Insider info from last night: forget the polls - Obama's internal polling data is not encouraging. Evaluate his behavior in that context. They do not know what to do. And watch for the McCain ads this coming week. They are going to stress the truth about Obama, unless I have been wrongly informed. That's why we are seeing this kind of junk.
And a note to McCain, who made a fool of himself last week talking about the banking mess: When you don't know what you're talking about - shut up.
Palin drawing ginormous crowds. Something interesting about the fact that you can put a regular, normal, practical, wholesome American lady up on a podium, and people go nuts. Maybe America is saner than I sometimes think.
Biden and Obama say it's patriotic to want to pay more taxes. Tiger has some ideas for those who don't have the money to display this sort of enthusiastic patriotism.
Fred Barnes: The GOP brand is looking better. Maybe so, but it doesn't deserve it.
How Fannie and Freddie blew it for all of us. Don't forget - they are government agencies, and now they are govt agencies who have confiscated my equity in those businesses and placed it in their own account. Rightly or wrongly, that is what they did, and I got screwed by buying government agency securities. Fool me once...
Paul Krugman discovers the hazard of inviting audience participation. Guess what? Canadians hate their ""health care system," but they are trapped in it, just like so many Americans are trapped in their public schools. Monopolies are bad things - but they usually get there via successful competition. But government monopolies are very bad things, and maintain failure forever on the backs of the taxpayers.
France bans internet wine advertising