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Friday, February 1. 2008Art and P*rnography
after a bit, he gets to the heart of the art vs. porn issue, which he uses as an example of how things can be "despiritualized":
Image: Raphael's Adam and Eve in the Vatican
Posted by Bird Dog
in Religion, The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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"...which is why it has been remarked that philosophy is "error on a grandiose scale."
This is passive voice. I wonder who said it? Senator Phil E. Buster from Pisspot, Mississippi? So, if the philosophers are in error on a grandiose scale, who gets to ask and ponder the answers to such questions as: Do we have free will? Is science the new philosophy? Where is God? How does language hold meaning? What are the ethics of making war? What is our purpose? Most literature is pornographic."
The thinking that produced this statement is pornographic in its ignorance. "In fact, almost all his troubles are caused by his intelligence, through which he believes so many amazing things that can't be so."
I don't understand this statement. Is he saying one has to be stupid to believe in God? Quarks? Neutrinos? I mean, like what 'amazing things' is he talking about? How to get an egg into a bottle? Would it be better for the world, then, if man were really dumb? That we would not err so much if we were plodding creatures who asked no questions or deigned to paint that which appeals to our senses? Can someone answer this, please? Meta
the D size batteries are on aisle 3. grab some and go for it. you need it. Meta, I can't answer your questions (brain dead after work), but you are right to ask them. I am as exasperated sometimes by Gagdad Bob as you are. The original Tefon therapist. So used to being needed too much by hurting people that he overvalues his own opinions when they are realy no more than just another searching sinner's notes along the way...
I think many shrinks get so sick of being idealized or harangued without being allowed to fight back that they are quite gleeful about being enfants terriblles in non-professional life. It must be tiresome having people hanging on your every word... cf the New Yorker for a funny description of this http://www.newyorker.com/humor/2008/01/28/080128sh_shouts_kenney Having said that, he's still good entertainment. Plenty of narcissistic jerks are good for diversion and to set one thinking. Sometimes I think that the useful thing about reading GB is that, ike Pilate, he asks interesting questions. Can't you just imagine JC, beaten, scared, confused, and PIlate asking him "What is truth..."and those neurons firing up, all the things going thru Jesus' mind "Do I tell this guy what he is asking for, or do I keep quiet so that he wil spend the rest of his life figuring it out for himself. I wil make him work for it, so he appreciates it when he finallly gets it...." Another mental picture that pops into my head when I read Gagdad Bob is of my litte brother and my male cousins aged around 6, chortling as they competed to see who could pee further off the the back porch...We older sisters all sighed in unison "Boys are so GROSS AND IMMATURE AND THINK THEY ARE SO COOL!" The boys of course, could not have cared less about the criticism of a bunch of females they didn't happen to want anything from anyway...Criticising Gagdad Bob for his pontificating and gibberish is like criticsing those happy litte boys. Just leave them to it, and trust to time and life to eventually civiize them. Good grief, Retriever - always write when you're tired. This was excellent! Your comparisons via metaphor and story are brilliant, and you made me laugh out loud. You nailed it in your first paragraph, though, about some shrinks..... that was great, as was your imagery about what Jesus might have thought. Terrific sum-up at the end. :)
GOOD on you! M, thanks. Dragging, tho. Off to church for supper now, hoping that kids don't make like Cain and Abel in our absence or Ferris Bueller's day off.
Retriever, you stand on your insight of life, never stop.
Meta you are smart , you know the answer to your own guestion. Give it a rest, it's Friday for crying out loud.
Friday means we don't get to be entertained by meta-questions?
I was listening to Peter Frampton when I began to read this post, but I switched to Bach’s Suite for Orchestra No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: II. Air, performed by Yehudi Menuhin, Bath Festival Orchestra, because it makes me weep.
Just for today, I agree with Aquinas’ belief in the partial fall of man. Intellect, un-bruised by sin, is a great barrier against foolish faith but, alas, the heart is deceitful above all things. To quote Funkadelic: “Free your mind, your ass will follow.” Or if you prefer Stephen Jay Gould: "Objectivity cannot be equated with mental blankness; rather, objectivity resides in recognizing your preferences and then subjecting them to especially harsh scrutiny—and also in a willingness to revise or abandon your theories when the tests fail (as they usually do)." To riff on the theme: Renew your mind and your heart will follow. (Essential reading if you’re into Bob’s vibe: The God Who Is There and Escape from Reason by Francis Schaeffer.) Now I’m going to plug into Crystal Method’s P.H.D. and do some art, cause I gotta’ get my p*rn on…. Yeah, just keep popping to the surface like a cork and you'll be fine, Anon.
maggies farm may get the uber geek award if we don't mention in some way the super bowl. i like the cowboys
Another team, Luther.
I love it when the batter hits one into the stands and everyone riots. Too cool for school. William & Mary is the only team that can play itself. William usually wins. Mary gets even later, after the dance.
I like Steve Martins jokes about philosophy. I liked Gagdads article too. Not sure I understand it but I liked it.)
From Wiki.... Steve Martin majored in philosophy at California State University, Long Beach, and for a while considered becoming a philosophy professor instead of an actor-comedian. His time at college changed his life: "It changed what I believe and what I think about everything. I majored in philosophy. Something about non sequiturs appealed to me. In philosophy, I started studying logic, and they were talking about cause and effect, and you start to realize, 'Hey, there is no cause and effect! There is no logic! There is no anything!' Then it gets real easy to write this stuff, because all you have to do is twist everything hard—you twist the punch line, you twist the non sequitur so hard away from the things that set it up, that it's easy... and it's thrilling." Martin periodically spoofed his philosophy studies in his 1970s stand-up act, comparing philosophy with studying geology. "If you're studying geology, which is all facts, as soon as you get out of school you forget it all, but philosophy you remember just enough to screw you up for the rest of your life." Patina,
I read a couple of Steve Martin's books, and he's got the smarts, all right. He has a gift for understanding and whittling down human nature, playing with it and then lauding it. That probably does come from studying the different philosophies because none are ever definite (by nature they aren't) but they do offer so many possibilities about human nature. I don't blame him for making fun of them, but they served him well as a brilliant comedian. Man, he's funny about it, too. would rather watch this than read most philosophy....think Steve made the right career move.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjenBIgqLPU&mode=related&search= (if link doesn't work, it's the one about kitten juggling)
I'm a big fan of the Gagdad, already read this post, but it's a good read the second time as well. Thanks
steve martin, and SCTV --breakthru humorists all (both?)
From Bob's One Cosmos Under God book description:
"One Cosmos Under God takes the reader on an intellectual and spiritual journey through the whole of creation, describing the evolution of the cosmos from the big bang to the ultimate state of consciousness. It is a comprehensive, self-consistent account of our universe which draws out implications of the latest scientific knowledge and accessibly harmonizes material from a wide range of disciplines. The book also provides a "road map" for serious spiritual aspirants of all faiths who wish to establish an experiential relationship to the non-local dimension that is the ultimate source and destiny of our cosmos. One Cosmos under God represents nothing less than a new religio-scientific "mythunderstanding" for our time, in which humans are cosmologically situated and revealed to be the key to fathoming the mystery of existence itself. Daring to venture where language cannot go, One Cosmos actually begins in the "mind of God" prior to creation, and culminates in the "mind of the saint" who has transcended the culturally conditioned ego, awakened from the nightmare of history, and merged with the divine mind." Dude! Like, I finally get it. It's like dropping acid and watching Timothy Leary and Shirley Mclaine starring in an off off-broadway production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Far out! GIMMEE A MAN WITH HAIR, wouldn't you like top ride in my beautiful balloon, It Is The Dawning Of The Age Of Aquarious, age of aquarious, age of...sputter...sputterrrr.....
So, Jethnol.... I am glad to hear yuth hath no mythunderstanings of One Cosmoth under God. Gagdath Bob wrote that review, by thee wayeth.