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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
Our Recent Essays Behind the Front Page
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Wednesday, July 9. 2008Maggie's Farm is Going Green!With the end of humankind (and of our beloved planet itself) rapidly approaching unless we do something immediately if not sooner, Maggie's Farm has decided to quit talking about the crisis and to start acting. We are taking action in ways that go beyond the virtuous posturing and tokenism (we call it "Lightbulbing") that we see on other websites. Here are the things we are doing to make a difference: 1. As of today, we have discontinued the popular print edition of Maggie's Farm. Henceforth, Maggie's will only be available online. (If you are reading this in our final print edition, double-click here on the page with your index finger.) This change will save countless acres of pristine virgin forests and and eliminate CO2 production from our fleet of gas-guzzling delivery vehicles, such as this one: 2. See our site's background color? It's a new shade of Green. This will inspire all of our readers to Go Green! Let's start a trend for other sites to switch to an Earth-Friendly Green! 3. We are going nuclear. Because of the new availability of yellowcake uranium from Saddam's stash, we are in the process of installing a small, air-cooled homemade reactor in the basement to provide all our our power needs. If it works, we'll soon be off the grid! 4. Trees are a major source of CO2 pollution. Therefore we will invite loggers to clear-cut another 30 acres of the farm's property, converting it to fields on which we will grow corn for Ethanol. I see $$$ in going green this way. Your tax dollars by the bushel, flowing to Maggie's Farm! Money is Green! 5. International travel, with its polluting airplanes and ships, is a big problem (except for those necessary trips by people spreading the word about global catastrophe). We are determined that, in the future, any second international recreational trip we take in one year will be by sail: 6. "Cork me." Cow farts are a major threat to the planet with their warmening gasses. Our patented and trademarked "CowCork" wil be used on our entire herd of cattle. 7. Farm nudity. We have decided to go nude on the farm this summer. This both strikes a blow against Big Clothing corporations and their exploitative sweatshops and their extortionist prices, while reducing the fossil fuel consumption required in clothing production and transportation. Take Off Those Overalls and Save the Earth! 8. Green beer. It's not just for St. Patrick's Day anymore. We will commit to drinking green beer daily, if not hourly.
9. Clean vehicle fuel. Because we have heard so much about how engines can run on water (a fact which a conspiracy between Bush-Cheney and Big Oil is concealing from us), all of our trucks and tractors will be run on water - beginning today. Water is a cheap, clean-burning fuel, and there is lots of it out there going to waste, monotonously and pointlessly lapping against the shore. Fill 'er up!
Posted by Bird Dog
in Hot News & Misc. Short Subjects, Our Essays
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On point 9, will that be salt water, otherwise you may be open to charges of depriving African villages of drinking water.
This really is brilliant work.
And I am so frickin jealous that you thought of it first I am going to hold my breath - thus saving the world from even more CO2. In order to show my solidarity, I'll be writing all my emails and documents in green from now on.
I'm shocked that our comments can't be written in green and highly recommend this change be made immediately. - The planet is at stake and we can't wait! I admit, when I saw the first picture of the soon-to-be-retired vehicle, I thought of Red Green and was ready for the pitch for duct tape.
Reading through the list, What can I do to help?? We all know this will take a village. That green on the farm stuff is something I can get behind.
Hurray for Maggie's Green Farm. BD,
It looks like your sailboat is an old Lightning if I am not mistaken. A classic boat that is still raced today on the hulls are fiberglass and the spars are carbon fiber. Do you think we can use up all of the carbon if we make everything out of carbon fiber? It is lighter and stronger after all. It sure as heck is. Raced them growing up. Wonderful boats.
I think I'm turning green as I read! Crimey! Where is Obama when you need him?
I've vowed to sacrifice my first-born to Gaia. In fact, I've become so green even my dear departed Irish Grandmother would say things were a little overdone. So I'm glad to see Maggie's joining all of us wise guardians of the earth. Together we can save the earth and save nature. Gaia is running a temperature and we have to work together for change. Yes we can! I'm working so hard to save the planet that I even poop green. I painted my truck green because scientists say it absorbs the harmful rays of the sun so they don't ricochet around the atmosphere creating more warming. I'm worthy because I'm not a denier. I'm sacrificing for you and you and you, because I'm wonderful and I'm going to save the earth. So, uh, could you give me the Farm maid's number? I deserve it because I'm so green.
If we just get serious about points#6 and#7 I feel certain everything will just fall into place.
I will need to get some sheep corks though. |
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation and pursuant to our Wednesday night comedy show, here is the inimitable chazan Shepsil Kanarek performing his famous Audition sketch (8:34).Note the "Eggs [...] is...
Tracked: Jul 09, 23:54
Blonde Sagacity: Ashamed of All War The Anchoress: The Heart and Soul of Baseball Maggie’s Farm: Going Green Don Surber: First Ladies Suitably Flip: Mahmoud the Fauxtographer Create your own Obama Poster Rightwing News: Right-Of-Center Bloggers S...
Tracked: Jul 10, 22:55