"Toga, toga, toga." And McCain has some fun with it too. Image via Ace. But is anybody watching this convention? I doubt it. I won't watch either one. What for?
The racism excuse is ready to go. Gimme a break.
Mini-cows. Get yours, now, before the prices go up.
You already read this: Totten on the truth about Georgia.
Yet another warning about global cooling. And now the Great Freeze begins, earlier than expected.
Who cares about Ayers and Dohrn? I do. Lefty fascist loony toons.
Clayton Cramer - Help find that good guy a good job. Preferably in Boise.
Wind farms are subsidy farms. No kidding.
A quote from Mona Charen:
I so wish I could support Barack Obama. It would be great -- truly magnificent -- to elect a black president of the United States. Watching the convention coverage on Monday night, I was moved by my friend Juan Williams' almost tearful reaction to Michelle Obama's address. He shook his head in amazement that an African-American woman was in the position she was. And it moved me to see how moved he was. I wish I could send Michelle Obama -- so attractive, so poised, so stylish -- a cyber hug. I'd wager that millions of other Americans, like me, would love to see someone like her as First Lady.
Or at least I would love to support the person Michelle Obama has conjured for us this week -- successful working-class girl who worked hard, upheld traditional values, and was rewarded by a great nation.
A robo-skeleton for the paralyzed. Cool.
I am not my brother's keeper.
The author of Love and Houses, Marti Leimbach, has a blog.
The return of Big Labor. I thought we had "evolved" beyond that mess. Look at this. Sheesh.
A modern social contract. Gates
Dem ex-Gov Rendell on Obama: Adlai Stevenson? He is too kind. Adlai was spineless, but he did have depth and humor.
More on Obama and abortion. This goes beyond abortion. Is this what ladies want?
Bill is dissing Obama. Politics is so mature.
Dissent is unpatriotic - sometimes.
From Sowell:
There are countries in Europe that would love to have their unemployment rate fall to the 5.7 percent unemployment rate to which ours has risen. Yet those who seem to want us to imitate European economic and social policies never seem to want to consider the actual consequences of those policies. "Unacceptable" is one of the big weasel words of our time-- almost always said when the person who says it has no intention of doing anything, and so is accepting what is called "unacceptable."
Republicans won big, running as Republicans, in 2004. But once they took control of Congress, they started acting like Democrats and lost big. There is a lesson in that somewhere but whether Republicans will learn it is another story entirely.
When we hear about rent control or gun control, we may think about rent or guns but the word that really matters is "control." That is what the political left is all about, as you can see by the incessant creation of new restrictions in places where they are strongly entrenched in power, such as San Francisco or New York.