Why Bernanke decided to lend to AIG - to avoid a world-wide collapse of lending and a possible Depression.
Related: the 8th paragraph gives a good description of credit default swaps, along with other good explanations for the AIG problem.
They spent 5 hours frantically trying to find a strategy to refute Zebari's statement. It doesn't take 5 hrs. to tell the truth.
Amazon to sell wine.
Women don't do logic. That's what the Feminists say.
Dems thrilled by bank failures, ugly markets.
Where does the US stand in terms of economic freedom?
Bush: Drilling Bill is a hoax. Sure sounds like it. They just want to say they did something. Political cover to fool the uninformed.
ACORN is up to its old tricks.
Speaking of tricks, isn't hacking Palin's email a crime? I think it is. The hatred of this fine lady is patently insane, but I think she can take it. I hope the FBI is on this, today.
Got balls? Why the Palins are attractive to the Heartland. It's the testosterone.
Obama is the most Conservative candidate we've seen in years. He wants to go back to the 1930s.
McCain intends to win. It's a scandal! Quote from RCP (h/t, Viking)
The enduring scandal of the McCain campaign is that it wants to win. The press had hoped for a harmless, nostalgic loser like Bob Dole in 1996. In a column excoriating Republicans for historically launching successful attacks against Democratic presidential candidates in August, Time columnist Joe Klein excepted Bob Dole -- not mentioning that Dole had been eviscerated by Clinton negative ads before August ever arrived.
Ace loses it re Andrew Sullivan. Ace, buddy, not to worry. Nobody reads Sullivan anymore unless they are looking for an easy fisking target. His comments were interesting once upon a time, in his youth, but he has been erratic and wacked for years now.