A friend who recently moved to New England from Texas asked me for a few good long-weekend getaway spots (to get away from their kids for romance, with good food and good hiking, regardless of season). It's important to couples to get away from it all - daily life routine, internet, rug rats, dogs, - to refresh the relationship.

I don't really like to stay in an inn without a fireplace in the room, but off the top of my head, I offered these (with a range of luxuriousness), although I am sure readers have their own lists of favorites:
Mohonk Mountain House
The Mayflower Inn
The Mount Washington Hotel
Chatham Bars Inn
The Hermitage Inn
The Boulders
The Trapp Family Lodge
Block Island and Newport have cool places too. The 1661 Inn, for example.
Got any favorite spots to share with our readers? Put 'em in the comments.
Photo is Mohonk. The crazy old place is still going strong, and now even serves alcohol.