In their own words: Why I support Obama
The man behind Woody Allen. Pretentiously written but interesting.
How Putin turns language on its head.
Erasing Obama's past. Powerline. Related: Obama desperation?
15 images you won't believe aren't photoshopped
The American Psychological Association wants to manipulate you into worrying about AGW. Is this their job? (h/t, Carnival of the Insanities)
New predictions of an Ice Age. Here we go again.
Is Obama the Howard Zinn candidate? Sounds like it. Interestingly, we now are blessed with a Howard Zinn comic book for those who wish to be bien pensant but don't read too good. (h/t, Jonah G)
What is "fair" about taking the money you earned? How can it be done fairly? Obama wants more "tax fairness." How do you get more "fair" than this:
As we come to the end of the Bush administration, the top 1% of American taxpayers already pay 40% of all income taxes -- the highest level in 40 years. The top 10% of income earners pay 71% of the taxes.
That is beyond fair, and it leaves 90% of the population as minimal contributors to the nation. There is an obvious danger in becoming a nation of 90% "getters" and 10% givers - and not the least being that you discourage the givers.