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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, June 11. 2008A FYI for Mr. Obama re flag etiquette and respect, as Flag Day approaches
From US Flag.org:
Non-citizens are not expected to do these things, and America-haters and academics - and even those who prefer for reasons of taste to be modest in their patriotism - will not be arrested if they do not follow the national etiquette - which represents something far larger and deeper than the word "etiquette" can capture. For your further information, Barack, our national anthem happens to be The Star Spangled Banner. Admittedly unsingable by the average bear, but written in 1812 - a time of trial while a young, hopeful, idealistic, and fragile but brave nation was under attack. In fact, they (the Brits) were the last enemy until 9-11 to effectively attack our Capital. I find myself thinking the old "America - Love it or Leave It" these days. It's a cliche, and a bit crude for California Chardonnay sippers, but it contains many important Yankee truths in its simple words. "Don't Tread on Me" is simple, too. So is "God Bless America." Millions aspire to come here, and break laws to do so. Perhaps many wish to leave this terrible place? Be my guest. It's not a good fit for you. Find a freer or a better place, and leave today. I'd suggest Dubai, France, Singapore, South Africa, or North Korea. Not England - it's become Moslem and you would be an oppressed dhimmi. Not Canada: no free speech. Argentina might be pleasant. Maggie's Farm could raise a large fund for one-way tickets to "elsewhere." Trackbacks
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Pictures I've seen of Barack standing with arms to the side in the company of those with hands over heart sends an incredible signal. This is our prospective Commander and Chief who's too cool to follow our conventional norms or tribal signals as BD wrote about below.
Phil, taking any bets that the REV. Wright will be displaying the American Flag from his new house on July 4TH. I'd bet my mortage that he doesn't.
Why did you delete the comment I made where I told Dr. Mercury (and you and Chris) that I use Comcast as well as AOL on this blog? That seems to me to be an important distinction that would allow the truth to come out. As well, you use THREE examples out the hundreds to stick with this assertion that I am Habu??? And you shut the thread down because Chris is mad? Who made that libelous statement to begin with and refused to tell the truth? No commenters, that's for sure. I'm on Comcast still and I'm on MF.... Check Sitemeter. "Who's On". I have a MAC. Does Habu? ` Meta:
If he is using your name, you should be p-ed off at him, not us. I disagree entirely, finding what is expected from you in flag-related ceremonies to be very offensive.
I like to think it's because I prefer the real thing, which sounds like what the leftists say, but perhaps I differ in actually meaning it. John and Ken have a refusing-to-stand-for-the-pledge lawsuit, um.... http://rhhardin.home.mindspring.com/pledge.ram (real audio) which starts very slow and livens up after ten minutes when angry callers call in. Jan 3, 1998 is the date on the file, so it was then or sooner. Anyway I agree with John entirely. The whole thing makes no sense at all to me. Flag burning is an excellent canary in the coal mine test for free speech. It appears to really offend all the right people for the right reasons. I say that from the political right. As for offensive with flags as I see it, I think politicians ought to be banned from appearing with the flag entirely. It belongs to everybody, snake oil salesmen and neighbors alike, but not to politicians. Flag day ceremony gives it to the politicians again, it seems to me. I think politicians ought to be banned from appearing with the flag entirely. It belongs to everybody, snake oil salesmen and neighbors alike, but not to politicians.
Aren't politicians part of everybody? Admittedly, many are snakes ( no offence snakes ), but even politicians have individual rights in the USA. Maybe you should have been more selective in deciding who can and cannot wear the flag. Lets say all dem pols and a few repubs are not allowed to wear the flag. That sounds fair to me. Politicians in their private capacity is fine. Put one on your house, if you like. Most of my neighbors do, and who knows one may be a politician.
None of my neighbors are saying I have to put one on mine. Nor is the snake-oil salesman. Politicians are pretending to be like BD, you could say, when they're not, but rather are concerned only with what people think of them. BD's taste in the matter is inexplicable to me, but I don't doubt his sincerity. It must be a much different upbringing than I had. Yet we both wound up on the political right. Vive la difference. What's in the heart is what counts. Me, I love the traditional ceremonies because they touch me deep, touch rich chords in me that I cherish.
I don't own a flagpole, though. I don't like showiness in anything. BD,
If the only examples of Habu using my name are the ones Chris gave, I was right in there fighting with Habu except for the first one - which I never saw. If someone uses my name, I know it and will say something. I have never felt as if Habu was abusing me in such a way. I did forget about the examples Chris gave, but I remembered them immediately and could easily tell you which are Habu's and which are mine. I didn't care because I was right there to defend myself. What you have done does infuriate me. You have put me into a position where I am defenseless against what amounts to an egregious lie about me. And you refuse to back down or to apologize. Beyond that, I am just stunned that you would make such a statement in the first place. Why? What did you hope to accomplish? We can fix this right now: You have my email address. Send me an email and just write 'testing'. I'll email back and you can check the path. I promise you you will see Virginia on that path. Do it. And it's over. ` BD,
Jephnol showed how to get one's IP address. Mine is: 69.243.211.***. I expect to be fully exonerated. Meta:
I am awaiting Chris' exoneration of you. If you have been used, you should not hold you breath for habu's apology for exploiting your identity. However inadvertent your offense, your apology for your guest's inconvenience and your jumping to conclusions should be included, unless I misunderstand this situation completely.
If you go elsewhere, meta, please let me know. My email is on my site. Or for damaging your online reputation...
Habu has, sadly, eliminated the innocence, trust, and good cheer which have always characterized our comments section, and has momentarily poisoned the atmosphere. I resent that very much. Not to worry. We are stronger than that. In his few spare moments, Chris will track down and crush this troll and his sock puppets like a bug, but Chris does need time for his real job, for his sailing addiction, and for his pals. A genuine Meta is welcome here. "Meta" -
You told me just yesterday that IP addresses were worthless because they're dynamic. Now you're implying your IP address is static and non-changing. So, which is it? Doc,
I thought I had IP addresses figured out going into this... now I'm confused. Perhaps it could be a snippet of a lesson sometime. Dr. Mercury,
AOL changes its IP addresses. Comcast does not. Jephnol and Chris gave me places to find my computer's IP address. I have emailed Chris with the information. Thank you for your concern. ` Dr. Mercury,
I'll tire of this badinage soon enough, but I have to tell you. I ended up with two IP addresses (Comcast) from Jephnol's and Chris' links. I have a router and when it storms, it shuts down. I plug my computer straight into the cable box and carry on. The usage of the router changes my IP address. I gave Chris both addresses. He also has my email path. Dynamic? Seems one could purposefully disguise themselves simply by plugging in to a router. Anyway, I have no clue, but Chris has it now and that's all I care about. ` Meta - BTW, I'm on your side here. Although I addressed my note to jappy the other day, the gist of it was to point out how many people have been using the name "Meta" (you, Leslie, Buck, Habu), and, as such, unless one has the IP addresses to go along with the comments, it's hard to know which "Meta" is which. There are a number of vile things being attributed to you that you didn't say, which I hoped my 'IP round-up' pointed out.
Dr. Mercury
2008-06-12 16:09
Thanks, Doc.
I sure haven't seen vile things attributed to me other than the most vile assertion of BD that I was not me. (I use the past tense as I trust he realizes his error by now. I'll know when I see his declaration of mistake.) Habu is Lesley (You are spelling her name wrong.) and I was Buck for the funny pictures and Luther was in conversation with you as Buck a while back. We shared that nic for fun, though it turned out not so fun at that one time. Buck has disappeared. Habu is commenting daily, and I could tell you where and be right 95% of the time. Linguistics was my career and will always be something I tune into, and my 'sense' of things is extremely intuitive and generally right. I hope you mean it when you say you are on my side. This has been a rotten, mean situation, and I have no idea why BD would stoop so low. `
2008-06-12 17:41
I'm not Habu. For Pete's sake, Meta, given you've been wrongly accused why draw some other innocent party into this mess? I've commented here but rarely. On a Yeats poem, on dogs and grandkids with Buddy, one protracted, but innocent, misunderstanding with Dr. Merc., and perhaps a few other random times. If Habu has used my name, I am totally unaware of it. My email is LCarletonMyers@aol.com. I'd be happy to discuss this with you.
2008-06-12 19:51
Lesley - go check Dr. Mercury's comment above. No need for you and I to talk.
2008-06-12 22:59
Ok, Meta.
It would appear that Habu has pulled the same cruel trick on me that he has pulled on you. What damage this man has done and to what purpose? He has created an atmosphere of distrust amongst strangers and it is a very wicked thing, indeed.
2008-06-13 00:20
If you recognize all of your comments as yours, obviously Habu has not used your name. The blog says one thing, and we are the ones who ultimately know if we've been used. If you're not on the site everyday, that's a problem. I am on the site everyday, and with the exception of one comment, I knew when Habu was using my name. He did it to several people and I don't recall anyone getting upset. BD's statement, however, is another thing entirely.
2008-06-13 00:56
Meta, I am not on this blog every day. Generally, I just read the posts that interest me and do not follow all the comments, thus I have no idea if and when Habu used my name. I feel very helpless here.
This so upset me that I sent an email to Dr. Merc telling him exactly who I am complete with addresses and a phone number. I would even be more than happy to give him the name of my attorney to verify I am who I say I am. I am horrified my name has been used in this way. I don't blame you for being very suspicious of any comment that comes from me, but I would not hurt you or anyone else on the internet playing cruel games. Believe me, I understand your anger and that accompanying sickening feeling of being accused of something you did not do. I think you are owed an apology. Given the damage Habu has done, I am praying that Chris will dig into this matter and exonerate the innocent of whom we both surely are.
2008-06-13 01:14
I don't think Habu created the havoc ascribed to him. Yes, he did crazy things, but we knew it and accepted it as part of the wild turns and twists this blog can go at any time. The blog has mixed things up, and with BD's statement, created a perfect storm of which you are now feeling the waves. I never posted as you and you never posted as me. We know that. Dr. Mercury has pointed out the difficulty in separating comments from IP addresses, and on AOL it is especially difficult to do so. They jumped to a lot of conclusions without evidence. Chris has worked hard, so the truth will come out. I sent my information to Chris, and you sent yours to Dr. Mercury. They will figure it out. Yes. This has been infuriating. I am owed an apology once clear proof is accepted - it's there already though they seem to have trouble saying so. So don't worry. I don't think you've been used at all by anyone. `
2008-06-13 02:51
Obama not showing proper respect for the the Flag of the U.S.A. is nothing more than a really, really cool way to show the Hood that the Man isn't going to tell him how to act and what to do . After all, he's above all that old fashioned stuff, this is the New hip-hop Generation .... & We bes for change .
I'm a California Chardonnay-sipper who left the left precisely because of people like Barack. I can't wait to dance on his political grave this November.
As Mark Twain said, "I don't like political jokes, because they keep getting elected."
Hussein needs to keep talkin' as he did in this response, from the hip.
When he speaks his own mind, all get to see him for the idiot he is. Actually, women are not required to remove their head wear during the Anthem / Salute.