lib arts teacher would have to pick it (them) up - required all professors to personally teach a heavier load of courses - reduce amount of dubious research and publishing and focus on teaching. There's a bubble in fed funded nonsensical research that needs to go away - move a lot of what is now part of university to trade schools: biz admin, accounting, nursing, etc. - stop building massive country club facilities that add zero value accept to attract additional debt funded students. College shouldn't be a 5 year resort retreat, but a hard four years of study in stark facilities. There should be no incentive for kids to continue to hang around for many years. - cut tuition subsidies after four years (based on relative course hrs). No more funding the eternal student/partier. "How do they get 40 black government SUVs to the Vineyard? Do they charter a ferry? Or two? And where does this entourage sleep at night?"
Maybe they are amphibious, like Ted Kennedy's Oldsmobile. 1. Of course they got to the island on a ferry.
2. It's "altar". I agree with you that Palin doesn't have chance against Obama but, in my opinion, neither does Romney. Perry, on the other hand, would bend him over and spank him. Hard.
I'd have a problem voting for Romney. I'd worry he screw things up in carefully planned, excruciating detail.
Palin not only can, but will beat Obama. You have been manipulated by the MSM.
I think the status quo pubbies are just as frightened of Palin, Perry, or Cain as the demoncrats. The same thing happened with Reagan - he was never the establishment candidate till 1984. We're going to hear a lot about who is unelectable and who is the ONLY guy who can beat Obummer. The fact is that Obummer is an exceedingly weak candidate. His approval in PA is only 35%!!! Rasmussen has the difference between strongly favoring and strongly disfavoring in the 20% range (20% more LIKELY VOTERS strongly disapprove of Obummer than strongly disapprove). The economy is going back into recession. Obummer is going to try to blame everybody else, but fewer and fewer are listening to him.
Could Palin win a national election? I don't know. I would prefer that our candidate have more executive experience and so far, that leads to Perry. I wish more of our candidates were governors, but I don't think I'd worry about electability and I'd worry more about qualifications and ideology. I would vote for Romney, just like I voted for McCain - and with about the same enthusiasm. Someone commented recently that he had never voted FOR someone, but always ended up voting AGAINST someone else. I think we have a great opportunity to cast a vote that is more FOR someone this time, but we'll never do it if we listen to those who are trying to hold the squishy middle - as Rush says, list all the great moderates of history. We do not need one of the go-along-to-get-along people in the WH. I has gotten us nowhere every time. Palin has plenty of executive experience, and also the track record of taking on the good old boys of her own party and defeating them. Ask conservative Texans about Perry and some of his disturbing decisions. I'll vote for Perry if he's the nominee but the country's best hope for a real change towards smaller, less intrusive government, fiscal responsibility, and a shift from our current trajectory towards statism towards the libertarianism of the country's founding lies with a Palin presidency.
I think a lot of the same people proclaiming Palin's unelectability are the same ones who insisted Obama could win neither the nomination nor the general election, while I was telling anyone who would listen that he was a perfect storm candidate and was almost certain to be elected. Time as a small town mayor and a couple of years as governor of Alaska is not as much as I would prefer, but from what I hear, she acquitted herself pretty well. The MSM combed through her emails and didn't find anything on her so I think she is certainly honest. I would certainly vote for her. I just wish she had more experience.
I love Palin but the unelected 4th estate will do and has done everything in their power to tarnish her rep. At this point she's better as an agitator working from the sidelines. The article about Pawlenty was lame. It seemed like a placement by Romney. Pawlenty is gone because he didn't present himself as a winner that energized anyone. I'd have voted for Pawlenty and I'll vote for Romney or Perry or whoever emerges. What I want from a President is someone who will get on top of the unelected vast bureaucracy and begin dismantling it and properly command the military. Presidents don't legislate, legislators do. What I want from the President is someone who will work with and lead the legislators and influence them to start dismantling the power of the Federal government and return much of it back to the states. I can see both Romney, Perry, Cain, Bachman or Pawlenty doing this. I just think Perry is the most skilled politician plus executive of the bunch.
Why let the MSM control the show? Why not promote Gary Johnson? He's the only one I've heard speak who seems to have ideas to solve our problems.
Yeah, he's un-electable... but only as long as everyone ignores him. They've thrown everything they could at her and she's stronger than ever. Remember the thousands of emails that were going to provide the scandal(s) the MSM were sure would finish her off? When she announces she will be at the center of everyone's attention but the MSM has already shot its bolt and she will control the narrative.
The MSM will throw everything they can at any Republican candidate. Palin's the only one they can no longer harm. She is the best candidate to call out Little Zero and get under his oh so thin skin and cause him to become unglued and act foolishly. She will chew him up and spit him out. When "Undefeated" becomes available in DVD format you might want to watch it just to see how accomplished this feisty self-made woman really is.
She has also run a couple of businesses quite successfully, for example taking over her sister`s fishing boat and rescuing it from going down.
I think she is capable of holding the Presidency (she even has "foreign policy" experience, dealing with Japan and Russia about fishing}, but I very much doubt she will be the candidate with such problems as having run for Governor to get rid of (or at least rein in) fellow Republicans. Like Truman she is an outsider to her own party powers-that-be, but unlike Truman she is not the sitting President and thus de facto party head. I can't see Britain (or USA) changing until its political and religious elite is replaced. The current occupants will not appoint successors who do not follow their ways. Can anyone imagine the Anglican church appointing an Archbishop of Canterbury who believes in Christ? I can't.
The moral decay of Britain cannot be halted until the 60s generation and epigone die, probably of old age. That means the decay will continue for another decade or two, minimum. |
Tracked: Aug 21, 07:56
Tracked: Aug 21, 09:58