Surrender by Al Sadr. This kind of thing might explain why.
Global warming is making people crazy? Unbelievable. (h/t, Carnival of the Insanities)
"Hillary flings dirt but it sticks to her." Sullivan. Also, "Obama didn't go to law school for nothing." neoneo/ Also, "Barack Obama: Our new appeaser." Michael Goodwin
Bobby Jindal update. Blue Crab
How over-rated is John Steinbeck? NY Review of Books
Farm Scams. Conspiracy:
Whatever you want to say about the sharpies on Wall Street, they are pikers compared to Max's and Chuck's friends down on the farm when it comes to picking the pockets of taxpayers and consumers, or concocting a system in which the farmers get all the gains while the government assumes most of the risk.
From a letter to the editor by Don Boudreaux:
So I commend you on your "Earth Hour" effort. Persuading people across the globe to turn off lights for one hour supplies the perfect symbol for modern environmentalism: a collective effort to return humankind to the dark ages.