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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 20. 2008Obama's plan to disarm AmericaEither Obama lives in the Land of Pretty Ponies and Lovely Rainbows (or whatever that expression is) or he is indeed hostile to American interests. Yesterday he essentially proposed unilaterally disarming the American economy with his energy ideas, and he wants to cripple us with taxes. On the clip below, he proposes unilateral military disarmament - something which no foe has ever been able to do to us, but one which all of our foes and competitors - and none of our decadent friends who rely on us - would welcome. These are not the ideas of a serious adult man who seeks grave responsibilities. They sound more like the ideas of a Bennington College professor, or a California grey-haired-ponytail weed-addict. The man's disconnection from the realities of the world is sounding more and more dangerous to me. He actually makes the compulsively lying Socialist Hillary Clinton look good by comparison, and that is saying something. (h/t, Macsmind)
Posted by Opie
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I'm on the edge. I just can't take to much more of this madness. " I'm mad as Hell and just can't take it anymore" (Network) Now I want you all to go to your windows open them up and throw out your cell phones, and yell Up yours Oblama Man. PS if anyone out there has a valium the size of a hockey puck pleeze send it to me . Thank you very much.
Last night I composed on this screen a nice article which this morning is gone. So far within the last week I;ve spent over an hour and 45 minutes of wasted time researching and composing work for this blog that just vanishes ...jeez guys get it right pleeeese.
OK, the article was about Ted Kennedy's currently masterful hoax. He's not had a stroke or anything of the sort ....this is a sleight of hand hoax to divert attention from the recently released book and letter outlining his duplicity in contacting and attempting to work with Yuri Andropov during OUR 1984 Presidential election. It was all about Ted's attempt to get Ronald Reagan defeated with Soviet help..at the height of the cold war! Teddy was reaching for Soviet help in our Presidential election at the height of the Cold War! The original post of just the book and letter are back a few threads back on the Sig gun thread. Those of us old enough to remember Ted appearing on TV to "explain away" Mary Jo Kopechne's death will remember he wore a neck brace ...also a hoax. This appears to be a true story and if so constitutes a capital crime punishable by death...he'll skate of course. He's simply hoping that with the elections tonight and other news this will get buried. Knowing the MSM they'll ask him NO questions about this treachery. What a slimeball. [url]http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewNation.asp?Page=/Nation/archive/200610/NAT20061020b.htm] Kennedys treachery with Andropov[/url Isn't that an old story? Let me check.
But Roger de H. does not tolerate any assassination comments. Not funny. Leave that to the Kos Kidz. The story has been out seven months and received very little coverage, and certainly not in the heat of an election cycle where it's impact can be much great where in highlighting it it can show how unpatriotic and even anti American the Democrats are.
Perhaps you could be a good chap and find out from Roger, since he is now imbued with mind reading capabilities, exactly what I'm going to mean the next time I make reference to something he choses to interpret beyond the words written. In that manner he won't be bothered with asking for a clarification he can simply know in his divine grace what all of us mean in similar situations. It would be most helpful in managing my time and effort if he would share just how he manages this divine gift. [url]http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewNation.asp?Page=/Nation/archive/200610/NAT20061020b.htm] Kennedys treachery with Andropov[/url]
dah If Roger consider this an assassination threat then he needs his head examined.
For you posters this was the ending of the original post which a capricious Roger felt threatened by and decided to read what was in HIS mind into it. "This is really too much. Get his ass to Dallas and right to Dealey Plaza immediately. Now have Mr Roger explain that as a call for an assassination attempt cause I love to hear his reasoning. What it is is bull shit censorship. According to Amazon.com here is the publisher and the date of the new publication
Publisher: Harper Perennial [und]September 18, 2007[/und] Word out is that the Republicans were going to use this as a source of Democratic duplicity and feed it into Obamas lack of foreign policy experience.
It would have changed the calculus of todays voting and reminded voters of Democratic foreign duplicity. Obama needs to visit Oradour-sur-Glane to see what his military policies will bring.
go read the 'Mr. Sammler's City' excerpt i posted on the Tom Hayden thread, habu -- re that French village murdered and erased by the nazi.
Jesus warned us of this in Matthew 24:15: It's the Obamanation of Desolation.
Obama means to place the United States in a position where it can no longer project power worldwide and thus effectively defend itself and other free countries of the right of deterrence and self defense.
wait wait what am I doing ..Roger might not like this and oh hell just forget it..let Roger do the writing, he;s the one with the tin foil hat. To hell with prince Caspian: he made key mistakes based on emotion. High King Peter is who we want.
Yes, I saw the movie. Read the books in the Sixties. BD,
The worst thing Roger can do to me is bar me from writing on this blog. If he does that he confirms what a small editing bully he is......I wonder if that would put a dampening effect on the contributions of others, always wondering if they were satisfying the anointed one? He is the one who chose to interpret my comment in the manner he did which is a sophomoric mistake since it gives your opposite the latitude to make you look like what you have already proved yourself to be ... a soothsayer without peer...and incorrect in your assumption. Roger is not a soothsayer. That I guarantee. Look, you open your blog and people come or they don't. You start acting sanctimonious and overweening and it ruins the venture. It's his choice. By stating that Mabus is suicidal, since he intends to take this country to the radioactive dust bin of history- and him with it, is that a threat of self assasination? This is soooo confusing.
Lets just start with all the lawyers... dang, there it is again, Mabus is a lawyer. Um, why not kill them with kindness instead- dammit. There is no way around the threats- best give in and submit this: traitors should be hanged. Ha! Just who is the traitor here? You answer and thereby make the threat- I'm done for now. Who would make a career out of forcing high taxation on Americans, including the estate tax which is designed to prevent dynastic fortunes, but hides his own assets in numerous trusts, including one in the Pacific island of Fiji?
Ted Kennedy, that's who. The Kennedys have transferred almost a billion bucks from generation to generation -- transfers of which the estate tax law claims nearly half. But according to the Kennedy's own records they paid only $34,000 in estate taxes. The largest asset, the Merchandise Mart real estate company, is in a trust domiciled in Fiji. This is to protect their own dynastic fortune, while they take active measures to insure that you and i won't ever have one to protect. I'd say that's quite a gap, that gap between $400M and $34K -- and in that gap is everything you need to know about the Liberal Project. ((check it out -- info made news in this book a few years ago)) http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLL,GGLL:2008-19,GGLL:en&q=do+as+i+say+liberal+hypocrisy Soros is another -- he wants your money to go to Uncle Sam, but Uncle Sam doesn't get to lay a finger on the Soros dough, which is in his businesses, which are headquartered in Caribbean tax havens.
"High Taxes For Thee, But Not For Me, thank you (and i do mean thank you) very much!" |
These ideas may appeal to the pacifists in the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party, but we need to make sure everyone knows what he proposes, and make him defend those ideas in November.
Tracked: May 20, 08:02