I will be wending my way after work today to Rudy's Bar & Grill under heavy sniper fire. Pray for me.
Speaking of Clinton lies, At least she didn't claim to be in Cambodia
McCain gives good straight talk on mortgages
A good example of why the Dems lept at the chance to abandon Hillary. Also, David Brooks on Hillary's Long Defeat. It's true: you can't keep your eyes off a traffic accident. Also, What's worse - racist or sexist? Classical Values
A close call. Back from the brain dead.
Suburbs in decline. Boston Review
Separate and unequal at Harvard. Hoist on their own dumb PC petard.
NYT lied, frogs died. Can't the MSM get it into their heads that there is no significant global warming? It's a model, not a fact. But lies are stubborn things.
Time is ripe for the Iraqis to kill Al Sadr
Want to join the Hour of Power?
What next? Does Gov. Paterson have a bad case of TMI ?
Our occasional commenter Mr. Snitch gets it about the Dem race. ...I think. From what I can tell, that race is over. You can be very dead long before the Doc writes the death certificate.
Unbelievable. The Massachusetts-Chavez connection. h/t, Insty
Photo: McSorley's Ale House, 1937