Yummy. Good and easy rib-sticking
Vegetable Soup. I think Right Wing Prof would rather cook than write.
Understanding synthetic CDOs. Dino
The NYT bailout watch. Michelle. Here's the mess they are in. There's plenty of good stuff in that newspaper for a curious reader, but their bias and partisanship drives readers away.
Speaking of the NYT, Sowell goes after Kristof and the idea of intellectuals in politics. Kristof's condescension is insufferable - and even worse when he's making stuff up.
Hugging and loving in DC? Q&O
All gun owners are mentally ill? Well, we'd in good company in the violent ward. However, my feeling tends to be that anybody who wants to control how I live is mentally ill.
"We cannot tolerate the intolerable." The roots of liberal censorship. I think that academic would want to ban Maggie's Farm.
I want Newt and Steele.
As I watched the press conference on Friday [11/7/08] given by President-elect Barack Obama, I asked myself, 'How did this 47-year-old African-American with no executive experience and only ...
Tracked: Nov 12, 14:59