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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, December 1. 2010"That's the last straw"
Everybody gets teased. If teasing makes you go postal, how are you with real bullets, soldier? Our schools are teaching our fragile young'uns that teasing is harrassment. All I can say is that, if you can't take teasing, harsh criticism, and harassment, you can't take real life. Trackbacks
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I was listening to some interesting chatter overnight to the effect that many of the allegedly secret documents were not worded or signed as the originator has been observed to do in the past. These "secret" documents could even be a hoax by parties unnamed, who scammed WikiLeaks to destroy their credibility, destroy Ms. Clinton or the Resident.
There's teasing and then there's bullying.
Teasing isn't meant to cause harm, bullying is. Sadly there are people who don't see the difference (and that's on both sides of the equation). I'd say learning how to deal with bullies is no different. Just part of growing up. I learned several effective techniques for that.
Teasing, bulllying, harrassment, physical abuse, all issues, a spectrum. What's good fun, whats inappropriate, all have different answers depending on your point of view. Many of us have to Change Habits to meed the circumstances of the moment. I agree always trying to be PC is not always being right.
Homosexuals have been deemed deviant for reason.
Seems US Military is no longer only thing US Government can do right, yanks. Who is the few they need now? The not so all that gay! Many comments at the link that people believe being gay makes one a security risk.
Huh. In a way -- because it's a potential discharge situation -- it could make some people more vulnerable to pressure. This is a different case. The narrative as I understand it is that Manning stole the documents on his own, not under blackmail. Manning seems to be a weak character -- his sexuality is not an element in that. Visibly weak characters are often targets of bullying and, alas, the service has its share of bullies. If Manning is gay, then some bullies would surely use that as one way to attack him. If anything, this case makes a better argument for accepting people, including servicemembers, as they are. If being gay were accepted, being gay wouldn't be a hook for blackmail. It would probably remain a hook for harrassment. My experience as a young man who was thin, neat and single -- people who will harrass others will use whatever hook seems to work. As for the line between harrassment and bullying and teasing in fun, that's a hard line to draw sometimes. Doesn't matter where the line is. It's still best dealt with oneself.
Anyone else getting extraordinarily tired of the Party of Excuses and Apologies. Actually, I am getting tired of the rest of us accepting it.
This individual should be tried for treason, with punishment fitting of the crime. I thought real men stood up for the weak, and those who couldn't defend themselves.
I thought community meant recognizing when teasing becomes bullying. And if an individual didn't recognize that, the community lets him know. I think JT is right. There are no easy answers to this. The rugged individualist won't make it, and the commune proposes giving up the individual for the greater good...effectively nullifying the benefits of the commune. In the end it takes continuous effort (and God's grace IMO) to maintain a healthy balance. I stood up to a bully one time in Jr High School. In front of the entrance steps. I gave him a good smack on the side of the head. He spit at me, then ran, I chased him a quarter mile, tackled him, then he half beat me up next to the train station.
That was the end of his BS though, and I got some good licks in. Not kidding, we became sort-of friends a while after that. He became an Entomologist. The problem with dealing with bullies in a way the bullies respect is that you (the victim of the bullies) get punished while the bullies are not.
That's my experience at least, from over a decade of being bullied near constantly at several schools as a kid. What do folks here think of this?
WikiLeaks, the website that published a quarter-million sensitive diplomatic cables on Sunday, is using Amazon.com Inc. servers in the U.S. to help deliver its information. I do a lot of business with Amazon (especially at Christmas) and it irritates me that hosting Wikileaks is business as usual for them. Am I being ridiculous? Benedict Arnold committed his treason supposedly because of his nagging Tory wife. Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to hang him - like we hopefully will Manning.
the guy in the illo --he's looking at the clock, isn't he.
Amazon just announced, it is 'severing ties' with wikileaks --
Re one of our men in uniform: It’s All Your Fault… Wikileaker Bradley Manning Only Released the 250,000+ Documents Because He Was Teased For Being Gay (Video).
Why was document access so lax that a PFC could get his hands on them? Not kidding, we became sort-of friends a while after that. He became an Entomologist.
So he had enough of bugging you? Because State and all the Intel Agencies were spanked hard for NOT sharing data that may have prevented 911.
You're religion says homosexuality is deviant, doesn't mean your religion is right.
"Why was document access so lax that a PFC could get his hands on them?"
Manning wasn't just a PFC; he was an intelligence specialist by trade so he would have had higher clearances than your regular G.I. private soldier. In the course of his duties, he would have had routine access to classified systems. The sad reality is that, no matter what elaborate security procedures you create, there simply is no way to fully mitigate the risk of compromise by a trusted, appropriately-cleared individual. However, I do believe Manning had also been demoted at some point for misconduct - assaulting another soldier or some such thing. This suggests a leadership and vetting failure somewhere. This sort of misconduct would not necessarily have been much of a career issue if Manning had been, say, an infantryman. But, as an intelligence analyst, any form of misconduct on his part would need to have been assessed much more thoroughly in terms of personal reliability. By the way, the argument about gays in the US military is a complete red herring. In the final instance, it doesn't matter why Manning betrayed his country at all. It only matters that he did. As a retired Canadian Forces (CF) officer, I frankly view the gays-in-the-military question as a non-issue.
The CF has permitted gays to serve for some time now. I have served with officers I knew to be gay and led soldiers who were gay. From my own experience, their homosexuality appeared to be utterly irrelevant in terms of their ability to perform their duties. The only thing I can say to you folks is: end this silly distraction, let gays serve and get back to focussing on your nation's defence! "Benedict Arnold committed his treason supposedly because of his nagging Tory wife."
Well, as a descendant of Loyalists and a Canadian subject of HM The Queen, I see old Benedict as someone who saw the error of his ways - all your founding fathers were traitors to the Crown! Ha ha! Of course I jest; your founding fathers weren't traitors because, as the old saying goes, "treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason." The moment Great Britain recognized the independence of the US, any question of treasonous American colonists became entirely moot. Incidentally, though Arnold became a brigadier general in the British Army and ultimately retired to live in London, it would seem that a whiff of unseemliness and opportunism dogged his steps right up to his death. Nobody really ever fully trusts someone who betrays their side - but to do it twice? Kellog (I'm ashamed to share first names with you), it doesn't matter what anyone's religion says. It's a plain fact of nature. Pull down your pants, and pull down any woman's pants (well, not ANY woman's, but you know what I mean) and think logically about what that equipment is designed for. Then tell me what is "right."
Yes, and hilarious, John.
Lynch the messenger and let the elected and servant miscreants scott free, John style. Hilarious yall yanks are beating drums against press freedom. Sorry I didn't realize that my being "irritated" would amuse you so much.
But where did you get from my brief blurb that I support letting the felonious "off scott-free"? I am concerned about the lives and safety of anyone in the mid-east who co-operated with our soldiers and saved lives and now is dead because of it. The second part of your comment makes less sense, Amazon is not the Free Press. Or is this left-wing rapist a friend or yours? |