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Monday, February 11. 2008Monday Morning Links
Speaking of speech, keep your mouth shut at the China Olympics. As with Hillary, do not mock the Leaders. How aging liberals "think." The guy is a racist and a dope. (h/t, Am. thinker) You are what you spend. NYT Captured diary: Al Qaida in Iraq on its last legs. In the meantime, they are making themselves unwelcome in Paki too. Maybe Chimphitler Bush is onto something. Westminster Dog show today and tomorrow. Alas, they do not do hunt trials. Who predicted this? With the Hillary campaign taking body blows and clearly in disarray, she is banking on the party insiders to pull it out for her. However, that would not look good. (TNR actually claims Clintons plan to steal the nomination.) Even Frank Rich and John Cole are tiring of the aging Clinton machine, and it occurred to me today that the "change" mantra of Obama was really first directed at the Clintons - while not appearing to be. Very clever. As VA Gov. Wilder said yesterday, "They have had their time." Whose side are they (the press) on? Am Thinker More on the "curious affinity of the Left with Islamism." "Why are Democrats so bitterly divided along gender and racial lines?" The answer, of course, is that that is what Marxist-Gramscian thought suggests as a tactic. When government controls the purse strings, they make the decisions (for the good of "all," of course - which doesn't mean you. Who makes the life and death decisions in socialized medicine? Flat out lies at the LA Times. More on the coming global cooling crisis. It's as cold as hell up here. We know you don't need us to monitor Insty for you, but sometimes we can't help ourselves (he keeps getting better and better - does he really have a day job?):
Posted by The News Junkie
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"We know you don't need us to monitor Insty for you"
Apart from the fact that people dig links sites, would you like to know two reasons why he gets so many hits? 1. Most sites, as a courtesy to their readers, off-link to other sites by opening a new browser window. That way, the person finishes up the article, closes the window, and they're back on the original site. Glenn doesn't, and for a reason. When you don't open a new window, then hit the 'Back' button when you're done with the article, that's a fresh 'hit' for Glenn's site. If 10,000 people drop by, click on just one link, then hit the 'Back' button, that's 20,000 hits. Now multiply that by reading five or six links (and hitting the 'Back' button after each one) and you can see how the numbers really add up. 2. But what if you go to Instapundit and just sit there, not clicking on anything? Note this line from his header: >META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="1800" Every 1,800 seconds, the page refreshes and that's another 'hit'. So, if you're using IE 7 or Firefox and open Instapundit on a separate tab, it's sitting there refreshing and refreshing itself, racking up the hits, while you're off reading other things. Drudge employs the same two tricks to boost his numbers. His refresh is set to every 1,000 seconds, and can you imagine how many people 'tab' his page while they go off reading other things? For both Drudge and Glenn, the tabbed pages are basically sitting there acting as 'hit generators' for hours and hours every day. All in all, a pretty good example of "statistics can be deceiving." All true Dr. M., but aside from the nefarious motives you describe... I never use the forward and back buttons. I've been a right click 'new window' user for years. As well, though I admit to mixed feelings, I like the auto refresh that Glenn uses. Saves me the trouble of hitting the refresh button.
And don't forget... the major reason Glenn gets so many hits is because he is good at what he does. I know that if there is something of import going on out in the world I will find it on his site. Sure, he may not be the fastest at putting up the news, but it will get there. Off any of the above subjects, Levon Helm won the best Traditonal Folk CD at the Grammys last night. Congratulations Levon. It was a big weekend for Levon as his daughter Amy had a baby boy on saturday night. He didn't go to the Grammys but had a Grammy version of the Ramble, he called a Gramble last night. Phoebe Snow was a guest performer. It was filmed by RFD-TV and is going to be aired soon. I don't have a date on it.
Dr. M
Thanks for confirming a long held suspicion of mine. I'm basically and end user of this tool. Yeah I can defrag , wow! However I suspected that something on the order of what you just outlined was occurring. My mind took me to the marketing of the site aspect where the owner could approach a potential advertiser who wouldn't be up on what you just described and would be paying because of "hits". And I'm sure that's the way it's done ....somebody help me out and tell me I'm wrong...cause I really don't know , but suspect the techies are ahead of the ad people and have taken them for a ride ... The new P.T Barnum .."To the egress" And the two means I described are just the tip of the iceberg. If I had a site where I was making money on click-through banners, I'd have a wall of $15 flea market computers lined up, each using randomly-generated IP addresses with each machine clicking on the banners in randomly-generated patterns 24 hours a day.
I mean, that's what I read some people might do! As far as the term "hits" goes, you're right, in that there are a number of ways to view the word, and for a sharp salesperson to push them on an unwary customer. "We're getting over 2 million hits a day!" Except that every item on a web page is a "hit". In the old days of modems, you could watch the status bar down at the bottom of the browser and it would say "connecting to...", "connecting to...", over and over again, as it grabbed the page, twelve icons, six pieces to your banner and frame bar, five horizontal lines and a hundred transparent GIF pictures measuring 1 pixel by 1 pixel... ...and that's 124 "hits". For just one page. The next thing ya know, "We're getting over 2 million hits a day!" Here's a fresh example. I just went over to a web site I used to maintain and looked at their stats for January: 4,728,302 hits! Wow! But... Number of visits: 31,140 Unique visitors: 8,227 In other words, 8,000 die-hard Country-Western fans dropped by the web site once a week to see what was up. That's certainly a respectable number, but not quite as salesworthy as "over 2 million!" Good Morning!
Ok, Ok, with the full expectation that some of you will be ROLFLAO when you read this--I cam going to post this thought anyway. Then those of you with access to stronger computer skills than I have can do the research and follow the data. It is my contention that THIS move toward establishing a ban on guns (beginning with the DC case, and going on with the Friend of the Court brief, there has been an increase in public "execution" style hits/slayings. I do not include the VA Tech incident. But, I am looking at all the little incidents that are in public places: convenience stores, ladies stores, etc.etc. Why do I say that you may ask? A long, long time ago a magazine which used to have honor and factual reporting as part of its raison d'etre, reported that the mafia types had at anytime about several thousand nut cases they could fire up, and send out to "do a job". I have no doubt that those who would have us loose this right, would use this tactic (increased rate of public incidents) to support the current legal efforts. To draw attention to the contrived "need". Re: this tactic (increased rate of public incidents)
If it were not already a fact y'all would be prophetic. http://www.csgv.org/atf/cf/{23E96A35-4C75-41EE-BDDD-4BD3A3B59010}/EFSGV%20Heller%20Brief.pdf Homeland Security easing immigrant background checks...
Borders, we don't need no stinking borders. This is beyond sanity. Just last week the intelligence chief Chartoff and the other pooh bahs warned that they still know that AQ is attempting to strike us again. OK so we couple this with W ban on weapons and what will surely be a Democratic ban on weapons and you've got the makings of a servile nation... They will have to kill me to take my guns. If the government wants war they're begging for an internal uprising ...open border, no background checks, and gun restrictions...none of it the mark of a free country. Bring it on, you can't live forever. Republican gun restrictions flourished in California during Raygun government via Mulford Act.
Republican Raygun stuck to his deeply held gun control convictions 16 years later signing unto the Brady Bill. Folks back then ranted same flap but but it's a Heston kinda declaration; pure fantasy. Good luck. Yes - you are dead right about Obama. Since the two platforms are identical, that is the only thing the "change" mantra could really be: a veiled jab at the Clintons.
This became clear to me a couple weeks ago when an Obama volunteer somehow got my cellphone # and begged me to vote for him in the primary entirely on the basis of that one word. No substance whatsoever, just a lot of vague code words for "I'm not Hillary." Clinton stealing the election. So whats new with the Clintons and theft? Here's the kicker fron Viking pundit.
*A decade's worth of resentment has come rushing out, as Democrats have suddenly felt free to despise the Clintons without worrying that their venting might aid Republicans*descenting Now this writer has to be on some type of reality altering drug to make this statement. Does he think the rest of us were asleep during the Clinton Plague? The Clintons were backed as god like by the Democrats. Who among the Democrats was a critical voice? Please Viking quit writing if that is what you're going to offer. Yeah the press may want change and many are hopping on the Soul Train but it's all for future access, the oxygen of all reporters. No access and you're soon writing obits for the Ottumwa Iowa Corn Pone. With access and it's one record wonder, Eddie Murphy's "Party All the Time". Party All the Time http://youtube.com/watch?v=m5LX16zia2k Re: How liberals think..Philip Roth interview..interviewers query to audience after a Roth answer about Obamas attributes.
" You do appreciate, don’t you, the fact that Roth is completely uninterested in Obama’s abilities, background, politic beliefs, political experience, associates, ideology, indeed anything of substance ? Duh...at this point Obama is the second coming, the birth of the Beatles in America, and Bill Mazeroski's, 7th Game, 9th inning homer to beat the Yankees in the 1960 World Series. NOBODY BUT NOBODY is examining anything but the shine of his shoes and the cut of his suit. In the first international crisis I would bet big money he'll wet himself. Obama is the national Ray Nagin N-person. A bit more polished but never tested and the WH is wrong place to begin the process.
Given their family's well documented fear of the Chicago/Daly political system--how did the Kennedy clan decide which to choose? What criteria were they using?
1. Obama is not as bad as those who run the Daly City political machine. Or, 2. Obama is the baddest of the bunch and therefore the clan will be again rewarded for supporting the bad guys. What was the reason for their support of Obama? AP,
I'm not sure where you're getting news on a Kennedy-Daly feud but it was Daly that handed JFK the Presidency..doesn't sound like a blood feud to me. They may have had a difference of opinion on an issue or two but there's not much denying that the 1960 election turned on Cooke County, the Daly machine and he delivered for JFK. Dear Meta:
With regard to your comments on the "education" page. You state a very important fact. And, we commend all teachers for that incredible effort to educate the masses. HOWEVER, clearly the system is broken. I believe that there was a "convergence" of events that led to the system we are in desperate need of repairing. First. The decision to bus white kids into black neighborhoods in order to integrate. Schools are not about integration--they are about education. ALl of that money used for busing should have been put to work in those schools in the black communities!!! Teachers should have been rewarded for taking those "more difficult" posts. African/American parents should be rewarded when their child shows up clean and ready to learn. Hell, we'll feed the kid as part of the deal--but, contempt for education on the part of the black parent cannot be tolerated anylonger. The development of "non-meritocracy" as a legitimate outcome is really the design of an excuse to cover the problem!! It allowed/enabled the teacher with an ethical sense of responsibility to "pass through" the non-achiever without remorse... We have many good hearted teachers in my family. All of whom have been told to pass a failing student through the system.. Sorry, that is an evil far more destructive than seperating groups and treating them according to THEIR situations in order to get the same result: an 18 year old who can read, write, and do mid level math. Such is not always the case with students coming in to university here. Forgot to mention that a philosophy of "passing through" evolved to protect the employment status of the teacher--a union goal.
I do believe that experienced teachers' salaries should be on a par--let's say with your local state legislator. However, we have come to a place of "fair wages" by travelling down the wrong avenue. AP,
You're leaving little doubt that you are in this mode: " You do appreciate, don’t you, the fact that Roth is completely uninterested in Obama’s abilities, background, politic beliefs, political experience, associates, ideology, indeed anything of substance ? An update on the gagging of British Olympic athletes... it seems that publicity of the 'contract' has led to changes. Of the good sort.
http://www.anenglishmanscastle.com/archives/005327.html And AP... many are the problems in our educational system... and yet another example here perhaps. http://www.anenglishmanscastle.com/archives/005318.html Kids should be allowed to be kids a little longer... this article would appear to vindicate that POV. WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - About Louis Kestenbaum - A teenage girl has filed a $50 million lawsuit against a New York billionaire, saying he sexually abused her when she was 14.
Louis Kestenbaum”s attorney says the allegations are false and motivated by money. Kestenbaum is also the CEO of Fortis properties and the ODA a goverment funded organisation in the williamsburg section of Brooklyn NY The girl, now 17, claims Louis Kestenbaum invited her to his Florida mansion in 2005 to perform a massage for $300. The lawsuit, filed in federal court, claims he demanded she remove her clothes, then sexually assaulted her. The girl, her father and stepmother are seeking more than $50 million. I just want to add that this louis kestenbaum is the father of JOEL KESTENBAUM "Speaking of speech, keep your mouth shut at the China Olympics."
Everywhere I've gone today, people are up in arms about this. I know this will come as a shock, but I hold a dissenting view. Have you really thought this through? You sure this is what you want? "So tell us, Skip, how did you edge out the competition in the 400-meter relay?" "Well, if it hadn't been for Al Gore and his warnings about global warming, I never would have..." Yuck. http://www.dr-mercury.com/tb/tbbe.htm I followed the trail you provided Leag. Interestingly enough it came to this place:
http://www.csgv.org/site/c.muLYJ7MMKrH/b.2607897/k.C29E/Donate.htm If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will note they maintain to "entities", it looks like a wonderful set up for "blending" funds -- where the money for a non-profit gets used to lobby for political agendas. Gun rights advocates should be investigating these two "entities" quickly. I would imagine a quick search on Guidestar might produce some interesting leads! What's good for the goose . . . I didn't go there but it sounds like a task for some enterprising law students, for sure.
My interest is amicus briefs. This one is 235 pages! and I'm working on getting through it still. They raise the issue of victims and some victims joined the brief. Thanks, AP, for your comments. I'm afraid I don't follow much of what you say but will list a few things and keep it short.
"...we commend all teachers for that incredible effort to educate the masses." Who is the 'we' in this statement? The two paragraphs about blacks and rewarding parents and segregation: I am not prepared to respond to what you say here as it goes against much of what I believe. It seems patronizing, as well. The rest of what you write is about 'social promotion'. That was gone by the time I started teaching, so it is most definitely a thing of the past. I don't know what state you are in, but in Virginia, which is 6th in the nation in education, we have Standards of Learning tests. A student cannot graduate with passing these tests. If they fail, they are given remedial help. Sorry for the brevity, but your comments took my breath away. . Sorry Meta, did not mean to disturb you. When I was a young mother I worked tirelessly to get bussing into our system. It was a mistaken solution. We should have gone into the problem of educating poor people. That is to say if our focus was on finding ways to make certain they got the help, the money, the buildings, etc. to ASSURE a quality education in their communities, we would have been addressing the right question.
I realize that coming off of the email page, it might sound racist--but, that is not my intention. My intention is to put the important assets where they are needed. In MS, for example, the school system has been so degraded that for years white parents have been using private schools. These are not racists--these are people who work tirelessly in blackcommunities, they volunteer time, money, etc. But, the problem is getting the African/American parents (like Bill Cosby says) to come to the door of the school house with kid in tow. That is to say the parents must support the effort to educate, or everyone looses. If these children are hungry, or poorly clothed, then we should take care of these problems--IF they are actively engaged in education! That is the trade off! I ahve seen far too many poor communities in this world where the children live in conditions much worse than MS, or elsewhere in this country. But, the moment they have a chance at education those poor, illiterate parents make every effort to make it happen for their children. In WA state a brand new elementary school was built--all the bells and whistles. It was touted as a truly "international school". This school was built in a university community. The expectation, the hope if you will was tthat the Asian students would pull the African/American students along with them; much like in the old fashioned one room school house model. Then reality hit: the Asian parents realized their kids were not moving along as rapidly as they needed to, and that their children were having to spend too much time on "team work" with fellow students, who did not have the same study environmnet at home. Consequence: the Asian families have moved out of the school, either by enrolling in private schools, or moving to other neighborhoods. Sorry, Meta--the time has come to realize that our best intentions have not always provided the best solutions. Thanks, AP
I can't say I disagree with anything you write other than to say the problems you mention are not universal. Mississippi's problems are long-term and more political than racial. In most states that I am aware of, students are put into classes according to their ability. The problem you cited with the new elementary school is familiar. There are programs for gifted and talented, but the kids are all together for most of the day. My kids were in the GT program, and what that got them aside from special classes was to be 'team leaders'. My daughter is an equable, sweet person and her teachers always put her on the 'team' with the unruly jerks with 70 I.Q.s. It really bothered her because she wanted to complete the assignment to perfection so it meant she did all the work and kept the idiots quiet. I do know what you speak of in that regard and still get mad thinking about it. There is no answer for it at that age because to put them into classes according to ability almost guarantees they will remain at that ability. It would be grossly unfair. It could be my daughter inspired one or two along the way to view accomplishment as a good thing. But it all changes when they get into the higher grades and no damage done as it turns out. I do know that I got all the mainstreamed special ed students in tenth and twelfth grade, and the regular students helped the special ed kids without a thought. It was cool to see. Teenagers are the greatest as far as I'm concerned. That's a book waiting to be written! Too many thoughts and too many stories......... Oh. One last thought - private school, religious school, public school - the teacher makes the difference. Teachers can work magic. . If by "Special Ed" you are speaking of children with physical, or mental handicaps(medical issues) yes, of course it is nice to see the regular kids helping them, and we should encourage that behavior in all . However, living in a poor community is not a medical issue--in my mind it is not "special ed". Perhaps, we need a category titled "poverty ed" then we could focus on the true and unique parameters of THIS particular problem.
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