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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, November 11. 2008Tuesday morning links
Illegal immigration, solved The list of excuses Obama will need. Reality's a bitch. The election being over, the WaPo confesses US trials for Gitmo prisoners? Good grief. Can't we just ship them all to Botany Bay? From Blame Bush: "...that's all Obama wants to do, really. He just wants to share his peanut butter and jelly sandwich with all the people of this country." Newt offers himself up. I say, Take the offer. He has all the brains in the Stupid Party, and he knows what it's like to be Palinized. Norm rates the Emmylou albums. My favorite is always the most recent one I've heard. Child labor can be a good idea PJ O'Rourke says "We Blew It." I know what he means, but I do not entirely agree. Polls show Reaganism is far from dead. How to avoid the clutches of Obama Derangement Syndrome An open letter to my friends on the Left Somebody please tell this jerk to shut up: UK's Brown says Now the time to build global society. No thanks. From Powerline:
Why you cannot build a Party around moderates. Related, from Big Lizards:
I think this from VDH is true. Not just because I want to think it's true, but because it's consistent with what I hear from people:
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Norm seems to like Emmylou's old stuff best. I can't see putting Wrecking Ball at number 12. Its an all-time, any artist classic and should easily be Emmylou's number 1 CD.
Where's Marianne? Did anyone notice the meeting, photo-op with the Obamas and the Bushes yesterday? Bush and Obama had on similar ties, shirts, and suits. Michelle Obama had on bright red, and I don't know how tall she is or if she had on heels, but she towered over both Bushes. Laura Bush had on the ugliest mutt-brown suit. It was really awkward planning - or, maybe not. Missing was Mrs. Obama's tiara.
So, seems the private talks between Obama and Bush were not private any longer than it took Obama to share the news with aides on his airplane. That may be the measure of the man - pure sleaze. ` VDH: Two factors combined to annul each other.
McCain's very public support for a massive taxpayer funded bailout ended his opportunity, which would have been difficult anyway, to get out the conservative vote. Few voters have, or ever will, vote for ticket because of the VP. On the other hand, the Obama campaign was built on the idea of creating a celebrity. In essence it was "Now you have a chance to vote for the first young, dynamic minority president. Not a stuffy old white guy. How cool is that!" The 110% media support was mobilized to ensure that this edifice was never questioned by either political or personal issues that he would be forced to respond to, or by experience questions. In fact, he was able to be all things to all people. Meta, my friend ... I'm here, dear. Just trying to control my inner distaste for this Democrat frenzy, so that I can try to figure out how we can defeat it. See my above note on the Genteel, Loyal Opposition posting. I think our way forward will become clearer when the Obama Team actually does something, rather than just whinge on endlessly about Hope and Change.
First, I think we really need to take the new Democrat propaganda machine, the Nation's so-called news Media, to task, quite constantly, for their betrayal of us, the American public. That is hugely important. Without an objective press, or a press that at least strives to be objective, all our liberties are in danger. Up 'til now, I've just been a fascinated observer as the dead tree media, and the captive commercial TV media, have been busy crafting their own destruction, as the Internet becomes more and more the source for real information for intelligent American citizens. Yes, it does take quite a bit longer each day to winkle out the truth from all the conflicting websites with different opinions. But it's worth it. Because the traditional media have consistently betrayed us in the last ten years, by abandoning even the slightest effort to portray both aspects of a story. I don't know how to attack this problem. Letters to the Editor are useless -- a joke, if you will, a palliative offered to us, the Great Unwashed, by the newspaper powers-that-be. They know we're powerless and they don't care even to conceal their scorn. In the dear dead days of my youth, Managing Editors and Editors in Chief of the really good newspapers did pay attention to thoughtful, well-written Letters to the Editor, in an effort to serve their customers better and to have a window into customer reaction. Now, they just giggle over their cigars. So what can we do about this? I think that the valiant warriors of the Internet are already doing quite a bit. Maggies Farm is a shining example of how effective a small but impressive group of people can affect the opinions of many. I suspect that as sites like this one join others with a similar mandate, their influence will be multiplied many times over. They will eventually join together with others of similar mind and create sites like American Thinker and Townhall to increase their influence over Internet readers. And papers like the formerly respectable New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Houston Chronicle et al will spiral downward into supermarket newsheets. At least I hope so. Marianne Marianne,
There is a lot of talk among the conservative bloggers to get on the stick and centralize where the RNC can't seem to the job. The Internet will continue to play a bigger role, and now that the right has seen the wicked power of the left sites, they're regrouping. U.S. News & World Report has stopped its paper edition and is now online. Many more to follow. ` By the way, friends ... the P.J. O'Rourke article, linked above, is first rate -- wicked, as he always is, but insightful -- very insightful.
Marianne Here is an interesting article by the author of "liars Poker"
http://www.portfolio.com/news-markets/national-news/portfolio/2008/11/11/The-End-of-Wall-Streets-Boom |