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Wednesday, November 5. 2008Weds afternoon links
The NYT was spinning so fast that they can't stop now. Or maybe they will be spinning in their grave. What's "middle class," and why does the Liberal elite have contempt for it? I'm not dead yet! SDA. Sheesh. We need more laws against hate! Related: From Thomas Frank: Liberals shouldn't be overconfident. Whither affirmative action? Thompson. Unless you want to make the case that we stuck a black guy with the most thankless job on earth. Related, re Bush via Roger Simon:
Also related: Will everyone get a pony? We get a photo of Coyote. I think he's the one on the left. Just one more Princeton blogger. Still spinning despair at the LAT, but as Surber notes:
Was this a "I want my Mommy" election? I don't think so, mostly. From Insty:
VDH wonders how Obama will govern. I agree that he deliberately made himself a mystery man. One of VDH's comments:
Posted by The News Junkie
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I appreciate Mr. Hanson's thoughts. On many of the issues he raises, well, I guess we'll find out soon enough. One of the things the "blank slate" could point to is a lack of a grounded center, something people who lead and have vision must surely require. Wishful thinking that "everyone should end up with about the same amount of stuff" doesn't cut it. Too many things can't be equalized! There are people who are better looking, smarter, funnier, more astute than I am. They're better piano players! Who will level those fields? Who would want that?
It was also not hard to notice how often Obama said "I didn't know". Didn't know about his aunt, didn't know Ayers still wished he could bomb stuff, probably claimed he didn't realize his campaign finance software had the security turned off. Once you're president, however, "I didn't know" just won't do. Post-election, while I don't know how Obama's presidency will play out, a few bells have been rung for me, and they'll never be unrung. I didn't think my opinion of the media could get lower, but life's full of surprises. I'll never again believe anything I read in the MSM unless it's been verified by another outlet. I haven't watched the network news (or virtually any TV news) in years, but, like carbon, it's everywhere, what with CNN playing ad nauseum in public places. They've shown themselves to be 100% unreliable. Doesn't matter if they tell the truth from time to time; who'll know when that happens except after the fact? All I can do about this is cancel some subscriptions, get my hands on a variety of news sources, and keep my fingers crossed that in my lifetime I'll see flames coming from the NY Times, WaPo, and LAT. The Dems should never be allowed to represent themselves as the party for women. Ever! Hillary and Palin were treated so horribly that any woman who feels comfortable as a Democrat should do some hard thinking. Dems are most comfortable with women who nurse endless grievances, and dislike men. And they like to make it cheap and easy for women to have abortions. If abortions produce physical or psychological problems (go figure!) they must not be discussed. Might intrude on the celebration of "choice"! Now that Obama's been elected, I've wondered if the great Black American Pity Party would end. How can there be a credible race card to hide behind? Alas, I think that card will keep being played. I happened to catch David Dinkins on Fox News, somberly reminding everyone that we still live in a very racist society. Dinkins isn't in the limelight anymore, but I suspect there are lots of folks who won't want to relinquish that ace in the hole. They should be promptly and severely reprimanded. If your life's a sad mess, better fix it, because no one really cares more about your life than you do. It's a hard fact, and the sooner learned the better. Stay in school, work hard, have children after you're married, etc. That "Obama Youth" video that creeped out a lot of people intrigued me. It would be interesting to follow those young men, see if they do in fact have the persistence to go through the (sometimes) tedium of getting a degree, staying with a job, doing the grind to become the architect/scientist/engineer that Obama "inspired" them to be. I don't know why they needed a stranger to motivate them like that, but they got it. Now do it! "Now that Obama's been elected, I've wondered if the great Black American Pity Party would end."
First there is the little matter of reparations to tend to. Once white folks have their paychecks garnished in a manner similar to that which they use for FICA, then we can call it square. NJ- If you are on the bandwagon to not "slander" the One, you know the One with big commie ears and an arabic name and a bitchy wife, why do you post so many links to whiners complaining about the One? Either accept his Oneness, or complain incessantly seems to be the option, or am I missing something?
I will never, ever, salute a communist. Sorry. If you didn't know how Obama felt about guns, you were staying voluntarily ignorant.
He's never found a gun control regulation or statute that he couldn't support. He mouths the information-lacking "I support the Second Amendment but think locallities have the right to reasonably regulate firearms" ... when to him EVERYTHING is reasonable. Of course if we took this tact with other Civil Rights, Brown would have lost against the Board of Education. No has has to "slander" President Elect Obama or ever should...but no one should be coerced into respecting him either...he has done nothing in his past that has earned him that respect...and his associations, his platform, his ambitions all point towards a disaster looming for this country. That so many people can be wrong is not unusual...the same number are probably reading the latest news on "Elvis Lives!" P.T. Barnum is beaming now with pride! Because "Elvis Lives: news is the now mainstream media.
Should gays be worried that the two states passing anti-gay laws also supported the One?
I hear that in places with sharia law gays are sometimes hung or otherwise killed. Come on, put 1 and 1 together (as opposed to 1 and 0) here folks. The president has an arabic name, and (some of) his followers don't like gays. Could we be missing out on the new morality? Morality2.0, California style. Maybe this "one" fellow is onto something I have up to this point missed. Puts the whole immoral banker problem into a new light, same with hispanic Catholic voters. This was an election about morality? Family values were hardly mentioned, but the referendum said differently. I keep on hearing about this pony...can somebody look after mine till I get out to ca in feb?
February is probably too soon for real hunger, Phil. Now next summer, that's more likely. Oh, dear ... am I being a touch racist? The Obama administration will be sure to tell me.
Marianne |
Reading my news feeds yesterday and today I discovered an undercurrent of doubt on the part of the MSM and the meme (new-)media.
Tracked: Nov 06, 00:01