The colossal Antonine ruler statues found in Turkey. Marcus Aurelius in photo.
Wonder what "Deep Green," aka "Deep Ecology" means? Here's wiki. I guess you might call it a pagan religion, more or less.
Oslo rots. It's not your grandfather's Oslo.
Via Open Left, a quote:
There is a populist message at the convention: individual Americans versus a system of lobbyists, partisan bickering, fear-based character attacks, old white men and George W. Bush. It might seem like weak tea and a bit inchoate so far, but it is possible Obama will tie it together, and ramp it up, in his speech.
Why government medicine remains a bad idea, at Pajamas:
Public healthcare becomes the default option, but it never outperforms private or semi-private care, as exhaustive comparisons of European healthcare regimes show. State-of-the-art care becomes harder to access, as incentives for healthcare providers, administrators, and consumers are all skewed by artificial constraints. Those without the money to obtain the best treatment, or the connections to pull strings, find it increasingly hard to get appropriate medical care. The most pernicious aspect of government provided health care, though, is in the rationing of medical care and services. When the commodity being mismanaged is healthcare, the results include injury, disability, and death. Chilling examples from Canada show why single-payer, universal healthcare is not the way forward.
Obama's sociopathic friend William Ayers said this:
Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.
A good addition to our blogroll: Will Wilkinson's Fly Bottle
Do facts matter? Poverty level, unemployment better under Bush than with Clinton
The journey of a confident man. Politico