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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, June 25. 2008Weds. morning links
European vexillophobia Stunning pic of Sting Ray migration. (h/t, Grapevine) 50 scientifically-proven ways to be persuasive. God bless the speculators. Stossel Great moments in climate alarmism. Climate Skeptic More Quincy. Mirrors FEMA doing a great job. That's not news, though. Obama's lack of normal modesty. Am Thinker Big governments serve the needy worse Performance-enhancing drugs in the white-collar workplace If Scalia writes DC v. Heller (h/t, Insty) Ethanol: minimal impact on gas prices, pressure on food Thank you for smoking. More on global cooling Physics prof says nothing you can do about warming. Too bad, because I think we need more global warming, and I'd like to help. When talking makes things worse. Max Boot Since when did the Presbyterians go insane? Good grief.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Get that lady some silver bullets, ya'll! I don't exactly spend a lot of time following Protestants, but the Presbyterians went off the deep end two decades ago, at least. I had one colleague who was a minister for a break away church; I heard a lot about the newage-y Presbyterian USA church from him.
Two decades? Almost three, now that I think about it. Most if not all of the old 'main line' prostestant churches have gone or are slipping off the deep end: Presbies, Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans and UCC (they're a bit of a different animal). That's not to say that all churches within the demominations have gone lefty political, but the denomination authority have with many of the churches/clergy. There will likely be official schism in most of these or just a slow drift towards irrelevence. The Baptists for the most part have so far seemed to be immune to this political/social corruption.
While the Catholic USA org has certainly had it's issues, there's a strong orthodox core to anchor it. It appears that they are slowly addressing and cleaning up some of the mess. I'll stick with orthodox (Catholic version) as it is rooted in tradition and correct theology, i.e., it is best representation/revelation of truth and least subsceptible to total institutional corruption though as populated with humans it will always struggle against it. The American Baptist church is a lefty denomination and even some Southern Baptists are getting in on the Global Warming scam.
Obama's friend Father whats his name is also pretty unhinged, so even some Catholics are joining the loony left. Thank You for Smoking is a funny movie with a libertarian slant. Its taken from a book written by Chris Buckley, Bill Buckley's son. Well worth seeing. Not surprised about the Baptists just wasn't that familiar with their particulars and living in the south are more familiar with the more conservative Southern Convention variety. Now that you mention them, I believe the Baptist are actually going through some sort of schism. Every denomination and church will have their kooks...the question is the level of institutional acceptance...in other words are they considered heretical or accepted. Father Pfleger (sp?) is certainly considered heretical by Catholic doctrine, the question is when will his Bishop take appropriate action? This Pope has little tolerance for such clowns presented as clergy.
You will not see the UCC take action against Rev Wright as his wacky lefty views are generally shared by the UCC. Sean, Thank you for the movie recommendation. With regards to the religion question, just give me the Elmer Gantry, Billy Sunday, types. - - - - - - Wait a moment we all ready have them in Jessie Jackson, and Rev Wright. Where did these assholes go to divinity school?
Totally off topic, but, Ladies and Gentlemen, these people are ass holes, and need to be exposed--
Your reporter here in Idaho keeping you informed about the goings on concerning our new proposed nuclear power plant here--I note that radical irrational elements from outside the state have tried to use nazi like tactics here-- Dear editor, As you may recall, anti-nuclear activists recently sought to disrupt an informational meeting about the Idaho Energy Complex. One of the people in attendance recently sent this letter to CEO Don Gillispie. Dr. Cooper grew up in Idaho and has worked in Idaho for 15 years and holds a doctorate and a masters degree from Oxford University. Thank you for your time, Martin Johncox Idaho Energy Complex spokesman 208-658-9100 www.idahoenergycomplex.com Dear Mr. Gillispie, I attended the informational meeting you hosted in Glenns Ferry regarding the proposed nuclear power plant for Elmore County. Idahoans value the freedom to voice our opinions, and your meeting let supporters and opponents voice theirs in an open forum. However, I particularly found the actions committed by what I believe to be several members of the Snake River Alliance (SRA), who were with Ms. Andrea Shipley (SRA Director), and former Owyhee County P&Z member Mr. Joe Weatherby so disturbing that I felt compelled to write you. In fact, if you know of an official or agency that I can contact about what transpired, I would be happy to do so and lodge a complaint. You are also free to share this letter with whomever you deem appropriate. Personally, the arrest of Dr. Rickards is a non-issue. Several of us heard him insist on being arrested, and there was talk among his friends after the meeting that he had planned on getting arrested. But the disruption caused by the SRA and Weatherby during Dr. Rickards’ arrest was very alarming. As if on cue, the moment Rickards stood and announced that he was being arrested, the SRA and Weatherby simultaneously jumped up and started shouting a mix of profanity, threats and insults. While the woman in a red top who stood by Shipley screamed the largest number of obscenities, including the F-word at least 6 times, I was more concerned with Weatherby shaking his fist and yelling, ‘someone should take out Don Gillispie!’ Weatherby turned red, yelled other personal attacks against you and made small punching and kicking motions directly at you. The violence and profanity from the group was so intense that the two children in front of them cowered, and several people started to move in their chairs and voice concern. A local elderly woman yelled for them to be quiet, and one of the SRA women next to Andrea Shipley replied, ‘these locals are too stupid to know what’s good for them.’ The SRA and Weatherby only settled down once the MC Mr. Jim Tibbs and the Glenns Ferry Mayor JoAnn Lanham demanded the audience come to order; I’m sure that the appearance of more police officers didn’t hurt, either. I know that I was not the only one offended by their actions; I overheard the Mayor apologize to you and say that the disruptive crowd was not local when I went to ask you a question after the meeting. I am also concerned that Weatherby has misused his former position as an official of the Owyhee County P&Z committee for his personal benefit, much to the detriment of local citizens, without disclosure. He has been conveying that he is unbiased and has attained some level of bona fide expertise on energy generation and environmental issues based on his P&Z experience and his own research. However, Weatherby has alluded to his own personal involvement with a very large wind farm business venture (of over 5,000 windmills) on at least two occasions in public gatherings. Furthermore, I have heard complaints from several in Owyhee County about how Weatherby managed to have his personal property approved for subdivision while he served on the P&Z committee, but nobody else could get approval or his support. Indeed, it appears that he served on the Owyhee P&Z while conflicted, for his personal gain. And to make matters worse, I now hear that he has been very active in Elmore County, purportedly consulting and advising quite actively against your project. Why is it that Weatherby, who has no formal training or experience and who is using personal research that has not been vetted by experts, is attempting to advise a different county about your project? Since he remains evasive in answering whether or not he has a potential business conflict with your project and has no credible experience, it seems that he is pursuing his own agenda at the expense of the rest of us. Yet the depth to which Weatherby seems to have fallen almost pales in comparison to the SRA and its associates. I wasn’t surprised to find out that they had people from California and Oregon come to your meeting, and that members of the SRA handed out factually incorrect material at your meeting. Nor was I surprised how they continuously interrupted your talk with snide remarks—my favorite being from the woman next to me who quipped, ‘We don’t need more jobs! What’s up with that?’ But their apparent fabrication of a news story is unconscionable and Blair Koch and Claudio Beagarie should be reported. I entered the meeting behind the SRA group and Blair Koch. Andrea Shipley and Ms. Koch were quite congenial, and when Shipley asked if Koch needed any information, Koch responded that she had everything she needed. Koch sat by the woman from California, and before the meeting began I was walking around deciding where to sit. When I realized that she was a journalist, I told her that I had heard that Mr. Gillispie was happy to be interviewed and that he was standing at the next table. She replied that she didn’t need to interview him. I left to find a seat at the back corner of the room. Koch later sat behind me, and made a show of getting her materials ready. As if this was rehearsed, she stood up suddenly and managed to be on the scene exactly when the police officer confronted Dr. Rickards. Claudio Beagarie seems to have been working in collusion. I saw him arrive with Andrea Shipley and the SRA—in fact, I think he drove them. He then spent quite some time out front with Dr. Rickards, took photos and asked him a few questions. I later saw Beagarie inside, in the row in front of me. He told someone that he was with the Arbiter. Dr. Rickards came up to him at the beginning of the meeting and talked to him for a moment and then laughed together at something Rickards said—they made it hard for me to hear you talking. Rickards then sat in the row in front of Beagarie. When Rickards got up again and went to sit several rows closer to the front, Rickards smiled and waved at Beagarie again. Shortly after that, Beagarie pulled out a lens and prepared his camera. Almost immediately after that, a police officer entered the room. Beagarie jumped up and managed to position himself for a photo of Rickards before the officer had stopped moving. The subsequent article in the Time-News by Blair Koch clearly shows an agenda to anyone who attended that meeting, and included the photograph taken by Claudio Beagarie. I was surprised to see his photo with her article, since they represented different papers. I since have discovered that Beagarie was not representing the Arbiter at the meeting. The disregard that the SRA, Weatherby, and Rickards showed to the local populace was arrogant and puerile, but their lack of honesty and integrity is utterly unacceptable and should not be allowed to continue. Indeed, the deceptions, misinformation and blatant lies that they have used subvert our ability as Idahoans to make informed decisions. Sincerely, James E Cooper, DPhil., MPhil. P2 Wed Jun 25, 06:09:00 PM EDT Howdy all,
I am the podiatrist that got arrested for what seems impossible, trespassing at a "PUBLIC" meeting! This so-called James E Cooper is nowhere to be found on any google search, so I assume he is as fake as his accusations written on your blog! But even the acccusations are hilarious, like, OH MY GOD, reporters took pictures and reported on the meeting! It must be a conspiracy! I have attended public meetings for 20 years and this is a first! You bet people did jump up in outrage. I had been sitting quietly for 20 minutes when a police officer came up and arrested me for trespassing. People were as shocked as me. The nuke company was upset by my handout. I had attended their previous meeting quietly, but went up to citizens afterward to explain the real answers to their questions on safety of nuke power. Just like Saddam, they figured it was best to arrest anyone who disagrees with them, and the local police agreed. When Warren Buffet the billionaire tried to put a nuke plant in Idaho last December, I leafletted that meeting too. The policemen there ASKED for a copy of my handout, like any American should do. After my turn to ask a qusetion and comment, I got the first BURST of applause from the local town people, more than the speaker ever got at the end. God Bless America and our Constitution! Please visit our website mentioned in my "illegal in Elmore County" handout I paste below...Peter IDAHO FAMILIES FOR THE SAFEST ENERGY www.MyIdahoEnergy.com Are you ready to risk a nuclear meltdown to heat Hollywood hot tubs? Are you ready to be stuck with deadly nuclear waste for 240,000 years? Dear Elmore County families and neighbors, Elmore County is now being targeted for a merchant nuclear power plant, by Virginia businessman, Don Gillispie. A "merchant" nuclear power plant has no obligation to sell its power to Idaho, unless we outbid California. California pays about 18 cents per kilowatt, about three times the present Idaho rate. California and Oregon ban these potential disasters of nuclear power from their neighborhoods, but we will have to outbid them to use any of Gillipie's power, if his "pink sheet" stock pyramid scheme isn't just a scam. Gillispie, claims "A Chernobyl style meltdown is not possible in Western reactors. Even if it were - and it would take a redesign of the plant -the containment vessel would hold all radioactivity." (Times-News April 30) I have shown Gillispie the 2006 Department Of Energy study on containment flaws that could lead to "catastrophic failure." What part of "catastrophic failure" does he not understand? Gillispie claims our containment is vigorously tested for earthquakes, but the DOE actually admits, "Seismic loadings coupled with severe accident loads have not been investigated in any detail." ( http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/contract/cr6906/cr6906.pdf p 147-9 or p 166-9/206 on webpages) Gillispie complained, in the Twin Falls paper, "Ironically, one of the chief local opponents of nuclear power is a podiatrist who has irradiated more people than any American nuclear plant." I do use x-rays and thus I am NOT "anti-nuclear." Gillispie seems to keep forgetting doctors don't x-ray pregnant women, unless it's a life or death decision needed, because of the danger of radiation exposure, especially to the fetus. Unlike the "catastrophic failure" potential of a meltdown or terrorist strike, an x-ray of a broken foot will NOT force evacuations of Idaho, nor cause impoundments of crops. Neither will wind power. Wind power can double Idaho's present electric use says the DOE It was great to see the Department of Energy detail how wind power could provide 20% of the nation's power needs by 2030, at about 7.5 cents per kilowatt. (http://www1.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/pdfs/41869.pdf ) Nuclear power costs about 8-11 cents per kilowatt, according to the Keystone report, authored by the French Areva Company, that designed the very reactor Gillispie proposes. Gillispie, however, falsely promises he will sell Idaho his power at 3 cents per kilowatt, but refuses to put that impossible promise in writing in a contract with Idaho Power. At the Twin Falls energy forum May 15, the DOE speaker Kurt Myers noted Idaho's wind power contribution could be a nameplate base of 5,594 Megawatts, and added, "Idaho could contribute more." Kurt agreed that was more than double Idaho's present electric consumption, and would provide millions of dollars of jobs and tax revenue! Please see our website for the Stanford report proving connecting wind farms debunks the catch phrase "the wind doesn't blow all the time." This study proves that wind can provide a reliable steady baseload, cheaper than dirty coal or risky nuclear power. Modern nuclear power has serious technical problems. The Ohio Davis-Besse nuclear plant, in 2002, accidentally discovered an unforeseen acid leak that ate through the steel reactor containment, leaving only 3/8ths of an inch of steel. Instead of shutting down, the nuclear engineer lied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission so they could continue to make money!! This reveals that modern nuclear plants can have hidden flaws, and reveals that human error and direct corruption that makes Gillispie's claims of total safety an outright lie. See our website for details. Wind, solar, and geothermal are best for National Security & Defense Nuclear power clusters our energy supply as a deadly target for terrorists, including disgruntled employees. According to Homeland Security officials (see website for references) you don't need an airplane crash to cause a nuclear disaster. "I think the important thing to keep in mind is the adversaries don't stand still when technologies are being developed," said Mike Sparks, director of the DOE Office of Technology. "The adversary has full use of the technology in advance to being made. And if we stand still and don't take the initiative to stay a step ahead on the technology, I think we're setting ourselves up for a disaster sometime down in the future." Gillispie claims to innocent citizens that a disaster is impossible. Nuclear power is a gamble that bets your family farm everyday. Sincerely, Dr. Peter Rickards DPM Please ask any questions via our website or call 208-734-3338 "or just a slow drift towards irrelevence."
That's the defintion of my old Lutheran Church. I was hanging in there, pretty good, even though I have great "issues'" with Luther, but, it's now a political party, at least at my local church, and, I can't stand it no more. The heck with it. It saves on the blood pressure to just leave. I'm an Elder in our Presbyterian Church. One of our Elders, a retired First Sgt. and avid shooter, is at the national meeting. I'm sure he is throwing every monkey wrench he can find into the liberal gears.
At an earlier meeting, there was a motion to support American Muslims. He put forth a corollary motion that the Presbytery drop all commitments to mission work since we were supporting other religions. Both motions were tabled - the liberals scowled while we giggled. The Presbyterians are fine. The PCUSA went insane heretical years ago, and most of the sane people left for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church in America, so as far as I am concerned they are completely irrelevant.
But us Presbyterians, defined as those who actually believe the same basic things that Calvin and Knox believed, are fine. |