Blogs akin to "unpoliced conversation"
Huh? WTF? Well, according to the Archbishop ("Archdruid") of Country Store
Bernard Goldberg's new book
The author of Bias has his new book, 100 People Who are Screwing Up America. Surely a book about the Big Termites. This will be a best-seller. No, the review won't tell you who the 100 are - I checked.
Al Quaida in Canada
Gee, Canadians are just so nice and tolerant. At some point, the famous "Canada nice" begins to creep me out. Is it nice, or is it sheer fecklessness and spinelessness? In Jihad Watch.
Vast Left Wing Conspiracy
An interview with York, at American Enterprise: Click here: The American Enterprise: The Empire Strikes Back
Peace Studies for Jihad
From the nation's Orkin man, Horowitz: Click here: FrontPage :: Pacifists for Genocide by Eugene Girin