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Monday, November 24. 2008Monday morning links
Times' Mark Halperin discusses "Extreme pro-Obama press bias" Roast Brined Turkey. It works. I tried it last year. If fat people get two seats, should skinny people get a 1/2 seat? E=mc squared seems to be true. But why should that be? NYT spins history Palin's star power increases In appreciation of Bush. Wizbang Home on the Rangel. What other laws does this guy break? Am I crazy, or is the world crazy? Look at this new NYC statue. Surely the NYT is pulling our collective leg? From Volokh:
Eric at Classical Values considers mens' room gay sex. I had to look up the meaning of "trade." Social politics. Why do we care so much about things that don't directly affect us? Quote from a piece by AVI:
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If it didn't take a huge amount of energy to create mass, people would be creating mass all the time just for fun.
LOL --that's gotta win "funniest comment on the net today!"
Fatties get two seats. Sounds like a Sonic commercial two burgers , two tots, two cheeks gets two seats.
No doors in men's bathrooms. Gays have cornered the market. Che gets a statue, and Michael Jackson ( the child molester ) converts to Islam. What a way to start the day. Thanks BD! "Roast Brined Turkey. It works. I tried it last year."
"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?" Terrific links, as usual. I posted about Halperin this morning, too. Idiots.
First, the NYT is irrelevant in my mind and becoming less so in the minds of others. Declining circulation is the best indicator of this. I expect the NYT will become more shrill as it desperately tries to hang on to its last constituency. One way to help bury it, would be to boycott its advertisers.
Halperin is laughable. He essentially says the MSM will fall for anything if it is "smart" - and I will add from the left. He also seems to acknowledge that the MSM failed to properly report on Iraq. You think so? Second, Palin needs to be careful. She should keep her priorities straight. Alaska is first. She should book apperances as far out as possible. It's not about next week. It may be about three or four years from now. Along with regular political appearances, she should also build her policy credentials by addressing serious issues to serious audiences. Energy is a good place to start. It will be good for her and the Republican Party. She will also need it to deal with the inevitable criticism that comes with anything conservative. I also hope she manages access very carefully. She needs to get what she wants and not just give the press and entertainers what they want. She should tell Oprah, Letterman, Leno and the like to stuff it. I agree with Barrett about Palin's choice of public media appearances in her future. Late night talk shows, appearances on such shows as Oprah or The View are a waste of time and possibly damaging, depending on how vicious the interviewers feel about Sarah's popularity. As Barrett says, "she should also build her policy credentials by addressing serious issues to serious audiences." Here is where her best advantage lies. There are some widely read and widely watched/listened to information outlets, like Fox News, that can be to her advantage. And her press secretary should choose carefully. I think an interview on PBS can be hazardous, unless the interviewer has enough gravitas, like Jim Lehrer, to at least strive for fairness.
Otherwise, as Barrett says, "she should tell Oprah, Letterman, Leno and the like to stuff it." Marianne P.S. And she should stay far away from grumpy feminist fake conservative "intellectuals" like Kathleen Parker and Peggy Noonan. Far far away. What a disappointment THEY are! MM interesting poll at the classical values article:
What ancient form of execution would you LEAST prefer? Buried alive Crucifixion Flayed alive Scourged to death Stung/bitten to death by insects Slow disembowelment Roasted on grill Dragged from chariot Torn apart by wild beasts Rolled downhill inside spiked barrel Death of a thousand cuts i hadn't heard/thought of some of those. what a sheltered life i lead. slow diembowelment didnt look very pretty in bravheart, that's for sure. although mel gibson certainly handled it like a man. what a festive poll! The history of the horrors that people, including supposedly civilized people, have afflicted on other people is indeed terrifying.
Today, it is public stonings in Iran and other Islamic countries. Hanging and firing squads remain. Lethal injection is a walk in the proverbial park by comparison. However, violence and depravity remain as stark evidence of the fallen nature of man. You don't need to look far or go back in history. It is strapping explosives on mentally impaired children and blowing them up remotely in Baghdad in the name of Allah. Rape and murder afflict all societies. Of course, there are the examples of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Darfur, Rwanda, Serbia and the Taliban among many others. Some people will argue that the nature of mankind has improved over the course of time. I believe a case can be made that the nature of mankind has stayed the same, but that the technology has improved. "The history of the horrors that people, including supposedly civilized people, have afflicted on other people is indeed terrifying."
I instantly thought of "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson when I read your comment. I remember my teacher's exuberance about this short story and how she talked and talked about it after we read it. I loved that teacher until then, and through some disconnect that maybe wanted a somber assessment of the story, I ended up hating my teacher. Weird how the mind works. ` On the loss of restroom stall doors: I had never thought of it that way... I always thought that it was because of the graffiti .. and as Yakov Smirnoff would say "but you (I) will now!". Yuck.
Dittoes to the comments on Sarah by Barrett and MM. I am praying that she gets sweet revenge on her tormentors, if not in '12, then in '16. The Irish have it right: Don't get mad, get even. Go Sarah, the only true feminist in the lot, you have a helluva lot of supporters out there, baby!
Ironically it might be Palin's celebrity which will be her greatest asset in 2012. That's why it behooves her to cultivate it carefully.
Face it, Obama never could draw a straight line from A to B in regards to policy in any of his speeches, I'm sure he can't do so in reality either, he won because he was a hip celebrity. That's what America's reduced to these days. After this election nobody can say experience or knowledge or honesty or character count for anything in Presidential elections, Obama has none of those and won going away. The fact that Palin has all those, plus celebrity, means that if she wins on the basis of her celebrity we get the pluses once she's in office. And you have to be careful telling Letterman and Oprah to "stuff it." They can be very mean when they want to be, and since celebrity's the name of the game you want them on your side. "...I'm sure he can't do so in reality either,..." He can't. All his fatuous promises are falling by the wayside as his hair turns gray before our very eyes with each meeting of a high official in government who is showing him how things really are. He's surrounding himself with people who know what's going on and is merely parroting what they tell him to say. Lawrence Eagleburger was correct when he called Obama a charlatan. And Charles Krauthammer said he'd spoken to several individuals who had gotten the CIA and NSA 'tour' and that each said their hair stood on end. Welcome to the real world, Obama.... whose hair can't stand on end but it can turn gray.
I'd blow off Letterman in a heartbeat. What an utter boor. I think half the country would cheer. Jay Leno is fine, and it probably would be a necessary thing to get Oprah on your side. Ugh... just the thought. Go on Jon Stewart's show. He's so stupid when he interviews someone, it should be a goal of Palin's to stop him mid-laugh and ask him what's funny. He'd be speechless. ` What will end our current depression? Building Russia's infrastructure would certainly help. As would getting all those potential Hispanic colonists settled in the soon to be former Russian Asian territories. Then when Mexico's empty we can let Central and South American colonists move in and show them how to establish a functioning democracy.
Vanderleun quotes a fellow whose moment of high dudgeon doesn't wear very well for anyone who has paid any attention to the post-communist truth outings.
search [ venona papers ]
--there's a lot of stuff (tho you may want to gimlet-eye the wiki). Extreme Øbama Press Bias is closely monitored at newsbusters.org on a realtime basis for those who need to be exposed to such without investing all the time reading papers and watching television. One quick visit and I've seen it all!