The Worst President?
Tom Brewton puts into words what many have come to believe:
"One of his (Roosevelt's)advisors, Stuart Chase (who coined the term New Deal), wrote that anyone, from private citizen to Supreme Court Justice, who believed that the Constitution should stand in the way of socializing the nation had better step aside or be crushed.
Liberals allege that Roosevelt’s policies ended the depression. Yet, for eight years, unemployment remained above 10 percent (not bad for today’s socialist Germany and France, but unheard of in the United States). Anyone looking at the facts must conclude that Emperor Hirohito, not Mr. Roosevelt, ended the American Depression.
In my assessment, Franklin Roosevelt stands alone as the worst President in our nation’s history, a man who corrupted the nation’s founding ethos in almost every respect and destroyed the single most important element in the Constitution’s checks and balances: the independent power of the states and local governments. When Mr. Roosevelt took office, more than 70 percent of taxes were collected at the state and local levels. During his tenure, the ratios were reversed."
Indeed. "Follow the money." Roosevelt's distortion of the Constitution has led to an array of evils. And much national strife would be eliminated if states still had the power and autonomy they once had to follow their own paths - short of slavery and human rights abuses. We suspect FDR was not wise enough to know what he was doing as a tool for the Left, but that is giving him the benefit of the doubt. (Hey, "He cared, right?") We prefer Teddy Roosevelt, much more. Read entire Brewton letter.
For those who, like me, are inclined towards a federalist, libertarian view of the world, the Most Destructive President debate probably ought to be whether Lincoln or FDR wins. Lincoln - a superb and fascinating human being by any measure - squashed any
Tracked: Jul 09, 06:18