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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 13. 2008Tuesday cocktail hour links
Mark Helprin on The Challenge from China. I do not happen to see them as an enemy at all, just as a normal growing, amoral world power. Media playing by Obama's rules Never use gasoline to start your grill. Kerosene is OK. We always used to have a barrel of kerosene on the farm, with a spigot. Good for burning garbage too. A countercultural college Who do you call? Licebeaters Sowell: In politics, emotional gratification trumps truth. By the way, I am so ticked off at McCain about this global warming BS that I could spit. If it's just politics, fine, but if he really believes it... Counterjihad: Vienna 2008 The Good Old Days, when kids worked and contributed to their families instead of being lazy spoiled brats. "Members of the Mad Pride movement do not always agree on their aims and intentions." Tim Blair Irene Sendler, RIP Robert Rauschenberg, RIP. I interviewed him once, long ago, as a student. A lively fellow, full of curiosity, and as gay as a Christmas tree. Image: Rauschenberg's collage Stop, 1963 Trackbacks
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In 1857 the author Alexandre Dumas in his work Le Monte Cristo coined a masterfully enduring and aptly descriptive phrase, now used the world over:
Vous connaissez sa maxime, lorsqu'il veut découvrir un secret quelconque: cherchez la femme; dans ce cas la femme n'a pas été difficile à trouver which translated means: You know his maxim, when he wants to discover an unspecified secrecy: seek the woman; in this case the woman was not difficult to find The world performed it's magical shorthand and the phrase became simply: cherchez la femme .....seek the woman. Michelle will do her part in alienating large parts of the electorate that originally fell in love with BO. His eroding support is now the subject of political scientists attempting to understand the race issue. Well it's not race it's BO. I would have several other African Americans in the WH in a heartbeat, it would do the nation good, but BO is the wrong one. Michelle's big gaffe is coming...cherchez la femme. alot of work and I get SPAM...baloney....I worked for 40 minutes preparing a piece and SPAM shows up..their must be a reason but damn,damn,damn.
This http://www.iespell.com/ works. Place your cursor in the comment box, and right click for copy/spell check and other stuff. It has allowed me to save my cursing for more important uses.
Some interesting political science/psychological experiments on voters and race outlined in this article from the New Republic. An portion:
What, then, can the political psychology of race tell us about the current primaries and the coming general election? Clearly, Obama gained some votes in the early primaries from college-educated Democrats who liked the idea of an African American candidate transcending the historic conflict over race. And, if he had not been running against a popular female candidate, he might have won more support among white women. But Obama also lost voters to racial prejudice. One indication is the exit polls. The percentage of voters who backed Hillary Clinton (or, earlier, John Edwards) while saying that the "race of the candidates" was "important" in deciding their vote is a fair proxy for the percentage of primary voters who were disinclined to support Obama because he is black. That number topped 9 percent in New Jersey; in Ohio and Pennsylvania, two crucial swing states, it was more than 11 percent. And that's among Democratic primary voters, who are, on average, more liberal than the Democrats who vote in general elections. Obama's connection with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, which exploded into the news after the Ohio primary, may do lasting damage to his candidacy by undermining his attempt to transcend race. Wright's words tie Obama to the stereotype of the angry, hostile--and also unpatriotic--black who is seen as hating both whites and white America. Wright turns Obama into a "black candidate" like Jackson or Sharpton. And, as a black candidate, Obama falls prey to a set of stereotypes about black politicians New Republic ************ Dear Santa, Please allow this to go through without SPAMMING me. Thx BD..I've learned to put everything on the notepad ..if it's worth saving I put iy in Word..apparently the system doesn't like an ending with a command, in this case the URL for New Republic..but I added the **** and it went through..either that or Santa's working overtime.
also should be a portion , not An portion Thx again BTW the article is very good on the testing of voters reactions to how race plays a role.... H You wish McCain wasn't serious about warming. Keep wishing, you can wish for me.
Oh, and just wait for him to bring up the fairness doctrine. He will before the election. He will make a statement that if taken to it's logical conclusion would outlaw this blog along with every conservative radio show. After all we know what a hard on he has for killing free speech, especially the political kind. He's already tasted blood in this arena. Senator McCain is against the reinstatement of the fairness doctrine and supported the Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2007.
You aren't paying very close attention are you? A WEEK AGO he wasn't sure about globalwarming either.
He will flip. I can't wait to point that out when it happens. Yall must have just pecked yoself out of yo momma's shell.
McCain introduced Climate Stewardship Act with Joe Lieberman in 2003. Paranoia will destroy ya. Quit yall's whining and Vote McCain. I think McCain is just trying to chase the remaining Republicans out of the party.
McCain does not understand science well. Very few Senators and Representatives do, actually. Thus, he is at the mercy of those who sound most convincing.
BTW, Senator John Sununu of NH does understand science. Even when I disagree with him, I can at least follow his reasoning. Wait! Did Habu just say Michelle Obama has B.O.? And I thought it was just her living-in-a-racist-echo-chamber shrewiness screwiness that smelled bad.
Pardon me for this attempt at humor—it's just, I'm trying to kick start a mid-life crisis.
Hey man, no apologies. She's had to live with BO for years now.
jeez, wait'll your mid-life crisis is ancient history -- THAT's when you're really f**ked.
Charcoal lighter fluid is an excellent medium for cleaning oil base paints from from brushes and hands, too.
Leag finally made a sentence, and figured out a whole new way to be incoherent.
Latest reports on UN's U Thant, Hans Blix, and Milo Minderbinder, by grave commentator Erect Severhead, stage name Eric Sevareid
This is why I keep coming back to Maggie's, there's a lot of love here. By God it's tough love, but it's love never-the-less.
By God it IS tough!
buddy larsen
2008-05-14 13:20
I am hoping that "right wing" pols like Sen. McCain are jumping on the carbon bandwagon in order to give people a good look at what is really being prescribed. I think people will be spitting mad if their bills go up because of carbon. But it is also likely that some pols have been convinced that carbon will be the commodity that will revolutionize energy markets. Dumb, imo. And greedy. And potentially very costly in ways unforeseen.
He was like fingernails on a blackboard today, with that comment. He accepted the whole AGW premise. I could hardly believe my ears. Depressing as hell.
But wait! There's more! The jackass wants to continue the ban on drilling for oil in ANWR.
I never thought I'd say this, but I am going to sit this election out. I am going to hope that within the next four years the Dems will bollocks up the economy so badly that there is a huge backlash and they get thumped in 2012. I am going to hope that the nation can recover from the damage they do too. All I have left is the audacity of hope, it would seem.... Its getting to the point where McCain has only the fact that he is a war hero as a reason to vote for him. The dems are self destructing and he keeps running around making inane remarks. He's really trying hard to get me to stay home on election day. I think the man is too stupid to be president. I'd rather vote for his mother. Its not too late for third party candidates with Maggie's Farm principles. Tom Sowell for Pres.
Here's the reason to vote for McCain.
If the Democrats win the Presidency and control both Houses of Congress, with the Senate in super majority position then it is doubtful given their current political philosophy (socialism and redistribution of wealth) that we will see the Republic remain as the Founding Fathers intended. The remaining branch of government, the Supreme Court will come under the Democrats full control, which means the Appellate Courts will also. Here is the key: With a super majority in the Senate the Democrats will enlarge the Supreme Court from it's current number of nine judges to fifteen, perhaps even twenty one. The newly appointed judges will all be young socialists willing to toss the concept of Stare Decisis out the window and begin rulings anew. By so doing the Democrats can assure that if they lose the super majority or the White House in 2012 they will have set up a system that they have used for the past sixty years, legislating through SCOTUS, except this time the outcomes will be assured. Socialism in full bloom will replace the last vestiges of a republican form of government. This means an entirely new interpretation of the Bill of Rights. There will be no way to stop this from happening and SCOTUS with young socialist in the chairs will rule for many, many decades. What it means to business is more regulation, taxation, and the state taking over industries they deem most "vital", which will be defense,energy,agriculture, you name it. This country in four years, under those circumstances would be changed forever. That is what the Democrats will do for it assures them perpetual control of the government no matter who is elected in the future until the stars align the opposition in a position to undo the changes. That is highly unlikely to happen. As disgusting as it is, this seems to be our choice. There can be some definite strengths in the other races: state and local, but something must be done to change most of our national leadership. They have no understanding of what dangers approach us or they lack proper allegiance. In any case, the lack of border security, a distorted view of what "family values" Hispanics have, delusional academics who have no understanding of what our civilization requires( many of them don't want us to survive becaues they think we are undeserving), and no understanding whatsoever of what Jihad means , puts us in a terribly vulnerable position.
Habu is right...voting McCain is a defensive move at this point. Don't expect him to advance all conservative principles although he is pretty solid on some of them. We just have to keep the socialists from taking full control until the Repubs can find their footing again and start acting more like small 'l' libertarians, i.e., classical liberals.
Some times the world just works this way. It ain't great, but it's life. Quit whining and vote against the socialist agenda. Actually, gasoline works superbly when it comes to lighting briquets, far better than kerosene which leaves an oily residue and taste. My grandfather used it without incident for 30 years and my father did the same. The lesson here isn't "Don't use gasoline", it's "Don't be a moron". Check out this cavalcade of errors:
QUOTE: "The resulting darting flame made him drop the glass of petrol. That in turn startled his 28-year-old friend who dropped the petrol canister, which contained between three and five liters, onto the floor," police in the southwestern German city of Kaiserslautern said in a statement. The burning liquid ran off the balcony onto the host's car which burst into flames. The fire then engulfed his wife's car next to it as well another car parked on the other side. It must have been a great scene -- at least from across the street. Jephnol - Good luck with your impending midlife crisis. We're pulling for ya, old buddy. So, you going to start with the younger girlfriend or the Corvette? Phil G. produced a very accurate summation of my theory.
Sometime you must play defense and this is one of those times. Conservative causes will be lost forever if they hold out to only play offense with McCain quarterbacking. But if my scenario, which could easily, very easily come to pass, we'll never see the Bill of Rights mean anything again in our lifetimes and there will be nothing to check the socialists from instituting every program they can to bring us closer to a totally socialist country. We'll become known as Baja Canada. Give 'em three house and 60 senators, and we'll never be able to vote 'em out again. We'll slog thru gun control, "industrial policy" (semi-nationalizations), wealth taxation (a new form -- search the term), "fairness doctrine" attacks on conservative media, further destruction of students in favor of teacher's union control, politicization of government agencies (use of IRS, FBI against political enemies, an element of the Clinton's governance which the Dems approved via silence), criminaliztion of political differences (think Libby, think Waxman), and worst of all, union-directed attack on the global trade system (toward a captive domestic market), causing a 70's style financial collapse, and leading inexorably toward depression and world war. Oh, and say farewll to Israel utterly, and Europe as we know it, and hello to radical Islam, radical anti-west takeover of OPEC, the mideast, Africa, central Asia, Latin America, a takeover of Chinese foreign policy by the chi-com military faction ("hey, here's our big chance!") and an irreversable transfer of capital from west to east. Hyperbole? I fricken wish.
and expect the pro American-alliance politicians in the capitals of our allies to lose power, thus neutralizing -- or worse--our global influence (a tremendous component of our real power). Think about it from the perspective of our Pacific allies.
Uh oh. this sounds like more very serious trouble in China. Not good.
China says troops rush to plug dangerous cracks in dam (50 story Zipingpu Dam above Chengdu Plain) Associated Press via Yahoo ^ | 5/14/08 | AUDRA ANG http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2015872/posts Habu, I keep repeating to myself that stuff you wrote about why we should vote for McCain. The more McCain talks the more that shit starts to run thin. It will be a painful four years with the dims in power, but maybe thats what America needs as a wakeup call. If not, then maybe the country needs a total overhaul. Keep the powder dry.
sean, i've never noticed you missing a point before, but maybe you are missing one here.
the supreme court is that point. whatever happens on it 2008-2012 will carry far beyond that four-year hard lesson you rightly believe the country needs. think twenty years of active and deep undermining of the founder's vision -- of the ''American culture". just small flotsam in the dismal tide, but -- in order to please a few union bosses --the Dems are furiously helping Chavez organize latin america in his war against America:
http://thelineishere.org/?p=287 I know buddy your probably right. I just wish McCain would just shut up and make it easier for us to vote for him. Every time he talks its like he taunting us, because he knows we have no one else to vote for but him. i'm just letting off steam. I'll end up voting for the dick.
yeh -- i caught that 'taunt' thing too -- in the notorious AGW comment. He was tickled pink to be able to say he was going against his party on the issue. If i thought he understood the implications of the issue, it would have been far worse a thing to see. As is i think he just hasn't looked at what it means to our global economic position to sink a few percent of GDP into another federal wealth-eating civil-service jobs program. and even THAT would be less intolerable if the issue itself wasn't such a made-for-chumps boondoggle.