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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, June 23. 2008Back to "reality" Monday morning linksMe back from Maine, refreshed and�full of clams, mussels�and Codfish, and happy to have a hot shower with something called "soap." My summer vacation time is all used up, but I still have my weekend boating schedule�to keep me summering although I am already thinking about hunting season. Did some thinking about how to improve my little corner of Maggie's Farm, but did not come up with any great ideas, other than to post less, more often, if only to make my job easier for me. I am not trying to compete with Insty. However, I have catch-up today since I have been happily without any news for going on two weeks. Funny how life goes on just the same�whether you know what's happening�or not. News is at least half entertainment and diversion/distraction but, on the other hand, being informed and involved�is one's duty as a citizen in a free republic - even in summertime. Sad to hear�about Russert. A decent, likeable�fellow, too young to go. Carlin too, although I never quite enjoyed his humor too much. Memento mori. Here's a view of Acadia park, where I have been bumming it. Yes, the water is cold: Back to reality? What is "reality"? One Cosmos My alcoholism, from Dean's World. A damn good piece. (h/t, Mod. Voice) A vehicle from the point of view of a dog. Bad idea: dogs must be expected to adjust. Another blogger we enjoy takes a break. Prof Deneen. Wise move. Production without compensation is insane. At Maggie's, we are all insane. Mordechai Kedar on that Al Jazeera interview, at Youtube Dr. Merc already posted this, but it's a serious point. Obama not ready for prime time.�But neither was Bush the Younger. Related: How to read a far Left-wing hack like Frank Rich.�Related: Thinking about David Brooks' piece on Obama Power blackouts in the strangest places. The NYT is rife with biased reporting on Israel. They are rife with biased reporting about everything else, too. Pssst. I can make you a deal on a Another Irish referendum? I guess you can keep making them vote until they vote the way you want them to. The exodus of the middle class from San Francisco. Isn't it rather basic that prices go up when a thing is desirable? What's the big deal? That middle class is making a killing by selling their SF houses. Theophobia. Prof. Bainbridge Loses 80 lbs. on a MacDonalds diet 16 year-old plans solo sail around the world. Mom claims to be relaxed about it. Happy 5th Birthday, American Digest. Vanderleun is a member of our cybertribe, I think. Kelo update. Volokh Democrat language, translated.�It is not complicated. Not enough cheap�power? Blame the Evil Corporations. Are men more sexy if they do housework? Dr. Helen. Sexy or not, of course men do housework. It just has to get done sometimes - but as little as possible to maintain minimal decency. It's called "man clean," meaning that the pizza boxes and beer cans go to the garbage before you have a girl over. Via Coyote: "Democrats are great public supporters of science over faith (e.g. stem cell research, evolution) except when the science is economics and one's faith is in government." Where's the virtue in permitting evil to triumph? Neoneo What's the Dem energy policy?�Related: The Big Lie about ANWR. The big economic story of the year is about the bond insurors. From Bloomberg:
and more at Bloomberg:
and more.�It's a fascinating story with all sorts of implications for debt markets and for muni markets. I don't understand the ins and outs of credit default swap pricing, but I can understand the implications of the collapse of the bond insurors. As we said here months ago, if Maggie's were a billion-dollar�fund we'd have been buying distressed credits for�8 months. And now we'd be selling them to the other hedgies and making millions.
Posted by The News Junkie
in Hot News & Misc. Short Subjects
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Welcome back! Maine's gorgeous at this time of year, must have been a great trip. Got any more pics for us?
BTW, there's no comparison between you and Insty. Apart from the occasional throwaway link, Glenn consistently posts on the same handful of subjects. Basically, the things that interest him. Your links, however, personify the word "eclectic", which is what Maggie's is all about and is what the readership wants. You're a master at it and my advice is "don't touch a thing." An odd quote in the Iranian 'power blackouts' story. It's being blamed on: "severe drought and low production at hydroelectric power plants." Why would a country rich in oil rely on hydroelectric power? And...deserts have droughts? I thought a desert was the result of a drought! VanDerLeun is a most distinguished member of the tribe. Now that I am retired I read maybe 60 blogs a day. Most of them look like those computer programs that generate phrases from a list of words. A few, including Maggie's Farm and American Digest, are a constant delight. I never know what's going to happen until I click the link.
As far as "the big lie about ANWR" is concerned, it's extremely valuable that you pointed out here which party has always stopped the drilling. Earlier last week, some blogger pointed out that the area of ANWR where the drilling is projected to take place is approximately the size of Dulles Airport. Dulles Airport! It is contiguous to the site of present drilling by American oil companies, all of which has taken place for years without any environmental damage. The ANWR area is bare tundra, which could be compared to frozen bog. No trees, no glorious landscape. A bog. Would you rather save a bog than end our thralldom to foreign oil producers?
Marianne Had a great comment written about One Cosmos and Deans World, but lost them when I went to find cool quote on American Digest. Damn thing took my a half hour. Not up to doing it again. Pure art lost in the cybersphere. Oh well, heres the cool quote from Dorothy Sayers.
As I grow older and older And totter toward the tomb I find that I care less and less Who goes to bed with whom Sean, does this mean that my wife who turned 48 this year, that I can trade her in for two 24 year old babes? Maybe I'll wait till she is 60 so I can choose between 3 twenty year olds or 2 thirty year olds. Decisions, decisions.
Three twenty-year-olds? Have you ever tried to coral a herd of cats?
Not that my imagination isn't hard at work on this proposition!
Jephnol, you're right! I'll take the two thirty year olds.Maybe I'll trade the wacky wench in now for the two 24 year olds.
2008-06-23 14:13
Nice entertainment center, Jappy. :)
Would you have The wenches come simultaneously or stagger them? You know.... like changing channels. `
2008-06-23 18:08
P.S. I don't carry opium in my stilletos. I stuff the heels with dried patchouli because I am rebellious.
2008-06-23 18:21
My God! I'm tired already.
Jappy, the line is "now that you're forty, maybe I should trade you in for two twenties." Reply: "Harry, you aren't wired for 220."
Meanwhile, jappy dear, your lovely wife is on eBay right now, negotiating for a gorgeous, recently returned young soldier with deep hungers. Be careful what you wish for!
Marianne Jappy,
You better be careful with your figuring on the ages of your replacement wives or you'll end up in jail. ebay, jail. Jail, eBay, now more decisions I have to make. This is what I have been reduced to for marrying, a blonde, blue eyed, German,Irish wench. My kids have it worst, half dago,quater kraut, and a quater mick. First kids in the neighbor hood to start a fight, and the first to surrender.Gota love em!!