Preparing for 2010. + Ed Morrissey opines: “Maybe the question isn’t so much whether the GOP can win back control of the house, but how quickly that possibility has arisen since Democrats took full control of the Beltway.” Then, Ed raises the ifs-ands-and-buts.

Likely voters: Obama -11%, 30% strongly approve vs 41% strongly disapprove; rest are up for grabs or grabbing lunch or not paying attention as busy working to pay taxes.
Obama = Ivy-League Huey Long, says George Will
Victors in Japan Are Set to Abandon Market Reform. That ought to work out, right? But, “Japan may need more American-style deregulation and market-led growth, not less, to invigorate its stagnant economy.” What’s Japanese for Obamanomics?
Iraq locates lost air force – in Serbia
Tom Ridge backpedals, he wasn’t pressured to raise security flags. Plus:
• He is "dumbfounded" that the government still has no way to track foreign visitors who don't leave the country when their visas expire, noting that two of the 9/11 hijackers were in the country on expired visas.
• Government officials and members of Congress rarely discuss homeland security issues and have "lost the sense of urgency" about protecting the nation from terrorist attacks. Because of the economy and growing budget deficits, he also is worried about funding for future efforts to tighten security.
Palestine problem hopeless, but not serious
Israel, Iran and Obama
“And now, my Famous All-Time All-Jewish Baseball Team, including some backup players”
Without major personnel changes, the Khmer Rouge trial risks descending into farce.
How to Lose in Afghanistan
Economic Conditions and US National Security in the 1930’s and Today
Reuters notes, “Most economists in the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) semi-annual poll were concerned about the outlook for the U.S. government budget. Also, they doubted health-care reforms proposed by the Obama administration would lower costs while increasing access and maintaining quality.”
Hollywood’s perverted patriotism

Dear White Liberal America

The Russian Navy has named the 4th of its Borei class SSBNs after a saint — Santa Claus to be exact. The Strategy Page says, “no one has ever named a nuclear submarine after Saint Nicholas before.” What could be more ridiculous than naming a boomer after Santa Claus? How about calling a health care “reform” bill a “a core ethical and moral obligation” and likening it to a religious crusade even as senior clerics of the Catholic Church denounce it as a Trojan horse for taxpayer funded abortion?
“Higher human needs”! Study: “We find significant differences in the response of donations to taxes across different types of charities. Donations to charities that provide basic goods and services to humans in need appear to be unresponsive to tax incentives, while donations to charities that appeal to higher human needs, animals, and the environment are very sensitive to tax incentives.” In other words, we help the needy, regardless of tax benefits, but the government has to incent us to give to those deemed deserving by government.
Please give to LtCol Chessani Defense Fund. Although court martial charges dropped, Chessani, now, still is forced to defend himself before a more lax rules of evidence Board of Inquiry, after court martial charges were dropped against him.
“The government’s persecution of this loyal Marine officer continues because he refused to throw his men under the bus to appease some anti-war politicians and press, and the Iraqi government. Any punishment of LtCol Chessani handed down by a Board of Inquiry would be a miscarriage of justice because he did nothing wrong, and our lawyers will mount the same vigorous defense in this administrative proceeding as they did in the criminal.”…
“Marines are renowned for their courage and their willingness to follow their commanders into battle against all odds. Their commanders, on the other hand, owe justice to these brave men and women who face death for them. That obligation requires commanders to defend their troops when politicians attempt to make them political scapegoats,” said Thompson….
LtCol Chessani was considered one of America’s most effective combat officers. He was on his third combat tour in Iraq when the Haditha incident occurred.

Steered by Tigerhawk
Organizing Against WorldNetDaily. I agree with my friend Jon Henke but would start by private letters to the CEOs thanking them for their ads in conservative venues and expressing that others are more representative and responsible.
Max Boot boots Sullivan for Emasculating American Intelligence.
Which reminds me of these boots. (Hey, that’s how my mind works! You should see my answers to Rorschach inkblot tests.)

The patient is replying to each Rorschach inkblot that he sees a sexy image. The psychiatrist tells the patient that he has a sex obsession. The patient replies, “Me? You’re the one showing me the sexy drawings.”
Dr. Joy Bliss’ post below reminded me, I’m hungry. (See what I mean about how my mind works.)

Nice to see that Massachusetts is going to follow some of the federal law. “Under the 1996 federal law that overhauled the nation’s welfare system, the 31,000 affected immigrants do not qualify for Medicaid or other federal aid. Massachusetts is one of the few states — others are California, New York and Pennsylvania — that provide at least some health coverage for such immigrants.”
In Britain,
Thousands of women and older people who suffer heart attacks are dying unnecessarily because they are not being prescribed the gold standard treatment which could prevent another attack…. The findings, based on an analysis of the national registry called the Myocardial Infarction National Audit Project collected between January 2004 and December 2005, were presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Barcelona.
The Real Story On The Uninsured
Question: Didn’t the Country Music Association Awards used to be more country, and better?

Why Does Nancy Pelosi Have a Problem With Patriotic Music?
For years, congressional offices have played patriotic anthems as the background music during hold times.
Not any more. After we were startled by the hold music when we called a House office recently, sources on Capitol Hill informed us this week that the Democratic House leadership has made a sweeping decision that congressional offices now have the options of “smooth jazz” elevator music or no music at all.
I’d like to see more independent confirmation before I completely blow a gasket.
Be back after I check on the lifeboats for the Obama-Biden Titanic voyage. (from Moonbattery)