What do Obama's crowds mean? WSJ. Bill Clinton implies that Obama's not too smart. No, but he is clever and ruthless. Obama, the Red Diaper Baby.
Voter fraud chic at The Gap. Michelle. Groovy.
Barack's aunt finally found. I think he wants me to take care of her.
If CO2 is classified as a dangerous pollutant... Yeah, and we'll all be taxed for breathing and farting. Tax beans! Farting should be taxed, come to think of it, to discourage it.
Nice grouchy rant. Alphecca.
Government isn't charity. NRO. No, it is not. Money at gunpoint doesn't count as charity.
Finally, an LAT protest. Power to the people!
Checks on Joe more extensive than realized. Imagine if Repubs did that. We'd be hearing about fascist police state tactics.
I do not understand why banks are being forced to take bailout funds if they don't need it.
From Babalu, via Driscoll:
By placing their hopes and aspirations in the hands of Obama, they have in effect transferred the individual faith they have in themselves to another person. A person who has promised to make their dreams come true for them. No longer will they have to fight, or struggle, or even work to achieve their dreams; Obama promises to do it all for them. But sooner, rather than later, they will realize that Obama can never deliver on this impossible promise. It is then when they will experience a pain much greater than they can imagine; the pain of realizing that you gave up not only your most sacred dreams and hopes to someone else, but that you gave up hope on yourself so that someone else can do it for you.
From Dr. Bob:
Let the culture go where it may; we must be a true light. It is time to abandon the delusion that we may change the hopeless by becoming more like them — we must instead become a shining city on a hill, a stark contrast to the darkness which surrounds us. If what we believe is true — and it is — then those who run from truth may well see in us an answer to their failed and fruitless pursuits, to the shallow shell of a life lived in self-gratification and the pursuit of pleasure and power.
We will be misunderstood, hated, ridiculed, rejected. So be it — our strength will lie in one another, and in Him who calls us to holiness.
A reminder that Halloween is the eve of All Hallow's Day, ie All Saint's Day. Like so many Christian holy days, it was moved from May to overlap with an existing pagan festival in the 700s. Here's a painting by Daniel Maclise of a Halloween party he attended in Blarney in 1832: