Palin's nomination "an insult to all women." No doubt that Sally Quinn finds Sarah Palin offensive. Women sure can be catty. I think they envy Sarah's studly husband and her hot sex life - not to mention her accomplishments and her positive outlook on life.
Paulson should kill the Fannie and Freddie business model. WSJ. Related at NRO: Fannie and Freddie were the real culprits.
Quoted in a Bloomberg piece on the banks, and NY and London real estate prices:
"There is a saying among bankers that a shortage of capital kills you slowly and a shortage of liquidity is like a bullet in the head.''
Luskin on the bailout loans:
The fundamental mistake (in the article he discusses) is that the $700 billion would be used to invest in income-producing assets, not to fund consumption. A dollar spent in Head Start, say, or in socialized health care, is gone forever, even though its expenditure may produce a benefit for whomever receives the service it funds. But a dollar spent on a mortgage earns interest, and can eventually be sold -- perhaps even at a profit. And in the meantime, if the government's temporarily holding these assets helps unlock the US real estate and securities markets, then so much the better. To be clear, I'm not endorsing the federal government investing $700 billion in private assets. But love it or hate it, it is investment -- not consumption.
Attack Machine looks back on the Obama phenomenon. A quote:
This is the nature of Mr. Obama’s particular kind of charisma. People project their best wishes on him, they fill in the blank of a very attractive and plausible outline. His is not, emphatically, a charisma of deeds. For what has he done, save run for president? He is an accommodating vessel - cool, smart, biracial and “unfinished.” This is the Gatsby quality of him that others have noted. Like Gatsby, he is a receptacle of others’ glamorous invention.
AVI is a calm and unenthused McCain voter, and I agree with him that political enthusiasm is a disease. One quote:
I just don't get any positive Obama argument. What's he going to do except not be the other guy? The positive sounding items, like "hope" and "change," are just disguised versions of dissing his opposition. So. Everyone who feels that the world just isn't right, somehow has a possible attraction to Obama. The Arts & Humanities Hive knows the world isn't right because they're not in charge. The African-American voter knows that America is still not right on race; the government worker knows that there's never enough money going into their part of the government anyway. Yes We Can. Can what? Kick Them Out And...And...
Insty writes an essay (OK, a mini-essay) on the looming entitlements crash - and I agree with him.
Joe Biden makes stuff up when he isn't stealing it, but he gets a pass because he is a known goofball, and because he's a Dem. Now he says he was a coal miner. Presidential material?
Roger Simon: An open letter to my fellow Jews
The NY Post is having fun with Charlie Rangel. It's about time. I know that Sean Hannity likes Rangel - not his politics though, but Rangel is a classic lib tax-dodger. I thought this sort of thing was criminal.
The deep secrets of the smear campaign. Related: How the Dems are stifling opposition voices. And Jules does a summary of the Astroturfing. This is sick.
Image: As we head into apple season, this cute apple bobber is from Theo, of course.