Fun with math. Right Wing Prof
The San Diego border fence, update
Weird Lefty stuff, including:
It is no disadvantage for those who thrill at enmity also to profess a universal brotherhood. There are many men who do not profess any such idea, or who do not do so with the demanded zeal, and who therefore make a most fitting object for hatred.
Ever hear of "juror" nullification? This guy was too smart to be on a jury.
Acid-burned Moslem women find new career.
Obama flat-out lied about abortion. To a pastor. More proof here. Related: Pelosi claims God blessed us with Obama. That is sick, sick, sick. Related: WaPo admits unfair and unbalanced coverage.
The truth about the Kilimanjaro snow.
Brits ignorant about the US.
Europe's population time bomb
Kobe Bryant says something ordinary - and it's treated like a big deal. I am glad he likes America, though.
Regulated utilities giving political donations? That ain't OK with me.
The oil bubble bursts, as predicted here, many times.