Does money buy happiness? No, but success helps - however defined.
The You Cannot Make This Stuff Up Department. Tornados caused by global warming! Also, try this - Earthquakes! And that cyclone thing was over the top. This weather BS is agenda-driven, and nothing more. If you ask me, warming causes my migraines and, given what's been reported thus far, it probably does. (Nobody ever mentions the inconvenient truth that there has been cooling for 10 years, and cooling predicted for the next ten.)
On the other hand, let's begin the list of everything global cooling causes, starting with jet crashes
Microsoft wants to go after Google's ad revenue. Good luck, guys. It ain't gonna happen. Smarter folks than me are pricing MSFT.
Book: The Post-American World. Yes, with Capitalism and freedom, the whole world is waking up.
Campus rape update. Villainous.
The real Presidential campaign has begun. And Riehl on Obama:
Whether it's politically correct to say it, or not, additional facts are worth acknowledging. This isn't someone named Colin Powell. The candidate's full name is Barack Hussein Obama. Tell me, how many Americans do you know by the first name of Barack, let alone his middle-name? Have you ever known one?
Yes, there may be some white voters who will shun Obama simply because he is black. But that strikes me as a bit simplistic in this case. Frankly, I'm not sure a white individual by the name of Barack Hussein Obama could win the presidency.
Ultimately, Obama may be one too politically correct bridge too far to go given current demographics. Like it or not, along with whatever number of whites harbor concerns over Obama's color, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that an equal number have more concerns over his ancestry and given name.
Frankly put, even in 2008, the name Barack Obama just doesn't sound American. He is. I am not questioning that. But appearances mean a great deal. And Obama appears to be some configuration that probably strikes a good percentage of the population as something other than mainstream American. And that, more than just his color, will likely spell his doom when it comes to a general election.
A new theory about Stonehenge.
Empathy is not justice. Dr. Helen. No, it is not. We are designed to be a nation of laws, not men.
The New Journalism: How to downplay an inconvenient story. Wizbang
Burma and China: Perfect together