Is this for real? Massive armada heads for Iran
Lieberman: Obama doesn't put country first. Right or wrong, that is a devastating charge.
Why trees cannot grow any higher
Huge drop in US oil demand. Related: The myths about offshore drilling
Some things about hot peppers you might not know
More on the MSM's double standard
Megafauna: looks like we killed them (h/t Jungle Trader)
Is the invasion of Georgia an East-West tipping point? Human Events. Related: There's always a "but" monkey
Postdiction of the day: Obama claims he's been warning about Georgia for months. Related: This doesn't sound like Christianity to me. Related: Obama campaign gets more from "big oil" than McCain, but lies about it. Truth is, the Dems get more $ from Wall St., Hollywood, Martha's Vineyard, Big Oil, Big Media, Big Tort Legal, Big Education, and Big Unions than the Repubs ever will.