How does Ben Smith do it all?
Ski on your favorite sin. I can't decide between Lust and Sloth.
Will you steal your kids' Halloween candy? Sipp on Halloween Explained
Anchoress introduces readers to one of the best movies ever made
It's not just for Liberals: Social signaling and speaking in code
Your personal blimp. h/t Thompson
Spreading the wealth and killing the goose
Election Derangement Syndrome. Sheesh. I think I understand Obama's popularity as a celebrity/icon, but I still find it hard to believe that he is electable. Like, I mean, like you know, this isn't American Idol...or is it? In Auster's words,
The man is a walking cornucopia of the marginal, the communist, the alien, the inappropriate, and the anti-American. And we're about to elect him president of the United States.
Or as Theo crudely puts it...
Franklin Delano Bush. Boudreaux
War goes on across Paki border
Our post yesterday, How Redistributionist is America?, is worth reading if you missed it. The US is high on the list.
Controlling the Internet in Australia. Are they nuts? As soon as people make something good, the gummint wants to intrude. In Reagan's famous words:
Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
McCain has been an excellent candidate. Surber
Look who came by last night, trick-or-treating. Whatever you give them, you know they're going to trick you anyway: